After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 9: sorry to toffee

In the temporary studio, Lin Ruoyun was acting opposite Zhan Qing.

[I didn\'t expect you to do all of this, Mengqiu, I usually treat you well, why do you treat me like this? 】

【"Hmph! Treat me well? When I was lynched in the Su residence, where were you, miss? Now that things have happened, I\'m not afraid to tell you that the person who pushed the old lady downstairs... was also me!】

【"You, you devil!"】

Zhan Qing raised her hand, and according to the requirements of the script, swung it heavily at Lin Ruoyun\'s right cheek.

Knowing that Zhan Qing is taking the opportunity to retaliate, but to Ruo Yun, the drama is bigger than the sky.

In order to achieve a dramatic effect, she did not dodge, and directly received Zhan Qing\'s slap.

In the next second, she was pulled away by a force.

Hearing a slap, Lin Ruoyun felt the person holding her shake. She raised her head in shock and saw Guan Yinghan\'s red and swollen cheeks.

That kind of strength must be painful.

Following the inertia of her palm force, Guan Yinghan staggered, but only took a step back. She immediately stabilized her figure and tightly protected Lin Ruoyun in her arms.

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t see everything around her, only heard Zhan Qing\'s fearful and sharp voice: "Ahhh, it hurts so much... Let go..."

Lin Ruoyun broke away from Guan Yinghan\'s protection, looked up from her arms, and saw her white and slender five fingers coldly clasping Zhan Qing\'s wrist, and mercilessly pulled it out.

Zhan Qing is an Omega, of course his hand strength cannot match that of Alpha Guan Yinghan.

Not long after, she was so painful that her facial features were distorted, with snot and tears streaming down her face, she was in a panic.

"Toffee, let go." Lin Ruoyun hurriedly grabbed Guan Yinghan\'s hand, "Let go."

"No." Guan Yinghan shot two cold lights at Zhan Qing from an angle that Lin Ruoyun could not see.

However, when she turned her head to face Lin Ruoyun, she looked like a pure white and harmless little white rabbit: "Sister, she wants to hit you, but I won\'t let you go."

Lin Ruoyun shook her head and explained: "No, Toffee, my sister and her are acting, and the acting is all fake."

"It\'s true." Guan Yinghan caressed her cheek with the other hand, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, her eyes were pure and innocent, and her voice was honest with grievances: "Sister, it\'s true, she really hit someone, it hurts , Toffee\'s face hurts."

As we all know, fools don\'t know how to lie.

There were a lot of newcomers who had just joined the group. When they heard Guan Yinghan\'s words, they all looked at Zhan Qing in unison, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Don\'t look at Zhan Qing\'s all kinds of bullying teammates in private to play big names, but externally he tries his best to create a good character.

Her expression changed like a palette: "Acting is like this. In order to achieve a realistic effect, you must have dedication. If you can\'t even bear this bit of hardship, you might as well get out as soon as possible."

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyes, the strength in her hands increased a little, and the tight jawline revealed a sense of sharpness.

Zhan Qing was in pain, and screamed regardless of her image: "Lin Ruoyun, let her go quickly."

"Toffee." Lin Ruoyun made a serious face on purpose: "Let go, sister is going to be angry."

Only then did Guan Yinghan relax his strength, and at the same time, he skillfully pressed down with his hand, and faintly heard the click sound of dislocation of the joints.

Then, she approached Lin Ruoyun obediently and honestly, resting her head on her shoulder, her peach eyes wandering around innocently.

It\'s a seamless switch between the big killer and the little cutie.

Zhan Qing rubbed his wrist in pain.

After a while, her usual ruthless and domineering energy came to the fore: "Who? Bring this idiot into the crew?"

Zhang Qun didn\'t dare to answer, he lowered his head and took a big step back silently.

Seeing that no one answered, Zhan Qing became even more arrogant, pointing at Guan Yinghan and yelling, "You idiot, idiot, just wait for me, I will let you..."

"Is that enough?"

Zhan Qing looked at Lin Ruoyun who interrupted her in disbelief.

Just now she was deliberately slapped by herself, but she didn\'t say a word, but now she just said a few words to that fool, and she trembled with anger.

"Toffee is not a fool." Lin Ruoyun stared straight at Zhan Qing, her eyes were sharp, her back was straight, her tone was not heavy but she had an indescribable momentum: "You must apologize to her!"

Guan Yinghan stared at her in a daze, her heart seemed to be blown by a warm wind, and she wanted to cry warmly.

Zhan Qing sneered in a low voice: "Lin Ruoyun, are you crazy? Let me apologize to a fool?"

Lin Ruoyun tightened her palms, stared at her with heavy eyes, and stubbornly asked for an apology.

"Toffee is not a fool, please apologize!"

Zhan Qing pouted disapprovingly, walked around Lin Ruoyun, and stood still in front of the director: "Director Zhang, from now on, I don\'t want to see Lin Ruoyun appear in front of me, you can figure it out."

After finishing speaking, she snorted domineeringly, stepped on her high heels and walked straight out of the studio.

Zhan Qing is a new traffic floret, and she created a positive and positive personality design. With tens of millions of fans, she is very popular in the circle.

I heard that her schedule has been scheduled for three years.

Offending Zhan Qing is tantamount to blocking the door of acting.

Lin Ruoyun led Guan Yinghan out of the film and television city. She was full of thoughts along the way, and she didn\'t say a word.

Although Guan Yinghan had already paved the way for Lin Ruoyun behind her back, seeing her downcast appearance at this moment, her heart still wrinkled and tightened.

Following Lin Ruoyun all the way into the small restaurant, Guan Yinghan finally couldn\'t help approaching her, squatting halfway beside her, holding Lin Ruoyun\'s sleeve with her fingers, with a soft and soft voice: "Sister... I\'m sorry, Toffee got into trouble, Toffee is a fool... Embarrass my sister..."

"No, Toffee is not a fool." Lin Ruoyun put her hand on Guan Yinghan\'s hair, and rubbed it lovingly: "In the future, if anyone says you are stupid, you can swear back, my sister will not blame you."

Guan Yinghan\'s fingertips trembled violently, and the acid rushed straight to the bridge of his nose.

In a daze, it was as if she had returned to the first time she and Ruoyun met thirteen years ago.

She had said the same thing to herself...