After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 75: The price of a failed counterattack

Guan Yinghan sat on the edge of the bed leisurely, and felt that Lin Ruoyun\'s shocked and unbelievable expression was a little funny, so she gave her half a minute of buffer time, and then leaned over and slowly approached.

"Honey, in fact, I have already released the handcuffs, just to see you having fun, and to accompany you."

To be honest, Guan Yinghan didn\'t mind that Lin Ruoyun took the initiative, but that little fairy always teased her in different ways, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Guan Yinghan originally wanted to cooperate with her performance, but he was really teased by her and couldn\'t bear it. He didn\'t care if she would get angry, so he directly lifted the veil, turned over, and pressed her under him.

Lin Ruoyun\'s face was a little green at first, but when Guan Yinghan pulled off the belt of her police uniform, she turned a little pale again: "Guan Yinghan, are teasing me again."

Guan Yinghan hugged her slender waist, her eyes inevitably fell on Lin Ruoyun\'s open neckline, the shadow inside had a seductive arc, and Alpha\'s eyes sank.

With just one glance, Guan Yinghan clearly felt that her glands were becoming more wet/wet, and her canine teeth were becoming more itchy.

She lowered her head, pressed her lips to the back of Lin Ruoyun\'s neck, and kissed repeatedly around her glands. After hearing a groan from her throat, she held her glands in her mouth. She didn\'t bite her glands, but Grinding the soft flesh protruding from the Omega gland with his fangs, as if loving.

Lin Ruoyun was already in estrus, and being teased/handled with her glands so wantonly, her body uncontrollably softened, panting/breathing and reprimanding her, but her face was flushed with emotion, how do you see it They all seem to be courting.

Guan Yinghan smiled where she couldn\'t see, kissed the disobedient little wild cat in front of her, reached forward to her, grabbed her wrist, and lifted it up with a light force.

Lin Ruoyun was still holding a lollipop between her two fingers, Guan Yinghan moved her lips together, wrapped it with the tip of her tongue and tasted it: "So it tastes like cherry."

"I like cherries the most, but it\'s not this kind, but... yours..."

After finishing speaking, she tasted the cherry red white soft that belongs exclusively to Omega.

Lin Ruoyun trembled all over, and couldn\'t help but let out a muffled moan. Before the other half could be heard, Guan Yinghan pinched her chin, leaned over and hooked the tip of her tongue and kissed her fiercely.

Lin Ruoyun pushed her away, and crawled out without hesitation, before she reached the edge of the bed, she was grabbed back, and the sound of metal buckles clicking fell,

Lin Ruoyun felt a chill in her ankles, she shrank back suddenly, and the handcuffs on her ankles made a crisp crashing sound.

"Guan, Guan Yinghan, what do you want to do?"

"I think..." Guan Yinghan chuckled, and pecked her soft lips: "It makes you bruise all over."

Lin Ruoyun\'s face turned pale, and her voice was uncontrollably unsteady: "You...Are you going to hit me?"

"Why am I willing to hit you? I have other ways to bruise you all over."

Guan Yinghan hooked the button of her police uniform with her fingertips, and lifted it up. The movement was deliberately slow, so that the tight female police uniform slipped down very slowly, revealing Omega\'s snow-white skin inch by inch.

For both of them, temptation and torture are taken to the extreme.

Guan Yinghan continued to peck her neck and sucked it heavily, suddenly a light red mark appeared.

Lin Ruoyun\'s skin is too white and a little thin, and a little force will leave ambiguous marks.

"Guan Yinghan, what are you doing, don\'t...I still have an announcement to make tomorrow, how do you want me to meet people?"

Guan Yinghan mercilessly kissed a strawberry mark on her chin: "I said before, whether it\'s for work or in private, if you dare to dress like this outside, I won\'t let you go out!"

The little goblin immediately softened her voice and begged for mercy pitifully: "I was won\'t be like this next time..."

Guan Yinghan was like King Zhou who had been fascinated by Daji, under the pitiful eyes of the little goblin, he gave up the idea of ​​making her bruised all over, and kissed her lips instead.

Lin Ruoyun cooperatively stretched out the tip of her tongue to entwine her. Just when the two kissed hard, the little goblin sneaked her right hand around the wooden frame, pinched the key of the handcuffs in her palm, and kicked Guan Yinghan violently.

Fortunately, Miss Guan Er, who has lost her mind, was prepared for a long time ago, and easily grabbed this little goblin who threw herself into a trap, and whispered in her ear with a bewitching voice: "You said the other foot, where is it handcuffed?" Side is better?"

"Guan Yinghan..." The little goblin curled her lips and kissed Guan Yinghan\'s side face flatteringly, then raised her watery eyes, as pitiful as she could be: "Don\'t lock me cold..."

This time, Guan Yinghan ignored the little fairy pretending to be poor, and grabbed her kicking ankle and handcuffed her to the other side of the bed.

Thus, Lin Ruoyun appeared in front of Alpha in a herringbone shape that made her ashamed.

Lin Ruoyun\'s face instantly turned rose-colored, and the arms that were the only hands that could move were weakly trying to hammer her, and as she waved her hands, the white gauze flew on the round bed.

The white gauze floats slowly in mid-air like ethereal smoke. Before she fell, Guan Yinghan kissed Ruoyun\'s lips.

Lin Ruoyun\'s lips were covered with a lollipop, and it became the sweetest candy in her mouth.

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t help sucking/sucking twice.

The white gauze fell beautifully and brushed Guan Yinghan\'s long eyelashes. She closed her eyes, tilted her head slightly, and slowly deepened the kiss.

Guan Yinghan gently raised the tip of Ruoyun\'s tongue, but released pheromone forcefully. The Omega who was in heat/estrus, just kissed lightly like this, and her whole body became limp and lost the strength to resist.

Lin Ruoyun turned her face away, her eyes were foggy, no longer as clear as before.

Guan Yinghan saw Ruoyun\'s protruding ear tips, pink and red, she was moved and decided to punish this disobedient little wild cat.

"Well... Guan Yinghan..."

Normally, Lin Ruoyun would have bit her lip and made a small protest, but now that she has been seduced into a passion, she can only feel the softness of Guan Yinghan\'s fingertips and the indescribable beauty when she is seduced. Feeling that there was nothing else to think about, and she didn\'t want to think about it, she subconsciously wrapped her arms around Guan Yinghan\'s neck, and offered her sweet and soft tongue.

However, she was cheated several times, which completely aroused the bad elements in Guan Yinghan\'s heart. She seemed to intend to punish Lin Ruoyun, her fingers were extremely tricky, and she pushed Omega to the brink of collapse like honey.

Guan Yinghan\'s technique was too tricky, she knew Lin Ruoyun\'s body too well, knew what kind of strength would make her happy, and also knew how to tease her to beg for mercy.

Lin Ruoyun endured it at first, but every time Guan Yinghan didn\'t let her be happy, when she was about to reach the destination, she slammed on the accelerator, making her stop halfway helplessly.

The slightly itchy feeling was really unbearable, Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help sobbing, and the end of her eyes turned red quickly.

"Guan Yinghan... you... hurry up..."

Guan Yinghan has been observing her expression, this slight change was quickly noticed by her, she smiled lightly, kissed her earlobe, and said softly: "Do you want to go out for supper with other Alphas next time? "

The water in Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes was shining, she was about to shed tears, she was full of unbearable/bearable appearance: "There is no other Alpha...I said that to anger you on purpose."

After the words fell, she immediately got the hearty return she wanted.

Lin Ruoyun closed her eyes comfortably, and before she could shake off the aftertaste, Guan Yinghan\'s new wave of punishment began again.

Lin Ruoyun pushed her shoulders, but her feet were trapped and she couldn\'t escape, so she could only pull the quilt to wrap herself up: "Go away...I don\'t want it anymore..."

"What do you think of me? If you say you don\'t want it, you don\'t want it?" Guan Yinghan pulled her out of the cocoon without any explanation: "Come on!"

Lin Ruoyun now regrets making Guan Yinghan angry, the boy has been taking revenge all night, and in the end she can only pretend to be dizzy, but the wolf has come too many times before, obviously she can\'t fool the boy, she can only get out of the fainted state Woke up again, begging for mercy tremblingly.


Guan Yinghan seldom heard this name from her mouth, so she paused for a while, and pecked lightly on her moist cherry lips, her tone was much gentler than before: "Huh?"

Lin Ruoyun was thinking: Damn you, you wait for me, next time I counterattack, I will definitely let you survive, while trying her best to let the misty charm flow out of her eyes: "Guanguan... I am so tired..."

"Why are you tired? You haven\'t even moved." The little brat dragged his tone gently, and then suddenly changed: "Besides, I\'m not tired yet."

Tonight was destined to be a night that Lin Ruoyun would never forget. She seemed to owe a loan to the bank. She could pay in installments slowly, but who knew that the bank changed the agreement, and she was forced to pay off the debt in one lump sum.

By the third wave, Lin Ruoyun had already softened into dough. She bit her lip, lowered her gaze, and softly uttered a word: "It hurts..."

Guan Yinghan herself grasped the strength of her fingers, knowing that she was just acting like a baby again, and wanted to punish her intentionally, but when she heard her weak voice, muffled by the ambiguous light, she seemed to be extremely wronged.

"Then... how about using your tongue?"

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t have the energy to answer yes or no at all, so she could only let Alpha be at her mercy in a drowsy state.

The only thing I can perceive is why is the kid\'s tongue a bit cold?

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes were filled with tears, her breathing was rapid and uneven, and her fingers helplessly inserted into her hair, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... that\'s enough..."

Guan Yinghan raised her eyes, saw the petals of the light-colored water spirit flower gradually dyed bright red, and heard the sound of it slowly blooming.

"Ruoyun..." Guan Yinghan leaned closer, put his lips together, and kissed them with great pity: "Shall we try on the interrogation chair over there?"

When Lin Ruoyun heard this, she trembled violently, and then threw herself tremblingly into Guan Yinghan\'s arms, hugging her slender waist tightly, but her body trembled slightly: "Don\'t... Guan Guan... I was wrong..."

Guan Yinghan laughed lowly, pulled her arm away from her waist, and when Lin Ruoyun was too tired to open her eyes, bit her earlobe and whispered: "Baby, let\'s do it again."

That\'s right!

Lin Ruoyun heard correctly.

She said affirmative sentences, not questions.

"Guan Guan, I really know I was wrong... woo woo woo... I will obediently listen to you, and I can wear whatever you want me to wear...

Wuwuwu, I won\'t be naughty anymore, I won\'t run away from home at every turn... From now on, whatever you say, I will listen to it... Wuwuwu... I really do what I say, Guanguan... I really don\'t want it..."

Guan Yinghan leaned down, tapped her lips with slightly warm fingers, and spoke in a calm and steady voice just before she was about to fall asleep: "You\'d better remember what you said today, otherwise..."

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t listen to what she said behind her. She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. She vaguely seemed to be hugged by Guan Yinghan to take a bath, but she was too sleepy and had no memory of the details. The only perception was this sleep I slept very soundly and had no dreams all night.

In the early morning, a ray of light shines from the sky and falls on the top of the quiet mountain. The villa is shrouded in a thin layer of mist, which looks mysterious and magnificent, like a fairyland.

Guan Yinghan stood up, opened the curtains on one side, and looked at the endless beauty outside, standing tall and straight in the white mist of the morning light, every inch was appropriate.

A gust of wind blew in, she quickly closed the window, and turned her head to look at the little elf on the bed. She was still awake, her body was half covered, and the red plums dotted around her legs could be seen faintly.

Lin Ruoyun snorted, changed her posture again, and subconsciously went to grab her, but after a long time of dragging, she couldn\'t find anyone, and finally hugged her pillow into her arms.

Guan Yinghan smiled lightly, her heart softened in a mess.

She turned around, took out a velvet box from the pocket of her small suit, held it against a ray of sunlight in the sky, and watched it emit dazzling light.

She bought this ring a long time ago and wanted to put it on when Ruoyun regained her memory.

Don\'t look at the little goblin\'s teeth and claws, but Guan Yinghan knows that she lacks family affection since she was a child, and she is always in the anxiety of being abandoned and has no sense of security.

Guan Yinghan stroked the ring quietly.

She wants to promise her Omega a happy and stable home.

She hopes that every day when she wakes up, she can see her sleeping face, from wife to old woman.

Guan Yinghan walked slowly towards the bed, knelt down beside Lin Ruoyun on one knee, slowly took her hand that was exposed outside the bed, kissed it, and then put the ring into her ring finger.

For the rest of my life, never give up!

She placed a light kiss on Ruoyun\'s forehead, and when she looked up again, Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were misty, and within the mist was a firm light.