After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 69: take off by yourself

After self-study get out of class on Monday night, Ruan Xiaoqi stopped her in the corridor, saying that Lin Ruoyun had participated in the school\'s stage play, and that the most important role in the play was—

The mermaid princess, but she doesn\'t have a mermaid costume. The teacher said that if she didn\'t have a costume, she would give up the role to Chen Aijia.

Ruoyun has only one grandma who depends on her for life. Grandma is weak and sick, and she can\'t even afford to buy medicine. How can she have the money to buy her a performance costume? Lin Ruoyun is reluctant to give up her role, but there is nothing she can do. She can only hide and cry secretly.

Inside the paper bag was the most expensive and most beautiful mermaid costume that Guan Yinghan bought in the big shopping mall in the town. For fear of being crushed, she tightly protected the paper bag to her chest, and walked through the stairs with her waist bent like this.

The stairs and floors of the school are staggered, the stairs are connected with the playground, and the light is projected from the partition of the two floors of stairs to the fence of the playground. In the half-darkness, she saw the thin figure of Omega.

Lin Ruoyun hid in the corner of the playground fence, leaning against the railing with her knees bent, her head lowered, her hair scattered on both sides of her cheeks, lonely and pitiful.

Guan Yinghan walked over slowly, but stopped when he was still some distance away from her, and called her in a little embarrassment.

"Lin, Lin Ruoyun..."

Lin Ruoyun raised her eyes in surprise, teardrops were still hanging on her curly eyelashes, like flower buds hanging with morning dew, which was so lovely.

She was still very concerned about the rejection of her confession, and said in a bad tone, "What are you here for?"

Guan Yinghan looked at her moist eyelashes, her heart felt like it was being pinched by something, and it hurt.

She came closer, handed the paper bag to Ruoyun, her face was flushed, and she nervously said incoherently: "I...your you..."

Lin Ruoyun was stunned for a moment, then poked her neck quietly, and the moment she spotted the mermaid costume in the paper bag out of the corner of her eye, her eyes overflowed with joy.

But in the next second, the corners of her lips were straightened, and her tone became colder: "I don\'t want your things, you earned them from tutoring Chen Aijia, I don\'t want them!"

Guan Yinghan became anxious, her face was even redder than before, and she tried her best to explain clumsily: "It\'s not money for tutoring, it\'s... it was bought with a scholarship."

She said embarrassingly, her ears were red, like a child who did something wrong: "You don\'t like it... I won\'t go... I won\'t give her tutoring..."

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes, and the corners of her lips secretly curled up in a small arc. She hesitated for a while, and finally reached out to take the paper bag.

The moment she took it, Guan Yinghan suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, especially when she saw the sparkle in Ruoyun\'s eyes, she felt that all the hard work had become worthwhile.

Lin Ruoyun carefully took out the dance skirt, caressing it repeatedly.

The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. The tails of her slanted eyes were bent, and the eyes were dyed amber by the setting sun, shining brightly: "It\'s so beautiful."

Lin Ruoyun looked up at her, coincidentally Guan Yinghan also looked down, his eyes collided straightly.

Guan Yinghan looked away in a panic, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was too late to restrain, and it all fell into Omega\'s eyes.

"Guan Yinghan, you won\'t be tutoring Chen Aijia anymore, will you?"

Guan Yinghan gave her a serious look and nodded heavily.

"Then will I surpass her in the next test?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s voice was a little nasal, which sounded a bit coquettish.

Guan Yinghan originally wanted to say that you should be more serious, but Omega\'s smile was too sweet and beautiful, she was bewitched, and she nodded blankly.

Lin Ruoyun smiled even sweeter, showing two dimples that were not so obvious, so beautiful that it was dazzling.

"Lin...Lin Ruoyun..."

Guan Yinghan\'s ears were about to burn, and after stuttering for a long time, she finally choked out what she wanted to say: "You guys... are you going to perform tomorrow?"

Lin Ruoyun stroked the dance skirt, she couldn\'t put it down: "Yes."

Guan Yinghan stopped talking, just looked at her like this, his eyes were as clean as the school uniform on her body, revealing a hint of silent appeal.

She is going to participate in the provincial Mathematical Olympiad competition tomorrow, and she has no chance to watch her perform, but she really wants to see how she looks in a dance skirt.

"I can\'t go to your show tomorrow, can you..."

Guan Yinghan muttered a few times, but still couldn\'t say it. Such words were really too difficult for a sixteen-year-old Alpha.

She lowered her head like this, twisting the hem of her school uniform with her fingers until it got out of shape.

Lin Ruoyun seemed to have guessed what she wanted to say, leaned over, stopped at a very close distance, close enough to see each other\'s eyelashes, then blinked, and asked in a hooked voice: "Do you want to see me in a mermaid costume?" ?"

Guan Yinghan\'s breathing was stagnant, but she didn\'t dare to admit it, she kept her head down and didn\'t speak.

Lin Ruoyun\'s hand slowly reached out, grabbed the hem of her school uniform, and shook it lightly: "Is it?"

Guan Yinghan was no match for the desire in her heart, she was finally defeated, and her face blushed quietly.

She nodded, gently, just once.

Lin Ruoyun\'s rosy lips curled up, and she moved close to her ear, exhaling, "After school, wait for me in the sports equipment room on the third floor!"

The breeze blew through the willow branches, hiding the little secret in Guan Yinghan\'s heart in the wind, only she knew how much she liked Lin Ruoyun, she liked it so much that she wished she could hide it in her pocket.

When the school bell rang, Guan Yinghan\'s heart beat faster for no reason. She quickly packed her schoolbag and waited for all her classmates to leave before heading to the sports room on the third floor.

The door of the sports room was closed, and there was no one and no sound.

Guan Yinghan glanced at the tower needle on the top of the school building, and it was almost pointing to the direction of 6 o\'clock. She stood at the door and raised her hand to knock on it with some hesitation.


The gym room door opened.

Guan Yinghan looked inside in surprise, but she didn\'t see anyone. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she stretched out a white hand from the gap in the door and hooked it to the hem of her school uniform.

"I thought you weren\'t coming."

Omega\'s voice was delicate and soft, and with almost no effort, he dragged the Alpha in front of him into the orange-yellow dim room little by little.

At this time, the sunlight was already orange-yellow close to the setting sun, and a dragonfly flew in through the half-opened window, and landed on the gray-white curtain, revealing a trace of dust.


Guan Yinghan looked at Omega in the white T-shirt and pleated skirt, said only one word, and bit her lower lip in bewilderment.

Lin Ruoyun stepped in step by step, but her pace was very slow. Guan Yinghan looked around in a panic, and stepped back involuntarily until she touched a chair and was forced to sit down.

Lin Ruoyun took advantage of the situation and sat on her lap, her delicate and soft thigh unconsciously rubbed against hers, stirring up sparks with a force lighter than the flapping of a dragonfly\'s wings.

Lin Ruoyun curled her eyelashes, her eyes sparkling, she took the initiative to ask, "Do you want to ask me why I\'m still wearing a school uniform?"

Guan Ying was so embarrassed that she couldn\'t speak, her thoughts were all on the indistinct physical contact, her eyes unconsciously lowered, she was dazzled by the amazement of Omega\'s long legs.

Lin Ruoyun lifted her chin, forced her to look at him, and asked with extremely gentle eyes: "Is it?"

Guan Yinghan moved her chin uncomfortably, and she didn\'t know where to put her hands and feet. She froze her body like this, not daring to move, and it took a long time before she mumbled: " promised."

Lin Ruoyun\'s bright eyes flashed a smile, she moved closer, and buried her head in Guan Yinghan\'s ear: "I promised to wear it for you to see, but I didn\'t say I changed it myself."

Her breath with the fragrance of water spirit flowers puffed into her ears: "If you want to see it, you can change it for me yourself."