After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 76: blow pillow wind

Lin Ruoyun slept until the afternoon before barely waking up. When she woke up, she saw a beautiful landscape sitting on the sofa, and Guan Yinghan was sitting gracefully and contentedly, sipping coffee and flipping through documents with a tablet in her hand.

When she heard the movement, she turned her head, showing a three-dimensional and exquisite side face: "Are you awake? Are you hungry?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s dull eyes slowly closed, recalling the shameful scenes last night, then looked down at the marks all over her body, and angrily twisted a pillow and threw it at her: "Guan Yinghan, you... are you a dog? City Z is so hot, you want me to wear a high collar to go out?"

Guan Yinghan turned her head away, didn\'t speak, but smiled very ripplingly, Lin Ruoyun was about to throw another pillow over, when she found something extra on her right ring finger, she lowered her head in astonishment.

It\'s a diamond ring!

The diamond inlaid on the ring is extremely rare. There are a few traces of blood red floating in the middle of the faint pink, and the strands are twisted into a heart shape, shining dazzlingly under the warm white light.

Lin Ruoyun was stunned for a second, then quickly jumped out of the bed, before she could put on her slippers, she threw herself into Guan Yinghan\'s arms like a kitten, wrapped her arms around her neck, and hugged her tightly.

"-Guan Yinghan!"

There was a hint of nasality in her finale.

Guan Yinghan looked down at her bare instep, took off her slippers, put them on gently for her, then raised her eyes, and smiled softly: "Huh?"

Lin Ruoyun showed her the ring, with tears in her eyes, but the corners of her mouth reached behind her ears: "Did you wear it for me?"

Guan Yinghan nodded: "Otherwise?"

Lin Ruoyun tilted her head, blinked her eyes: "Am I still dreaming?"

Guan Yinghan looked at her, the little goblin smiled so that the inconspicuous dimple on her left cheek was sunken, and there was light and water in her pupils, shining brightly, and she was happier than ever.

Guan Yinghan\'s heart was instantly as soft as cotton, and for a moment she even regretted not taking out the ring earlier and putting it on for her.

She pinched Ruoyun\'s nose with her knuckles, and when she heard Lin Ruoyun hiss, she smiled dotingly: "Look, it hurts, it\'s not a dream."

Lin Ruoyun held the ring in front of her eyes, looked left and right, and muttered, "When did you wear it?"

"You didn\'t wake up this morning."

Lin Ruoyun raised her eyes arrogantly: "I haven\'t agreed yet."

Guan Yinghan looked at her with raised eyebrows, his eyes seemed to say: Are you sure?

Lin Ruoyun met her gaze, and pursed her lips in dissatisfaction: "Hey, Guan Yinghan, I don\'t ask you to kneel down on the street holding nine hundred and ninety-nine roses to propose marriage, but you can\'t be perfunctory like this, right? Just let me marry you."

Guan Yinghan put away her smile on purpose, and spread out her right palm: "No, then give it back to me."

Lin Ruoyun slapped her hand away, grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled it forward, and took a firm bite on her lips: "The ring is already in my hand, it\'s mine, you don\'t want to go back .”

She jumped off Guan Yinghan\'s lap and walked to the bathroom. She began to wash up. She squeezed the toothpaste onto the toothbrush, and kept looking at the ring, as if she could see flowers, accompanied by two smirks from time to time.

Guan Yinghan stared at her profile, silently drooping her long eyelashes.

Ruoyun, the proposal ceremony is owed first.

This place is too perfunctory.

There must be bigger and more meaningful occasions worthy of you.

Guan Yinghan declined Mr. Liu\'s welcome banquet, and booked a plane ticket back to Tianhai City in the afternoon. Mr. Liu sent him to the airport and asked his subordinates to move a few boxes of durians to the consignment center. He smiled at Guan Yinghan: "Second miss, before You have returned all the gifts given to you by others, this is the durian grown in the greenhouse of the mountain villa, it is not a valuable thing, please be sure to accept it."

Generally speaking, if a small company like Mr. Liu wants to embrace Runhai Group\'s thigh, there is no other way but normal bidding, but bidding is almost beyond the threshold of participation for the villa.

Although Guan Yinghan said that he would inject capital, there were too many variables in the actual operation, and Mr. Liu had to fight for himself again.

He also clearly knew that if he wanted to please Guan Yinghan, he had to work **** her wife Lin Ruoyun.

The corners of Guan Yinghan\'s lips curled up, she didn\'t speak, she looked up at Lin Ruoyun, the little goblin and Jiang Hui were standing on the right side of the service desk, talking face to face, but their eyes glanced at the consignment center from time to time.

Guan Yinghan said flatly, "Then...thank you."

Mr. Liu breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes turned into chrysanthemum-like smiles: "Second Miss, if you can come to my small inn, it will be enough for me to go out and brag for a while."

After a pause, she asked tentatively, "Second Miss... about the contract..."

Guan Yinghan\'s tone was still calm and unwavering: "I hope to open the mailbox tomorrow morning and receive your proposal from Mr. Liu."

The chrysanthemums in the corners of Mr. Liu\'s eyes rose brighter: "Definitely, definitely!"

On the right side of the service desk, Lin Ruoyun was wearing a black turtleneck sweater and a floor-length skirt that reached down to her insteps. It was the same as the little black dress with shoulders and back yesterday, as if she had spent two seasons.

Jiang Hui kept looking at her, and her smile gradually became more meaningful: "Ruoyun, there were a lot of mosquitoes in the room last night, right?"

Lin Ruoyun choked, and subconsciously pulled up her collar to cover the hickey on her chin. Suddenly, when Jiang Hui turned her head, she saw an indescribable red mark on her collarbone. Ear: "Yes, there are a lot of mosquitoes in the mountains, and they are all mosquitoes that have been hungry for a long time, and they bite very hard."

Jiang Hui was still searching for Ji Wan\'s shadow in the crowd, and suddenly met Shang Ruoyun\'s eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and immediately realized that she had seen the marks on her body sucked and bitten by Ji Wan, and embarrassedly gathered her long hair to cover it up, and looked around again All around, whispering to themselves: "I\'m about to board the plane, why hasn\'t Ji Wan come yet, and she won\'t answer the phone, I\'m so anxious."

Jiang Hui didn\'t have the patience to wait, so she dragged Lin Ruoyun to the waiting hall to find the broadcasting studio, and within two steps, a cold voice came.

"Are you looking for Ji Wan?"

Jiang Hui turned her head and saw Guan Ying\'s cold and frozen face.

Jiang Hui hid behind Lin Ruoyun in a hopeless manner.

Guan Yinghan stretched her hand through Ruoyun\'s waist, pulled her to her side, and said slowly, "Don\'t look, Ji Wan won\'t be here anymore."

Jiang Hui knew that Guan Yinghan was a black-bellied person, and when a black-bellied person was angry, he would definitely look for cannon fodder.

Could it be that her family Wanwan has unfortunately been reduced to cannon fodder?

Jiang Hui boldly took a step forward, and stubbornly raised her chin: "Guan Er, what do you mean?"

The cold expression on Guan Yinghan\'s face suddenly disappeared, and she laughed softly: "She was temporarily sent by me to China on a business trip, probably..."

She deliberately dragged her tone: "It will take six months to come back."

Jiang Hui\'s eyes went dark, and she froze in place, her lips opened and closed, as if she was talking, but she couldn\'t hear the sound.

Lin Ruoyun listened closely, and finally understood, she kept repeating a sentence: "Guan Er, I\'m fighting with you, I\'m fighting with you..."

Lin Ruoyun really couldn\'t bear it, so she ran to Guan Yinghan\'s side in three steps, tugged at her sleeves, and begged in a low voice, "Xiaowan will be sent out again within three days after her return. Call Xiaowan back, okay?"

Guan Yinghan\'s hand around her waist tightened suddenly, bringing Ruoyun closer to her: "Honey, it\'s dishonest to blow the wind around the pillow like this, you know?"

This kid, how can he drive anytime, anywhere!

From the outside it looks like a cold and abstinent person, but in reality...

Lin Ruoyun leaned softly and bonelessly in her arms, her fingertips wrapped around her hanging curly hair, and asked aggrievedly: "Then... can I pay in installments?"

Guan Yinghan fell in love with her goblin look, which brought disaster to the country and the people, and tapped the tip of her nose: "I\'ll think about it!"

It was already midnight when the plane landed, and it was supposed to arrive in the evening, but a heavy snowfall delayed the time by five or six hours.

Tianhai City belongs to the north, and the temperature is still very low in April. Unlike City Z, it is already possible to change into a waist-length skirt at this moment. Rain and snow are normal in this season, and flight delays are also common.

After getting off the plane, Lin Ruoyun and Jiang Hui went to the bathroom, while Guan Yinghan went to the luggage counter to wait in line for luggage.

Suitcases came slowly from the conveyor belt one by one. The aunt at the back got a little anxious and squeezed forward to pick it up, but accidentally bumped into the Omega in the red dress beside her.

Omega staggered a few steps and fell straight to the right. Guan Yinghan happened to be standing on her right side. Because her back was at an angle, it was too late to avoid it, and she was driven by Omega and fell to the ground.

"sorry Sorry."

The red skirt Omega apologized in a hurry, and was taken aback when his eyes met Guan Yinghan: "Aying?"

Guan Yinghan raised her eyes when she heard the sound, and was also stunned: "Sister Min,\'re back?"

Qin Min stood up unsteadily, following her movement, the black gauze wrapped around her arm suddenly jumped into Guan Yinghan\'s eyes, and her pupils trembled: "Sister Min...she..."

Qin Min\'s eyes were almost red: "The night you came to country H, my aunt passed away. When she left, she said...sorry to you mother and daughter, please forgive her..."

Guan Yinghan stood expressionless and did not say a word. The long silence clearly showed her determination not to forgive.

Qin Min is well aware of Guan Yinghan\'s attitude. She has seen how her aunt persecuted Guan Yinghan back then. If it weren\'t for Guan Yinghan\'s thoughtfulness and undeserved luck, half of the grass on the grave now high.

Qin Min knew that no matter what happened, her aunt deserved what she deserved.

The two were silent for half a minute, Qin Min wept softly, Guan Yinghan took out a handkerchief from his suit pocket and handed it to her, whispering, "Wipe it."

Qin Min said thank you and took the handkerchief over.

This scene happened to fall into the eyes of Lin Ruoyun who came out of the bathroom, and the sensitive radar in her brain immediately erected its antenna.

Who is the Omega in the red dress next to the kid?

Big chest, thin waist, thin buttocks, as if I\'ve seen it somewhere.

Lin Ruoyun held her breath and thought about it.

Isn\'t he the subject of the gossip that the brat was photographed secretly in country H?

How could they be together?

That Omega looked like he was crying.

Could it be that the brat marks others and refuses to take responsibility?

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes narrowed dangerously, if the brat really dares to look for other Omega outside, don\'t even think about getting out of here alive!

"Guan Yinghan!"

Lin Ruoyun strode forward in high heels and carrying a small bag, twisting the classic catwalk all the way like a catwalk model, her aura was almost 2.8 meters.

She passed through Qin Min and walked directly to Guan Yinghan\'s side, but the expression on her face kept changing in just two steps, and by the time she stood there, she had already transformed into a flower-like smile.

She leaned slightly, wrapping her arms around Guan Yinghan\'s neck, hugging her in an intimate and domineering way.

Lin Ruoyun seemed to feel that this was not enough to swear her sovereignty, so she blew another breath on the back of Guan Yinghan\'s neck, then leaned against her chest weakly and bonyly, stroking her cheek with her hand, deliberately revealing the diamond ring on her ring finger: "This is Who is it, Miss Guan Er, why don\'t you introduce it to your wife?"

Facing Lin Ruoyun\'s provocative gaze, Qin Min smiled lightly, without any timidity or guilt: "You are Mrs. Guan?"

Lin Ruoyun gritted her teeth secretly, I\'m not Mrs. Guan, are you, hum!

She spat in her heart, but didn\'t show it on her face, she looked at Qin Min with a smile on her face: "That\'s right, who are you?"

Qin Min didn\'t answer, but looked up and down Lin Ruoyun with admiration: "Why, the second miss didn\'t mention me to you?"

After finishing speaking, she laughed, leaned closer to Guan Yinghan, and said in a deliberately ambiguous tone: "Second Miss Guan, no wonder you refused to stay with me for the night no matter how much I persuaded you. With such a beautiful Omega, who would be willing?" Don\'t go home."

Lin Ruoyun frowned instantly, you Guan Yinghan, you really have a little lover outside!

You... are sorry for me!

Guan Yinghan felt that the glands in the back of her neck were pinched hard, numb and painful. She raised her eyes to look at Lin Ruoyun, and there was a line of barrage rolling in the eyes of the little goblin.

【If you don\'t explain it clearly to me, you will die】

Guan Yinghan turned her head helplessly, and smiled at Qin Min: "Sister Min, Ruoyun has a bad temper, don\'t tease her."

Qin Min looked at Ruoyun with a smile, and stretched out his hand in a friendly way: "Hi, Ruoyun, I\'m Qin Min, and you are more beautiful in person than on TV."

Lin Ruoyun ignored Qin Min\'s overtures, and was about to question Guan Yinghan. At this time, Jiang Hui suddenly rushed over from one side and hugged Qin Min violently.

"Sister Min, it\'s really you. I thought I was wrong. When did you come back?"

Lin Ruoyun was stunned, her eyes turned back and forth between Jiang Hui and Qin Min a few times, and she asked anxiously, "Master, you all know her, isn\'t she Guan Yinghan\'s rumored Omega?"

"Fuck your head!"

Jiang Hui habitually patted Lin Ruoyun\'s head, but was frozen by a cold gaze. She retracted full of desire to survive, and touched Lin Ruoyun\'s hair instead: "Sister Min is the Omega of Team Guan."

Ah, it\'s over, it\'s so embarrassing, it\'s completely embarrassing.

Lin Ruoyun realized that she had misunderstood, she quickly let go of Guan Yinghan\'s arm, stepped back to the side, and secretly asked with her eyes: Is she really Guan Muwei\'s Omega?

Guan Yinghan was so cute by her expression, the corners of her mouth curled up uncontrollably: "Hurry up and call someone."

Lin Ruoyun blushed, quietly grabbed Guan Yinghan\'s sleeve, and asked softly, "What should my name be?"

Qin Min didn\'t seem to care, and smiled gently: "Ruoyun, just call me Sister Min."

Lin Ruoyun wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in, but when she remembered her shameful behavior just now, her face was burning hot, she bravely walked up, and said hello in a low voice: "Sister Min."

Qin Min exaggeratedly exclaimed, took out the gift box that had been prepared and handed it over: "Ruoyun, meeting gift, be careful not to dislike it."

Seeing her hesitate, Guan Yinghan patted Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulder: "Take it, she is so poor that she only has money left, so she will only give this."

Then she leaned close to Lin Ruoyun\'s ear and chuckled softly, "Ferrari 288, don\'t want it for nothing."


This meeting ceremony is too expensive.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t even dare to pick it up, she looked up and down at Guan Yinghan, Guan Yinghan had already picked it up for her, with a disgusted expression on her face: "Sister Min, these Ruoyuns are not needed, so don\'t give them away when you get married. "

Qin Min\'s red lips hooked lightly: "Yo, our Second Miss Guan also knows how to love my wife."

Then she patted Lin Ruoyun\'s shoulder and continued: "Ruoyun, just tell Sister Min what you want, don\'t save me money."

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes and smiled softly, her cheeks were charmingly red, Qin Min slowly approached her, and whispered in her ear: "Ruoyun, Ah Ying has had a hard time these years, she loves you very much... and her Well, be happy, you know?"

Her voice was very low, but Guan Yinghan still heard it, she turned her head and looked at Ruoyun, and nodded at the same time.

"Okay, it\'s getting late, I\'ll go back to the Guan family\'s old house to see grandpa first." Qin Min dragged the suitcase closer to her, with a charming smile, but all three people present saw the flash of water in her eyes.

"Aying, don\'t tell Mu Wei about my return, is that okay?"

Guan Yinghan was silent for two seconds, then hummed lightly.

After Qin Min left, Jiang Hui also said goodbye to them and stuffed a paper bag into Ruoyun\'s hand as she left.

Lin Ruoyun got in the car, curiously opened the paper bag, only to find that there was a blingbling dress inside, which looked like a mermaid costume.

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyelashes trembled, and then she quickly stuffed her clothes back.

What does master mean?

Curve to save the country?

Let her engage in cosplay to seduce Guan Yinghan?

No Alpha would like this kind of mermaid outfit!

Seeing that her cheeks were slightly pink, Guan Yinghan couldn\'t help approaching curiously: "What did Jiang Hui give you, why are you still blushing?"

"It\'s nothing..." Lin Ruoyun stuffed the paper bag into the side corner, away from Guan Yinghan.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t speak any more, just glanced suspiciously and then looked away.

When the car got on the elevated road, Lin Ruoyun\'s cell phone rang in her pocket. She took it out and saw that it was a WeChat message from Jiang Hui.

【Ruoyun, the clothes in the paper bag were bought according to your size. You can put on that mermaid outfit and sacrifice yourself once to save your teacher and wife. 】

Lin Ruoyun\'s face was scorching hot, even her fingertips were so hot that she was typing.

【Master, you said the same thing last time, but it didn’t fail in the end. 】

[This time is different. I have read the script of "Wake Up". There is a scene in which female A saves money for female O to buy costumes. Female A\'s prototype is Guan Er, she will like it.

Ruoyun, just be a helper, my estrus/estrus period is coming soon, and you also know that it’s useless to take suppressive tablets for the marked Omega’s estrus/estrus period, it needs Alpha to suppress it, without Ji Wan, I I don\'t know how to spend those few days, you go to coax Guan Er, coax her dizzy, blow the wind on the pillow, she will nod if you say anything. 】

Lin Ruoyun looked down at the paper bag in the corner, and silently typed a few words.