After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 64: hickey

The morning sun illuminates the room brightly and warmly. The good weather in winter is suitable for washing and drying, and it is more suitable for embracing and lingering in the bed.

Lin Ruoyun was sitting in front of the dressing table, taking out lipstick to apply, when suddenly a hand came from her waist and snatched her lipstick away.

Lin Ruoyun turned her head and gave her a coquettish look: "Stop playing with Second Miss Guan, I have to make an announcement."

Guan Yinghan lifted her small chin, unscrewed the cap, and used a lip brush to dab some color, little by little to outline Ruoyun\'s lips.

This should be the first time for Lin Ruoyun to look at her Alpha at such a close distance under bright light. Her nose bridge is very straight, her eyebrows are exquisite and noble, and her lips are drawn into a straight line when she is not smiling. She has a cool and charming look. smell.

She didn\'t know how to maintain her skin. She was so close, and she was in a state of bare makeup, so she couldn\'t see any flaws.

Toffee is really the most beautiful Alpha she has ever seen.

Lin Ruoyun\'s ear tips were slightly red.

He has obviously done all kinds of intimate things, but breathing and blending with her like this will still make his heart rate unbalanced.

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyelashes kept trembling: "I will do it myself."

Guan Yinghan gently pinched her chin and lifted her head to the right position: "Don\'t move, just make it up again."

The pajamas, which were not tightly tied at first, became more loose as Guan Yinghan leaned over, revealing the curvature of the inside.

The redness of Lin Ruoyun\'s cheeks spread all the way to her neck.

Guan Yinghan had sensed her gaze a long time ago, pursed her lips into a smile, and bit it unceremoniously, running over her glazed lips, and rubbing slowly along the texture.


Lin Ruoyun hooked her neck, and tremblingly stretched out the tip of her tongue to meet her, but the little brat retreated the moment the tongue touched her, and slowly moved to her neck.

The lipstick-stained lips parted, and Guan Yinghan squeezed her fair collarbone in a playful way, sucked it lightly, and then let it go slowly.


A clear and complete hickey appeared on her collarbone.

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t bear to pat her: "Guan Yinghan, how do you want me to meet people, are so annoying!"

Guan Yinghan smiled brightly, and took out a sapphire necklace from the drawer, the extremely precious peacock blue, with perfect clarity and cut, it was worth a lot at first glance.

She put the necklace on Ruoyun\'s neck, and the dangling sapphire pendant could barely cover that hickey.

"Wouldn\'t it be invisible?"

This brat, knowing that she would not accept her expensive gift, tried to make her accept it.

Lin Ruoyun put her hands around her neck and took off the necklace: "I said, don\'t want these."

Guan Yinghan pressed her hand, looked down at her, obsessively and forcefully: "I will give you everything I have, and you have to support me for the rest of your life!"

Her expressions and movements, and even the accumulated emotions in her eyes, penetrated time in an instant, and flowed back to that breezy night.

Toffee stood in the corridor, timidly tugging at the corner of her clothes, and asked pitifully, "Sister, can you raise me?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyelashes were quietly covered with mist.

She had been ill for a long time, and she didn\'t know that there was another person in this world who was looking for her crazily day after day.

Toffee worked so hard to come to her side, pretending to be a fool to guard silently, but I couldn\'t give her anything except a headache.

Even the memory is blank, and I can\'t remember who she is until now.

Lin Ruoyun lowered her head, blinked away the water mist vigorously, and pushed her stingily: "What do I want your things for, can\'t I make money myself? I, a little star, can\'t afford you, Second Miss Guan."

"I\'m easy to take care of, I can give you whatever you want." Guan Yinghan raised her long eyelashes, her peach blossom eyes were like the juice of rubbing petals, shining like glass, she said in a soft tone that only belonged to toffee: " Sister, you said that you would raise me for the rest of my life and not abandon it."

Lin Ruoyun leaned closer and stared at her, her almond eyes flashed with light: "You can stay at my house if you want, but I don\'t want to support idlers."

"I can do things." Guan Yinghan\'s voice suddenly became hoarse.

Just as Lin Ruoyun finished saying "What do you know?", Guan Yinghan kissed her lips.


She was pressed under Guan Yinghan, her lips and teeth were filled with the fragrance of her own Alpha, she squinted her eyes, and felt that the air was taken away by Alpha.

Familiar enthusiasm comes up...

Lin Ruoyun moved her other leg impatiently, trying to cover up the wetness, but Alpha was already touching her.

"Hmm...Guan, Guan Yinghan, what are you doing?"

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes moved slightly, and she gently hooked her knuckles: "I will do...what you like..."

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help panting, arched her waist and lowered it repeatedly, her voice was full of softness begging for mercy: "Guan Guan... I want, I have to catch the announcement... I will be late..."

Guan Yinghan leaned over and pressed, the clothes rubbed against Lin Ruoyun\'s neck, and her lips fell on the side of Lin Ruoyun\'s neck: "I temporarily changed the itinerary, and I will take pictures in the afternoon."

The bathrobe wrapped around Omega\'s body had slipped to the floor, Guan Yinghan bit the cherry with her lips, lightly grinded it, and lightly hooked her fingertips, raising her eyes to admire the charming color that belonged to Lin Ruoyun.

"Baby Ruoyun, let\'s do it again, I\'m afraid you\'ll forget me again, to consolidate your memory."

As soon as the words fell, Alpha\'s fingertips brushed across the lake, sparkling microwaves, and the gurgling sound of the water.

When Lin Ruoyun got fully dressed and got into the nanny\'s car, she found Ji Wan dawdling and burying herself in a corner, and she kept looking at her secretly, so loud that even Jiang Hui, who was sitting in the front row with her eyes closed and dozed off, noticed it.

Lin Ruoyun has been acting for so many years, and she is not timid. She looked down, and the hickey was completely covered by a huge sapphire. She immediately felt relieved, cleared her throat, and explained: "It was her birthday last night. , we were making cakes in the was very late, so we temporarily changed the itinerary, and she has already said hello to the brand side, there will be no problem."

As soon as Ji Wan heard this, her expression became more and more weird, like a face-covering emoji, just when Lin Ruoyun doubted her acting skills to fool people, Jiang Hui turned her head with a half-smile: "You and Guan Er last night Must spend a night full of gunpowder smoke, oh no, is it a night full of smoke?"

Lin Ruoyun was stunned for a moment.

Ji Wan finally had the courage to hand over a tissue and said with difficulty: "Sister Ruoyun, why don\'t you wipe your mouth first?"

Lin Ruoyun was stunned again, and then covered the corners of her lips reflexively.

The little boy has messed up his lipstick.

When she left in a hurry, she even forgot to check her lipstick, and walked all the way with her blurry and ambiguous lip line. Lin Ruoyun\'s ears were completely red, she took the paper and wiped it vigorously, and the corners of her lips became red.

"Don\'t rub it, you smell the scent of freesia on your body, it\'s so strong that you can smell it three miles away."

Jiang Hui handed her a bottle of concealer, and pouted ambiguously: "Use this to cover it up."

This time, Lin Ruoyun\'s entire face turned red, wishing she could be invisible.

Jiang Hui put away her teasing expression and stared at her seriously: "Ruoyun, you don\'t have to be nervous. In fact, you have been involved in movies, TV dramas, and commercials in the past few years since your debut, and you also have masterpieces in your hands. The popularity is getting stronger and stronger. The higher it is, the more stable it is.

At this age, you should also plan for yourself. It’s okay to fall in love, as long as you are not with someone in the circle, there will not be many fans who criticize it. "

Lin Ruoyun pursed her lips and responded in a low voice.

She and Guan Yinghan...

The status is too disparate.

Now she is just a second-tier star in the entertainment industry, while Guan Yinghan is the leader of the high-ranking Runhai Group.

Especially when Guan Yinghan made a phone call just now, a brand as big as Loken was able to match her time as a second-tier star.

So many directors and producers in the circle bowed their heads and flattered her when they saw her.

After seeing Guan Yinghan\'s status and ability, Lin Ruoyun felt even more ashamed.

Maybe one day, when she can stand on the highest podium like her predecessors, get the highest honor, and become the object of thousands of attention, she should have the confidence to stand side by side with her.

The three of them didn\'t speak anymore. On the radio station in the car, the female anchor spoke full of local news: "At 11 a.m. on March 10, Qin Yeli, the former chairman of Qin Corporation, was suspected of forging a quality inspection certificate. , and unfair competition was detained by the ICAC, the case is still under investigation, if the investigation is true, Qin Yeli will be prosecuted for the crime of contract fraud..."

Lin Ruoyun sat in the back seat expressionlessly, with no trace of sadness or joy in her expression, but Jiang Hui couldn\'t help but sigh: "If Qin Yeli goes in, what will those people in her family do..."

Halfway through Jiang Hui\'s speech, she caught a glimpse of Ji Wan winking at her, and suddenly realized that Liang Qiu was still living in the Qin Mansion, so she hurriedly changed the subject: "Ruoyun, I don\'t have a schedule today except for Loken\'s announcement, why don\'t you accompany me?" Let me go shopping, last time I saw an online celebrity shop on Weibo."

As she said that, she took out her mobile phone, searched for the name and address of the store, and swiped the homepage of Weibo by the way. She swiped her finger on the screen a few times, and suddenly burst out a swear word: "Fuck, who is behind the scenes?"

Ji Wan probed half of her body: "What\'s the matter?"

Jiang Hui lowered her voice and growled: "Someone used a trumpet to post old photos of Guan Er and Ruo Yun on the Internet, and now the whole Internet is saying that Ruo Yun is a stand-in."

When Ji Wan heard this, she quickly turned on her mobile phone, and saw Lin Ruoyun\'s Weibo, which was full of cursing and sarcasm.

[Substitute, tsk tsk, think of that classic line - you are not allowed to speak, once you speak, your voice will not resemble her, hahaha! 】

[Knowing that I am a double and still staying with Miss Guan Er, wake up, the attachment of Miss Er is for the old love. 】

[Being a beautiful canary is already very pitiful, but you are still a stand-in canary, don\'t worry about Miss Lin upstairs, she is sober, Miss Guan Er, who is the resource that grabs the most in the circle, is at hand, whoever refuses it Woolen cloth? 】

【It\'s really pretty, but it\'s a pity that it\'s a substitute. I don\'t think Second Miss Guan cares much about her. As soon as Bai Yueguang comes back, the substitute has to stand aside. 】

[Agreed, wait for Bai Yueguang to show up online, and see how Second Miss Guan dumps her! 】

The moment Ji Wan pressed the phone off, Weibo had already rushed to the trending searches, she gritted her teeth angrily: "It was posted half an hour ago, it seems like I bought a hot topic, and when the big V marketing account sees this kind of melon, they will definitely join it quickly , That\'s why it fermented so quickly, who... is going to hide Sister Hei Ruoyun behind her back?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s cheeks were slightly pale, she bit her lip and straightened her back: "I know, it\'s Lu Ying."

The three generations of the Lu family have served the Qin family. Needless to say, Lu Ying\'s feelings for Qin Yeli, now that Qin Yeli is in jail, Lu Ying attributes all of this to Lin Ruoyun. She really hates her, and dare not do anything in reality. In this way, they use the Internet to attack Ruoyun.

"Ruoyun..." Jiang Hui frowned and stared at her expression: "I see...cancel the announcement, and let Guan Er deal with those things on the Internet."

"No, I can solve it myself." Lin Ruoyun smiled, seemingly indifferent: "The substitute is the substitute, let them say it, I will just keep the aloof personality."

Jiang Hui turned to stare at her: "Ruoyun, you\'re not telling the truth."

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyelashes drooped, and she said seriously after a while: "I have a bad reputation right now, don\'t let her enter the muddy water. Standing behind her is the entire Runhai Group. One hair can affect the whole body, so it can\'t be for me..."

Jiang Hui interrupted her anxiously: "You know Guan Er doesn\'t care, and besides, she has the ability to secure this position, so she won\'t be restrained by anyone."

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes were filled with heat: "Master, I want to get back my memory, I want to stand in front of the public openly and tell them... who Guan Yinghan is to me."