After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 8: Take the opportunity to retaliate

Guan Yinghan suppressed the fragile emotions in her heart, and nodded obediently.

But being separated from Ruoyun for a few hours, how could it be so uncomfortable, so frightening, like parting from life to death? So much so that I was about to collapse into tears...

She is the second miss of the Guan family that everyone is talking about.

However, the more she tried to hold on, the more she couldn\'t hold on. Guan Yinghan\'s eyelashes were quietly soaked.

Lin Ruoyun stretched her fingers towards the end of her eyes, and carefully wiped off the water droplets on the long eyelashes.

Ruoyun\'s heart is also so uncomfortable that it is about to burst, but there is no way, it\'s okay to suffer a little bit, but you can\'t wrong Toffee.

She had to find a way to earn money to support her family.

Lin Ruoyun took out a few fruit candies from her small bag and put them in Guan Yinghan\'s palm: "Toffee, don\'t be sad, if you miss your sister, just eat a candy, and when you eat all the candies, your sister will appear. "

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyelashes, held the candy lovingly in her sleeve, and nodded emphatically.

Zhang Qun led Ruoyun to the director and said something nice.

The director already valued Lin Ruoyun, this little girl has no arrogance like other Omegs at all, he sees hard work and talent in his eyes.

In the crew, she is the most able to endure hardships, and has never caused any trouble for everyone.

Therefore, Zhang Quntou did not waste much time, and the director agreed that Ruoyun would stay and gave her a role with a few lines.

Lin Ruoyun sat on a step in the corner outside the studio, holding the script and seriously thinking about it.

Although there were only a few lines, she didn\'t dare to be sloppy at all.

It doesn\'t matter if there are not many lines, Lin Ruoyun likes acting, playing various characters and interpreting their joys and sorrows.

There was a sudden commotion in front of the door, and many people greeted them flatteringly. Looking at this posture, they knew that the heroine Zhan Qing had come.

Zhan Qing saw Lin Ruoyun in the corner at a glance, walked over proudly, and sneered, "Oh, who am I? It turns out to be the most principled Miss Lin."

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t want to cause trouble, so she chose to deal with it silently.

Her retreat was misinterpreted by Zhan Qing as disdain, and her expression darkened by two degrees in an instant.

The atmosphere on the set froze in an instant, and the sound of equipment operating could be heard quietly.

The director couldn\'t help but feel sorry for Lin Ruoyun, this rare plastic talent, but offended Zhan Qing, in the future no one would even dare to use her as a substitute.

Under the interests of capital, the director also had to bow down for five buckets of rice. He waved his hand and called Zhang Quntou over.

"Zhang Shuixian, why did you bring her here? Didn\'t I tell you that Lin Ruoyun will no longer be used in my dramas?"

Zhang Qun put on a smiling face, glanced at Lin Ruoyun who was in the corner, and then turned back to look at the furious Zhan Qing, and immediately understood everything.

"I\'m sorry, director." Zhang Qun bowed his head and lowered his head close to ninety degrees, dragging Lin Ruoyun with resentment: "I\'ll take her away right away."

"Wait a minute!" Zhan Qing suddenly turned around, and approached Lin Ruoyun sullenly: "Let her stay for me to play."

Zhan Qing was uncharacteristically, and actually asked to keep someone. The director and Zhang Quntou exchanged glances, and they both silently sweated for Lin Ruoyun.

Sure enough, as soon as the two started playing each other, Zhan Qing made things difficult for Lin Ruoyun.

It\'s not that her acting skills are superficial and emotional, or that she mispronounced her lines and made herself unable to answer them.

In the end, she really couldn\'t find Lin Ruoyun\'s fault, so she simply shook her face arrogantly. Anyway, regardless of whether Ruoyun did something wrong, this one had to be retaken.

After tossing and tossing for three hours in a row, all the staff members of the crew had sullen expressions on their faces.

The director held the trumpet again: "The first scene of the thirty-ninth scene of "Meng Yuan", action!"

The plot of this scene is that the maid played by Lin Ruoyun accidentally dropped the jade ornament worn by the heroine played by Zhan Qing into the water, fearing that the heroine would scold her and jumped into the river to look for it.

Lin Ruoyun was ready, she was almost submerged in the water for this scene.

It was late autumn in Tianhai City in November, and the artificial pool used for filming was still warm at the beginning, but Zhan Qing deliberately said wrong lines to delay the time, NG reshooting over and over again, and the water temperature was already getting colder.

Lin Ruoyun\'s whole body was already chilled after soaking in the water for a short time, and when she got out of the pool, there was another cool wind blowing, which made her kneecaps ache.

In the next scene, Lin Ruoyun wanted to return the jade pendant to the heroine. After she finished reading her lines to Zhan Qing, her facial expressions and movements were all in place, and even the slight trembling of her eyelashes perfectly interpreted the maidservant\'s fear and guilt at this time.

However, Zhan Qing was very dissatisfied. She stood behind the director, stared at the monitor, and said in a very thin voice, "Director Zhang... I think the action of combing hair just now can be performed better. Let\'s retake another one." Bar."

The director couldn\'t help complaining, but there was a polite smile on his face: "Sister Qing, your performance is already very good, I think it\'s over. Otherwise, it will affect the progress, and I can\'t explain it to the investors."

How could Zhan Qing give up, and was about to shake his face and get angry when he heard his assistant whispering in his ear: "Sister Qing, the next scene is to slap the maid."

Zhan Qing immediately smiled secretly: "Change costumes and prepare for the next scene."

Guan Yinghan sat alone under the eaves of the film and television city, the night wind blew slowly, and the black slightly curly hair on the temples was blown out in a beautiful arc, revealing the delicate and cool profile of his face.

She lowered her head quietly and spread out her palms. There was only one fruit candy left by Ruoyun.

She peeled off the candy wrapper, sucked the orange-flavored candy into her lips, and stared at the direction of the camera crew for a moment.

Ruoyun said that when she ate up all the candies, she would come to pick her up and go home.

But she had finished eating the candy, why didn\'t Ruoyun show up?

It\'s only been a few days since she found Ruoyun, she has no sense of reality, she always feels like a dream, and feels that she will lose it again in the next second.

After being separated from Ruoyun for four hours, Guan Yinghan felt that it was beyond what she could bear.

She wanted to see Ruoyun, even if it was just from a distance.

Thinking about it, Guan Yinghan\'s feet uncontrollably walked towards the camera crew.

A few group performers who were struggling on the ground floor came towards them, and the little girl in the pink maid costume complained to the actors in the servant costume.

"Zhan Qing is really enough. Relying on the fact that she has an investor behind her, she doesn\'t take everyone seriously, and let a group of us accompany her to do evil."

"That\'s right!" The actor dressed as a servant echoed repeatedly: "She is just jealous that Lin Ruoyun\'s acting skills are better than her, and she is more beautiful than her, so she targets her like this."

The little girl\'s eyes showed worry: "Lin Ruoyun is miserable, she deliberately tripped her up, and staying in the cold water for three hours is not counted, but now she will be slapped by acting again, I just watched Zhan Qing\'s slap There is no borrowing, it is a real fight..."

The conversation between the two fell into Guan Yinghan\'s ears verbatim.

She clenched her five fingers tightly until she felt a sharp tingling sensation in her palm.

In the past, she was unable to protect Ruoyun, but now she owns the entire Runhai Group and stands at the top of power. Whoever dares to bully Ruoyun, she will make her pay back double.