After divorce, I married the richest man

Chatper 153

"Who is it?"

Mother Su couldn\'t help asking: "Do we know each other? Where are we from and what do we do? Do you have any children?"

"There\'s a five-year-old, but we have a great time, so don\'t worry about that."

Su Nianen paused for a few seconds before continuing: "The most important thing is that he knows everything about my past, including my infertility."


Su\'s mother suddenly had a buzzing in her head. She had been avoiding asking about this matter.


"You are young, why can\'t you have a baby? Have you checked it out? You have been healthy and healthy since childhood. What is the reason why you can\'t conceive?"

"After checking, the chance is very slim, almost none. The chance of pregnancy is one percent, and there is a very high possibility of ectopic pregnancy after pregnancy."

Su Nianen shook her head helplessly, "I have consulted many Chinese and Western doctors, and the possibility of pregnancy is very small."

"Less doesn\'t mean it hasn\'t happened. What if we are the lucky ones? Well, now that medicine is so advanced, it will definitely be cured. At this age, how can there be a woman who can\'t have children? You are still so young."

When Su\'s mother said this, she felt that she had said something wrong, and looked at her daughter distressedly.

She never thought that her daughter would be sterile.

But even if he couldn\'t give birth, Lin Wenfeng couldn\'t make mistakes just because of this reason, and make his daughter sad!

"Enn, don\'t be discouraged, it\'s not a big problem. It can be cured for sure." Mother Su said.

Su Nian\'en suddenly said: "Mom, do you still remember a sister from my grandmother\'s house? The ectopic pregnancy almost disappeared. After being rescued, she couldn\'t conceive again. She adopted a child, but she still divorced and took care of the child."

"Then you don\'t necessarily have an ectopic pregnancy, and that kind of thing doesn\'t happen often..."

"The reason for her ectopic pregnancy was that her fallopian tubes were not smooth, and the ectopic pregnancy caused her fallopian tubes to be cut. This is the reason why she couldn\'t get pregnant at all." Su Nianen said in a low voice: "And for me, one side is blocked, and the other side is blocked. , It’s a tortuous move, I’ve gone to many doctors to see my angiography pictures, but I don’t have a chance.”

Su Nianen lowered her face, and her whole body was shrouded in shadow.

"No chance."

Mother Su murmured, why did her beautiful daughter get this disease?

"So, after Mr. Jiang\'s family knows about my situation, will they accept it?" Su Nianen asked Su\'s mother.

Professor Su\'s face was serious, "According to the current level of medical development, cancer can be cured, so there is no cure for this problem?"

"I have consulted doctors, and I have also asked some women who have struggled with this problem for many years. The doctor said that the operation can be unblocked, but after more than a month of unblocking, there is no pregnancy, and the problem will occur again. Moreover, other problems will also appear. Some of the same symptoms There are very few women who have been treated for several years and finally give birth to a child."

Su Nianen finished speaking, took a deep breath, and then pretended to be relaxed.

"I didn\'t want to talk to you about such a heavy topic, but I don\'t think we can deceive others. I can\'t trust people in their family, so I failed to tell the truth about me. I don\'t want to be publicized that I am sick Aunt Jiang is very enthusiastic, but she also looks down on me, a divorced woman."

Su Nianen looked at her parents, "Sorry, I let you down again."

"Then your current partner, do you know all these things?"

"Yes, he doesn\'t mind."

"You mean he already has a son?" Mother Su asked.

"Yes, I like his son very much, and we get along very well. Maybe, this is God\'s compensation for me. I think I can also learn to be a good mother." Su Nianen smiled.

She got up, "I have to go back, I have to go to school tomorrow."

"Near grace."

Professor Su suddenly stopped Su Nianen, "If you have any difficulties, tell your family, don\'t fight everything alone."

Su Nianen turned around with a smile, "Didn\'t I come back to ask for help? Thank you parents for understanding."

Ding dong——

When the doorbell rang, Su Nianen frowned, and subconsciously asked, "Mom, did you call Teacher Jiang?"

Forget it, let\'s make it clear when we come.
"I don\'t have one." Mother Su quickly denied.

Su Nian\'en didn\'t believe it, she quickly walked to the door and opened it.

"Near grace."

The tall man standing at the door was Gu Xichuan.

Su Nianen\'s stern face froze for a moment, "Why are you here?"

Isn\'t he not in Qingdu City?

"It\'s getting late, I\'ll pick you up." Gu Xichuan said.

Mother Su and Professor Su came out, and Gu Xichuan immediately greeted them politely and thoughtfully.

"Hello Auntie, Hello Professor Su, please forgive me for disturbing you."

Professor Su didn\'t understand what he meant, "Xi Chuan, you\'re here..."

Gu Xichuan is Professor Su\'s most proud student. Over the years, he hasn\'t talked about it all the time. In fact, it\'s because Gu Xichuan had already received a notice from Yale University. And the papers he needs to publish are just icing on the cake. Professor Su was the one who was temporarily assigned by the school, so he took it with him.

Gu Xichuan was indeed his student, but he was different from other students. Professor Su only supervised his dissertation, not for a long time, only about a month before and after. After that, Gu Xichuan went abroad. He was under the name of Professor Su, but he was not taught by Professor Su. With his current status, Professor Su would not take credit for it, and he was even more afraid that others would think that he was a fake tiger.

Gu Xichuan appeared in front of Professor Su after many years, and asked Su Nianen to be his teacher for his son.

For this reason, he donated a science and technology museum to Qingda University.

But this matter has been settled.

Professor Su believes that people like Gu Xichuan will not come to the door again.


"Mr. Gu, are you here to find our old Su?" Su\'s mother asked.

Gu Xichuan hurriedly denied it, and glanced at Su Nianen.

"Excuse me for interrupting, I\'m here to pick up Nian En, Xi Chuan is rude."

Hearing these words, the Su family and his wife were stunned for a moment. What does this mean?

"Then, Nian En, you should leave quickly, it\'s getting late." Professor Su said.

Su Nian\'en nodded, "Dad, Mom, please leave what I\'m talking about tonight, I\'m leaving first, and I\'ll come back when I\'m free."

Su\'s mother looked at Su Nianen a little dumbfounded, and watched her daughter and Gu Xichuan enter the elevator, but she was still standing at the door.

"Let\'s go, what else are you looking at?"

Professor Su closed the door, and Mother Su grabbed Professor Su, "The person Enen said is Gu..."

"Impossible!" Professor Su denied.

As soon as Professor Su denied it, Su\'s mother immediately confirmed her own thoughts.

"Well, that\'s right, I don\'t think it\'s possible." Mother Su said firmly.


"Why did he come to pick up Nianen from our family? Where is he going?"

"Didn\'t you live in spring with her college roommate?" Professor Su said.

Professor Su also speculated in his heart, but felt that it was really impossible.

"Let\'s see?" Mother Su pushed Professor Su.

Professor Su muffled his head and said, "It\'s late at night, what are you messing around with?"

He said this on his lips, but he had already taken the car keys and headed for the door, "Let\'s go, still dawdling."

Su\'s mother couldn\'t help being funny in her heart. It\'s about her daughter, so it\'s no wonder that Lao Su doesn\'t care.