After divorce, I married the richest man

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Su Nianen took Xiaotuanzi home after get off work, and only took time to go back to Su\'s house when Wen Xiaoyu came back.

"Are you really so relieved to let me be alone with him?" Wen Xiaoyu asked guiltily.

Su Nianen looked at the time, "One hour, he is eating now, after eating, you play with him for a while, and then read picture books to him, this can last for an hour anyway, and I will be back after that."

Wen Xiaoyu hesitated to speak, not because she refused to help, but because she was also afraid.

"Do you have to go back?"

"There\'s something to take care of."

"Then why not bring Xiaotuanzi?" Wen Xiaoyu asked.

Su Nianen thought for a while, then shook her head, "I will be back soon."

"It\'s not that I won\'t help you, it\'s that this little guy doesn\'t want to follow me. You have nothing important to do, come back early. You are at home, and I can play with him. If you are not at home, I am very scared."

Su Nianen turned around and gave Wen Xiaoyu a hug.

"You can do it, sister!"

Su Nianen was also worried about leaving Xiao Tuanzi at home, but she had to go back to Su\'s house.

I didn\'t call home until I was downstairs, so that my parents wouldn\'t have other thoughts.

As soon as Su Nianen entered the house, Su\'s mother began to complain: "Why didn\'t you come back earlier? Come back earlier, call earlier, and let Youjie come back with your father for dinner. He hasn\'t come home for a while."

"I didn\'t come back early, I just didn\'t want you to invite unimportant people to your house." Su Nianen confessed.

"Enen, didn\'t you promise your mother that you would seriously consider getting along with Youjie? What you say now..."

"Mom," Su Nianen had already walked into the living room, looking at his father who was drinking tea in the living room, "Dad, I came back to tell you about this matter, please help me tell Teacher Jiang, don\'t bother me again, okay?"

Professor Su immediately understood the meaning behind the words, and hurriedly asked, "What\'s wrong? Did he have any excesses?"

Mother Su also hurriedly asked, "What do you mean by that? You promised your mother that you would seriously consider it. How long does it take? Why do you want to reject him? Enen, what do you think?"

Su Nianen pulled Su\'s mother to sit down with a serious attitude, "Dad, Mom, let me first talk about my own attitude. I don\'t feel wronged by Mr. Jiang, and I even feel disgusted. Mr. Jiang is a good young man, but he doesn\'t fit with my aura. I see He rejected it from the bottom of his heart. Originally, he was not so emotionally repelled, but when this person appeared, I completely gave up."


Su Nianen wanted to continue stating her thoughts, but was interrupted by Su\'s mother at this moment.

She paused for a moment, then turned her head and replied, "Because this Mr. Jiang is so similar to Lin Wenfeng."

"Where do they look like? They are completely different people!" Mother Su retorted loudly.

Su Nianen looked at the angry mother, smiled, and then looked at his father.

"Dad, don\'t you think it doesn\'t look like it? You are a young talent, a top student in Qingda University, with an excellent reputation, and an outsider." She turned to her mother, then looked at her father, "Who can guarantee that he won\'t be the next Phoenix man?"

"Can he be the same as Lin Wenfeng? Is his character comparable to Lin Wenfeng? He treats you well, mainly because Youjie\'s mother absolutely loves you. But what kind of Lin Wenfeng\'s family is, have you forgotten?"
"Lin Wenfeng treated me very well in the past few years."

But what\'s the use? Is it cheating or cheating?

"Mom, speaking of this, Teacher Jiang\'s mother stewed chicken soup and sent it to school today..."

Mother Su couldn\'t help answering, "Isn\'t that great? It shows that people care about you."

Su Nian\'en paused, and then said: "Is it good? When I got off work at noon, I asked people when I saw people at the door of the cafeteria. All the teachers in the school knew that there was such a person and such a thing. Mom, what did that aunt of the Jiang family do?" , compared to the former mother-in-law of the Lin family, it\'s just a different attitude, but the result is the same, just push me to the center of public opinion."

"Hey, why don\'t you know what\'s good and what\'s wrong, kid? People gave you chicken soup with good intentions, but you think so much..."

"Is it good intentions? I have nothing to do with her son at all, so she went to my school under the banner of her future mother-in-law. Didn\'t she just tell everyone in the school that I have something to do with their family? It won\'t work in the future, or I and I What do my colleagues say about me when I get along with other people? They say that they just got divorced not long ago, and the new mother-in-law came to the school to send warmth not long ago. It hasn’t been long, and another person has changed, what have I become?”

The more Su Nianen talked, the more angry she became, who wants to let private matters spread in the workplace?

The rehabilitation school is fairly simple, but it is inevitable to be discussed behind the scenes. Ever since the Lin family made a fuss at school, she has been ashamed to see others. This time, it is a special situation. She is surrounded by these private people all day long. How can she keep a low profile?

Mother Su said disapprovingly: "Your thoughts are all your own. Besides, even if others talk about it, it is their business. What can hinder you? The most important thing is that you live happily."

Su Nianen couldn\'t help but replied, "Mom, it\'s really that simple, so why am I so angry that you take sick leave every day when I get divorced? Is it so embarrassing for your daughter to get divorced? It almost made you resign from the unit where you worked for 30 years. Talk to you, other people\'s gossip is not important, don\'t listen, the most important thing is to live your own life."

"Okay, your wings are hard and you can pinch people\'s sore spots!" Su\'s mother turned black with anger, and turned her head to the other side angrily.

Su Nianen looked at his father, "I don\'t want to meet Teacher Jiang for personal reasons, please tell me what I mean, Dad."

"But you still have to get married again, you can\'t just be like this for the rest of your life." Professor Su sighed.

"Dad, how happy is it to live a free life alone?"

"You are happy now by yourself, what about the future? In the future, your friends and colleagues will have children and grandchildren, and you are alone and helpless, are you still happy? Enen, don\'t be so decisive in doing things, you are not old, you can\'t see through People. Parents have lived decades longer than you, and have seen and experienced much more than you. When we look at people, we can\'t be wrong."

"Understood, so this is the second thing I told you. I dislike Teacher Jiang, probably because I met someone who made my heart flutter."

Su Nian\'en didn\'t intend to confess Gu Xichuan, but she still had to explain this matter to her parents, lest one day it would be discovered that all the certificates had been taken, and she would be so angry that she would not recognize her as a daughter.


"who is it?"

Mother Su and Professor Su asked at the same time.

"A cooperating friend, we knew each other before, but we didn\'t contact each other for a few years. I met him until I met him, and I thought it was him." Su Nianen explained in a low voice.

With her attitude, she couldn\'t tell whether she was happy or angry, and she couldn\'t tell whether it was true or not. She was too calm, and her eyes were too steady.

"Then why haven\'t I heard you say it before?"

"The time is not ripe, I just got divorced, it will take some time to sort out my emotions." Su Nianen said in a low voice.

"Enen, Mr. Jiang is a good match."

"The person next to me now, we also go for marriage." Su Nianen said seriously.