After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 68: old dream

In the solemn and magnificent conference room on the top floor of Runhai Group, Guan Yinghan was sitting in the first brown leather chair listening to shareholders\' speeches.

In the middle of the meeting, Ji Wan suddenly rushed in in a daze, and whispered in Guan Yinghan\'s ear.

The shareholders all showed displeasure: What is Special Assistant Ji doing today? It\'s really unseemly to interrupt the general meeting of shareholders rashly!

However, what surprised them even more was that after hearing Ji Wan say half a sentence, Guan Yinghan suddenly stood up from the chair, her face changed completely, and she grabbed her shoulders with both hands like iron clamps: "Say it again?"

Ji Wan didn\'t dare to look directly into Guan Yinghan\'s eyes, her head drooped heavily: "I\'m sorry, Second Miss..."

Guan Yinghan has always been good at controlling emotions, and she always looks calm and introverted outside, almost like a mountain collapses in front of her without changing her face, calm to the point of frightening.

The shareholders have never seen her so panicked, looking at each other and whispering to guess what happened.

Guan Yinghan hastily announced the end of the meeting, and quickly walked out of the meeting room under everyone\'s astonished gazes.

When she rushed to the medical center in a hurry, Lin Ruoyun had already been rescued from the window sill and had been given a sedative, but her mind was still unclear. He murmured: "It\'s on fire... put out the fire..."

Guan Ying\'s heart was pierced by a knife, and the liquid instantly blurred her eyes.

Jiang Hui raised her eyes and saw Guan Yinghan weeping silently, the thin water dripping down, soaking the front of her clothes.

Jiang Hui couldn\'t imagine how sad a person must be to show such a heartbroken expression.

She didn\'t dare to approach Guan Er at all, and from a distance, she recounted the process of Ruoyun\'s illness in a voice almost like a mosquito.

Guan Yinghan suppressed the tearing heartache, walked up to Lin Ruoyun and knelt down, slowly stretched out her hand to caress her, just touching her face, Lin Ruoyun flinched like a frightened bird.


Lin Ruoyun stared at her, pointed behind her tremblingly, her eyes were full of fear: "Then...there\'s a fire..."

"Ruoyun... There is no fire... Don\'t be afraid." Guan Yinghan hugged her into her arms and called her softly: "Don\'t be afraid, I am here, shut here!"

Lin Ruoyun waved her hands, the blood vessels on her forehead became tense and clear: "It\'s on fire... It\'s about to burn..."

Guan Yinghan\'s heart was about to shatter into glass shards. She held Ruoyun tightly, patted her back with her hand, and kissed her forehead with her lips: "It\'s not on fire, Ruoyun...don\'t be afraid, I\'ll hold you... No fire!"

Lin Ruoyun\'s temples ached like needles, and her nerves seemed to be tangled together like a mess, pulling each other, torturing her mind.

She looked at the person in front of her with difficulty, held her breath, then pushed Guan Yinghan violently, and stepped back a little bit with her hands on her hands, with a confused, determined and defensive expression on her face.

"You... who are you, don\'t touch me!"

Guan Yinghan rushed over devastated, grabbed her from behind, buried her face full of tears into her neck, and said in a trembling voice, "Ruoyun, I\'m Guan Yinghan, your Guan Guan..."

"Please, don\'t forget me..." Guan Yinghan hugged her tightly in pain, as if trying to trap her inside her body: "Ruoyun, I beg you...don\'t forget me again , don\'t... don\'t send me to hell..."

Lin Ruoyun was torn to the extreme, her eyes were blurred, as if she had fallen into a circle of light, or fell into a black hole, wrapping her around and spinning around.

She struggled desperately in Guan Yinghan\'s arms, trying to crawl out of the black circle of light. When she waved her arms, her nails scratched Guan Yinghan\'s side face, leaving a not-so-obvious bloodstain.

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t feel the pain, she hugged Lin Ruoyun tightly, and suddenly realized something, she tried to release the pheromone, and the clear scent of Xuelan spread.

The pheromone condensed into a vine, penetrating the black hole imagined by Lin Ruoyun little by little. She looked up and saw a cool and beautiful face appearing at the entrance of the hole, crying anxiously: "Ruoyun, grab it..."

Lin Ruoyun grabbed the vine as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and slowly climbed up. When she was about to climb out of the cave, she finally saw the man\'s face clearly.

It\'s Guan Yinghan!

Lin Ruoyun called out: "Guan Yinghan!"

Guan Yinghan froze suddenly, tears streaming down her eyes instantly.

She was crying, but the corners of her mouth curled up uncontrollably: "I\'m here!"

Lin Ruoyun gradually calmed down, she took the initiative to put her arms around Guan Yinghan\'s neck, leaned into her arms, and unconsciously called her name.

"Guan Yinghan..."

"I\'m here."

"Guan Yinghan..."

"I\'m here."

"Guan Yinghan...I\'m afraid..."

"Don\'t be afraid, I\'m here."

Guan Yinghan hugged her tightly, and if Ruoyun called her, she responded until Lin Ruoyun\'s breathing calmed down, and the chaotic and chaotic phantoms circling in her mind slowly disappeared.

Lin Ruoyun slowly opened her eyes, her absent-minded eyes gradually became clear, and she fixedly looked at Guan Yinghan.

Guan Yinghan dared not breathe.

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes moved, her long curled eyelashes were awash in water, and she spoke with a strong nasal voice: "Guan Yinghan, I saw my grandma..."

Grandma\'s death directly caused Lin Ruoyun to go insane, especially just now, seeing Ruoyun in chaos with her own eyes, Guan Yinghan instinctively put an end to all elements that would stimulate Ruoyun.

She held Ruoyun\'s hand and squeezed it lightly: "You were dreaming just now."

"No, I did see it."

Lin Ruoyun held her breath, and tried her best to think about it. It was dark for a few seconds, the nerves around her temples were pulled back and forth, and even her ears and eyes twitched slightly.

Guan Yinghan hugged her back, and pressed her into his arms distressedly: "Ruoyun, don\'t think about it anymore."

Lin Ruoyun forced herself not to think about it, but that old face would flash in her mind from time to time, she looked up at Guan Yinghan, her eyes filled with tears: "Guan Yinghan, tell me, do I have another grandmother?"

"No, no grandma." Guan Yinghan massaged her temples with his palms, coaxing deeply: "Don\'t think about it, be obedient, let\'s go to sleep, just wake up and it will be fine."

"But, I really..."

"Don\'t think about it any more."

Guan Yinghan raised his hand to cover her eyes, let her lie on his lap, then leaned over, and carefully hugged her into his arms, releasing her unique Fragrant Snowland pheromone.

It was like a warm glass greenhouse, enveloping Ruoyun inside, she muttered vaguely, rubbed softly into Guan Yinghan\'s arms, and closed her eyes quietly.

Guan Yinghan stared at Ruoyun with scarlet eyes, kissed her messy hair, slowly raised her eyes, and glanced back and forth between Jiang Hui and Dean He, her tender eyes instantly turned into sharp ice blades.

"Didn\'t I tell you that you are not allowed to give Ruoyun any more intervention treatment?" Jiang Hui was so frightened that she buried herself in a corner, not daring to say a word.

Dean He was not afraid, and slowly analyzed it from a professional perspective: "Second Miss, interventional treatment is a very important step in fusion surgery. It is necessary to dig out the old memories sealed by Ms. Lin before they can be fused with new memories."

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were cracked, and her voice was like polar ice: "I don\'t need her to remember the past."

Facing Guan Yinghan\'s cold gaze, Dean He expressed the panic hidden in her heart: "Second Miss, you are worried that Miss Lin will go crazy again, but it seems that she will not, in a state where the new memory is very stable Going down to dig out old memories will actually not have any impact on the patient\'s own thinking."

Guan Yinghan suppressed her emotions, and looked down at Dean He: "You mean... Ruoyun\'s spirit is fine? But she looked like that just now..."

"Second Miss!" Dean He walked over slowly and stopped in front of Guan Yinghan: "Intervention treatment will indeed cause Miss Lin to fall into chaos, but this is the only way for her to recognize the past. You have to trust Miss Lin, She loves you very much, loves you more than you can imagine, and will not forget you easily."

He knelt down and talked with Guan Yinghan: "Second Miss, try it, Miss Lin really wants to get back her memory."

Guan Yinghan silently picked up Lin Ruoyun and walked out without saying a word. Dean He tried to persuade her again, but Jiang Hui grabbed her arm.

"Dean, don\'t try to persuade her. She regards Lin Ruoyun as more important than her own life. Unless the operation is absolutely sure, she will not take the risk."

Lin Ruoyun woke up in a warm flower garden.

She rubbed her forehead and slowly raised her eyelids, only to realize that it was the pheromones from her own Alpha that brought her peace of mind and warmth.

Guan Yinghan sat on the ground with her head resting on the edge of the bed, her long eyelashes were closed, and her face was completely devoid of blood.

Lin Ruoyun stretched out her hand to caress her face, feeling a pang of distress in her heart.

Why is the boy so pale?

Guan Yinghan woke up suddenly, she looked at Lin Ruoyun without blinking, her heart seemed to be in her throat, her voice was soft and slow, like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced: "Ruoyun, are you awake? Do you remember who I am? ?”

Lin Ruoyun looked back at her softly, with warm eyes and a light smile: "Guan Yinghan, why did you ask such weird questions so early in the morning?"

She stretched out her hand to pull her onto the bed, and slid into her arms coquettishly: "You are the little fool I picked up, Toffee."

The corners of Guan Yinghan\'s slightly chapped mouth couldn\'t help but curl up, and his eye sockets swelled with laughter: "It\'s agreed to raise Toffee, don\'t abandon it."

The room was filled with the smell of freesia, Lin Ruoyun\'s glands reacted faster than her head, releasing a ray of pheromone, entangled with her enthusiastically.

Omega seemed to be particularly attached to the Alpha who marked her. She hooked Guan Yinghan\'s neck and kissed the corner of her lips: "I\'m reluctant to throw it away. I found a toffee. I think it\'s a big profit."

Guan Yinghan hugged her and closed her eyes contentedly: "Huh?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s hand rested on her slender waist, and stroked it up her back, but when she felt it, the route was wrong, and inexplicably turned to her heart, and squeezed her hand back.

Feels great!

Guan Yinghan froze for a moment, and then her cheeks flushed red: "What are you doing?"

Lin Ruoyun smiled with crooked eyebrows and starry eyes, and seriously blew rainbow fart: "My Alpha has a good face, a good figure, and is super invincible and can make money. I really found a treasure."

Guan Yinghan was praised so much that her lips lined up. She took Lin Ruoyun\'s hand and pressed it to her heart: "It\'s all yours. You can touch it however you like."

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyelashes trembled, rubbed them embarrassingly, then stretched out her thin arms to hug her, hugging her quietly, feeling Alpha\'s reassuring temperature.

Ruoyun pressed her forehead against her neck: "Guan Yinghan, I\'ve been dreaming of someone recently, but I can\'t see her face clearly, but I think...she is you."

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyelashes, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Dean He is not comforting her, Ruoyun\'s deep memory is really slowly merging.

She suppressed the joy that filled the sky, and asked calmly: "What do you dream about?"

Lin Ruoyun raised her head, thought for a long time, and showed a regretful expression: "I dreamed of that Alpha, give me a paper bag, she said... bought it for me with a scholarship, I was about to open the paper bag to see what was inside, when I woke up from the dream gone."

When Guan Yinghan heard this, he was in a daze for a moment.

"Guan Yinghan..." Lin Ruoyun called her softly.

Guan Yinghan pressed her head on his shoulders, and put her neck into a hugging posture: "Ruoyun, I\'m so sleepy, sleep with me for a while, okay?"

Lin Ruoyun gently wrapped her arms around her waist: "Okay."

Guan Yinghan buried herself in Omega\'s soft hair, her mind was numb, and she just fell into a chaotic dream.

Probably because of the sound of raindrops outside the window sneaking into the bedroom, it also started raining in Guan Yinghan\'s dream.

In this rain, she walked back to Dawan Village. She was wearing a blue and white school uniform, and she ran, and the splash of water wet her trouser legs.

Walking into the classroom, the male Alpha sitting in the first row put his feet in front of her, and asked with a playful smile: "Guan Yinghan, are you really an Alpha? Why are you so white, even whiter than an Omega? Is it your mother?" Is it the kind of glandular oil that you wiped after Omega?"

Guan Yinghan\'s expression didn\'t fluctuate at all, she walked around from the right and returned to her seat.

"Hey, Guan Yinghan, what are you dragging, don\'t you just rank first in every exam?"

The male Alpha chased after her, holding down her exercise book: "I heard that Chen Aijia from Class Three wrote you a little love letter? I warn you, don\'t like her, she will be my Omega in the future."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t even look at her, he stretched out his hand to pull out the exercise book that was held down by him, lowered his head and continued to study the questions seriously.

Male Alpha was irritated: "Hey, believe me or not..."

Someone in the classroom called Chen Aijia to come, and the male Alpha immediately climbed down from the desk and stood by the desk in an orderly manner.

This Omega named Chen Aijia ignored the male Alpha, walked straight to Guan Yinghan\'s seat, and spread a math test paper in front of Guan Yinghan, with a mean smile on his pretty face: "Guan Yinghan...Guan Yinghan, take a look." , I got 96 points in the test this time, my mother said it was all thanks to your tutoring, and she also said that she would add tuition fees to you."

Guan Yinghan still didn\'t raise her eyes, and just said lightly, "No."

Chen Aijia wanted to say something more, but she was attracted by the people behind the classroom. She stared hostilely at the Omega, which was as dazzling as the moon, and said sourly to herself: "Why is Lin Ruoyun here?"

Guan Yinghan finally raised her eyes from the exercise book, she followed Chen Aijia\'s gaze and looked back, and saw Lin Ruoyun standing outside the door, her pleated skirt was slightly undulating by the cool wind, revealing half of her fair and soft calf.

Facing Guan Yinghan\'s gaze, Lin Ruoyun\'s cherry blossom-like soft lips bent upwards, but the next second, after seeing Chen Aijia beside her, they turned into tight straight lines again.

Lin Ruoyun turned around suddenly, walked back with her lips tightly pursed, leaving behind an unfinished look, and walked away without looking back.

Good friend Ruan Xiaoqi chased after her and looked at her blankly: "Didn\'t you say that you can\'t do many questions, and you want Guan Yinghan to teach you? Why did you leave?"

Lin Ruoyun looked at the test paper with a score of 69 in her hand, and thought of Chen Aijia\'s test paper with a score of 96, she gritted her teeth angrily: "I don\'t need her to teach!"

As she spoke, she stuffed the test paper into her schoolbag, tears streaming down her cheeks: "No wonder she didn\'t accept my confession, so she already has an Omega she likes, and she likes Chen Aijia."

"Lin Ruoyun, you idiot, she obviously likes you." Ruan Xiaoqi hit her with the test paper in her hand: "She didn\'t even have to look at Chen Aijia directly, but when she saw you, her eyeballs were all glued to you, and she buckled all the buttons." not come down."

"She refused the teacher\'s application to waive tuition and miscellaneous fees, and insisted on working part-time to earn tuition fees. People like Guan Yinghan with strong self-esteem are also the most inferior. She feels that she has nothing and has nothing to give you, so she refuses you. what."

Ruan Xiaoqi turned into a love expert, and gave Lin Ruoyun an in-depth analysis: "You said that if she doesn\'t like you, why does she secretly follow her behind your **** every day to and from school to protect you? If she doesn\'t like you, why do you earn money from working?" I bought medicine for your grandma with the money, and ordered fresh milk for her. In our village, there are not many houses that have not ordered fresh milk. I really envy you."

Lin Ruoyun sniffed, her eyelashes were wet with tears, and looked like brilliant diamonds under the sun: "I don\'t want to use the things she bought with Chen Aijia\'s money, I...give them back to her!"

In the third class on Friday, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the students walked out shoulder to shoulder and went to the playground to do inter-class exercises.

Clutching a paper bag in her hand, Guan Yinghan looked down from the corridor, three or five Omegas in school uniforms of Chen Qun were walking in one direction in a disorderly manner. She searched for Lin Ruoyun in the crowd and walked towards the stairwell.

A group of Omegas came towards them. Because AO was different, Guan Yinghan retreated politely to the corner and walked upstairs from the other side. Because she was too anxious, she accidentally touched the arm of the Omega next to her. She said sorry several times, and then Continue to search for Lin Ruoyun\'s shadow.