After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 65: Mrs. Guan, please give me advice for the rest of my life

Arriving at the venue of Loken, the reporters crowded at the door scrambled to surround her, and the cameras aimed at Lin Ruoyun.

"Yunyun, I heard that the second lady of Runhai Group praised you because you look very similar to her former Omega. You are so beautiful and have good acting skills. Are you really willing to be a substitute?"

"Yeah, Yunyun, if Second Miss Guan\'s old love comes back, will you quit to fulfill them?"

One after another, the flashing lights lit up.

Ji Wan stretched out her arm to move the reporter away, and then the bodyguards from Fu Ye\'s security company also surrounded her, forcefully flicking away the camera equipment that was about to poke Lin Ruoyun\'s face.

During the pushing and shoving, the bodyguard inevitably encountered the reporter\'s shooting equipment, and the two sides turned from verbal altercation to physical conflict.

The voice of Lin Ruoyun playing big names gradually appeared in the crowd, Jiang Hui dragged her to the side and led her to the special channel: "Ruoyun, don\'t show up at the event for a while, I\'ll explain to the organizer."

"Master, if you can hide for a while, you won\'t be able to hide for a lifetime. If we don\'t say it, it doesn\'t mean they won\'t write scribbles. I have nothing to fear, but I\'m just worried that it will hurt her."

"Take care of yourself first..."

Before Jiang Hui finished speaking, she felt that her hands were empty. She raised her eyes in surprise, and saw Lin Ruoyun walking slowly to the center of the storm, facing the microphone directly, her moist and bright red lips curled up slightly.

"Miss Guan Er is not the kind of scumbag Alpha who randomly finds a substitute, and I am not an Omega who casually serves as a substitute."

The reporter standing in the front row put the microphone in front of Ruoyun: "Then sister Yunyun, what do you mean...Miss Guan\'s old love is actually you?"

Lin Ruoyun smiled and nodded: "That\'s right!"

"It\'s said that the second lady was raised in the countryside since she was a child, and her life was very difficult, but she studied very hard, and all the stipends she got were used to buy gifts for her old love. She is really devoted to her old love...

Sister Yunyun, since you said you were Miss Er\'s old love, what did she buy you for her first stipend? "

Lin Ruoyun was stunned when she was asked.

Her memory of the past was blank, even Guan Yinghan didn\'t remember anyone, how could she remember these details?

Just when she was in a daze, the crowd below started whispering.

"I\'ll just say that she was swollen to pretend to be fat. She can\'t even answer this kind of question, and she\'s not a substitute."

"It also depends on who will be the substitute. Second Miss Guan has a lot of resources in her hands. If it were me, I would be willing."

"Would you like to? Don\'t be funny, then you have to have the same face as your old love."

The little reporter who spoke just now smiled and asked again: "Sister Yunyun, such a meaningful gift will never be forgotten. Think about it carefully?"

Lin Ruoyun stood in the wind for a long time in a dress with strapless shoulders. She was already exhausted. Now she was forced to question by the reporter again. She held her breath and concentrated on recalling the lost memories. Her brain hurt like a tear. She staggered and raised her weight. Only barely holding on to the toes.

Seeing that her face turned pale, Jiang Hui wanted to go forward to help her, but unexpectedly, she was pushed away by the reporter on the right who grabbed the camera. She tried to squeeze forward, but was pushed farther away.

Lin Ruoyun was like an isolated island, submerged in the storm. When she was most isolated and helpless, a coat with a familiar warm fragrance wrapped her shoulders.

It\'s the smell of freesia!

Lin Ruoyun raised her face and met a pair of gentle and lingering eyes.

"Why are you here?"

Guan Yinghan carefully wrapped her exposed shoulders around her waist, allowing her to transfer all the weight of her body to herself.

She lowered her head and stared at Lin Ruoyun with soft eyes: "Don\'t be afraid, with me here, no one will dare to bully you."

The moment Lin Ruoyun saw Guan Yinghan, her nerves were stretched to the extreme, and she suddenly relaxed. She leaned against her arms, her eyes quietly filled with warmth.

The reporters at the scene fell silent for an instant, and after a while, they unanimously let out exclamations of gaffes.

"Second Miss Guan? Is it Miss Guan Er herself?!"

Guan Yinghan raised her eyes, glanced back and forth into the crowd, her eyes slowly turned cold, and her voice was filled with frost, with a daunting sense of alienation: "Just now, who asked my wife the question?"


Everyone\'s eyes widened, including the little reporter who asked the question.

When she met Guan Ying\'s cold eyes, she shrank back in fright, but when she thought of the bonus brought by the traffic, she mustered up the courage to hand over the microphone: "Guan, Second Miss Guan, you said sister Yunyun is you Ma\'am, is she the same person as your old love?"

Guan Yinghan didn\'t answer, but fixed her gaze on the microphone held high by the little reporter\'s right hand. She glanced at the acrylic brand under the microphone, and said at the end: "Guangwu Media?"

Guan Yinghan chewed the words "Guangwu Media" between her lips and teeth, very lightly and slowly, but it sent a chill down the spine of the little reporter.

The little reporter vaguely felt that he had gotten into a catastrophe, and wanted to ask some questions about the announcement to save him, but was forcefully pushed away by the bodyguards on both sides.

The bodyguard opened a path for Guan Yinghan, the reporters did not dare to get too close, and followed closely at a distance of three meters.

Guan Yinghan stopped abruptly.

She put Lin Ruoyun into her arms, leaned slightly, faced the camera straight, and said word by word: "There is no new love, old love, I only have one Omega in this life, and that is my wife—Lin Ruoyun."

Lin Ruoyun was half-carried into the nanny car by Guan Yinghan, Ji Wan and Jiang Hui backed away with discernment, the two hesitated for a long time, seeing that Guan Yinghan was silent, they asked Ruoyun for help with their eyes.

Lin Ruoyun bent her lips and smiled: "Master, let\'s go back to the studio together."


Jiang Hui sat down in the front seat, and the next second, Ji Wan squeezed over, her buttocks snugly pressed against hers.

Jiang Hui blushed suddenly, pushed her away slightly, and raised her eyes to look at Guan Yinghan: "Guan Er, it may be on the hot search tomorrow morning."

The implication is whether to find someone to deal with it in advance.

Guan Yinghan smiled indifferently: "I haven\'t been on the trending search yet, so I just want to experience it."

When Jiang Hui asked, she felt stupid. Since Guan Er came to support Lin Ruoyun, he naturally didn\'t mind being scribbled.

Guan Yinghan was fearless, but Lin Ruoyun was a little scared. She nestled in Guan Yinghan\'s arms like a kitten, and whispered, "How can you make it public? I have a lot of black fans now, and they will attack you online , you just let them agree, as long as I know that I am not a double."

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyes, and soft and thick love flashed across her eyes: "I will not let anyone laugh at you or bully you."

Lin Ruoyun\'s throat choked up: "\'s okay, but you represent the Runhai Group, and you are entangled with a starlet, and you are still a starlet with constant negative news..."

Guan Yinghan clenched her hand tightly and pressed it against her forehead: "Ruoyun, there is nothing more important than you."

"Guan Yinghan..." Lin Ruoyun was so touched that her eyes became sour, and she rubbed her face back and forth a few times: "I\'m sorry, I still haven\'t remembered...I tried, but I can\'t remember anything except a headache."

Guan Yinghan adjusted her posture, let her lie on her lap, and gently massaged her temples with her soft fingertips: "Don\'t think about it, Ruoyun, whether you can restore your memory or not is not so important to me now .”

Lin Ruoyun raised her head and looked at her, her neck showed a beautiful arc: "Why?"

In the closed car, the two were very close, she looked into her eyes, and she also looked at her affectionately.

"Why?" There was no response for a long time, Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help asking again.

Guan Yinghan leaned over, and her warm lips fell between her brows: "For me, it doesn\'t matter who you are, it\'s all the same. The most important thing is..."

"What is it?" Lin Ruoyun closed her eyes, then opened them again, the neon lights outside the car flashed past, making her eyes shine brightly.

Guan Yinghan stared at her deeply: "I didn\'t lose you."

Lin Ruoyun took the initiative to reach out her hand, hooked her neck and pulled it down. The noses of the two were facing each other. She leaned against Guan Yinghan\'s ear and smiled softly: "Actually, I also have something I want to tell you."

"What?" In the night, Guan Yinghan\'s voice was as gentle as water.

"I\'m so happy that you can find me again."

"I am also very happy..."

"Guan Yinghan..." Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes shone brightly, "The scholarship you got for the first time, what did you buy for me?"

Guan Yinghan\'s usually cold face rarely showed a shy expression: "I...I...I will tell you later."

"No, what do you say." Lin Ruoyun got up quickly, trying to tickle her: "I want to know, tell me..."

"Ruoyun, don\'t, don\'t make trouble!" Guan Yinghan grabbed her hand, pointed to the front row of the car, and mouthed, "Someone is watching."

The two people in the front row didn\'t dare to look behind them. Mou Zujin buried himself under the seat to lower his sense of presence, regretting getting into Guan Yinghan\'s car.

Ji Wan and Jiang Hui were forced to fill their mouths with dog food. Jiang Hui lowered her head and pretended to look at her phone. Ji Wan couldn\'t avoid it, so she bit the bullet to find a topic: "Second Miss, the person who broke the news has been found."

Guan Yinghan raised her eyes and looked over: "Is it Lu Ying?"

Ji Wan marveled at Miss Second\'s insight, and was about to ask how to deal with it when she caught a glimpse of the dark light in Guan Yinghan\'s eyes at the end of her eyes, and said knowingly: "Miss Second, I will make her unable to stay in the company any longer. "

Guan Ying\'s cold voice came from the back seat: "She has been with Qin Yeli for so long, her hands may not be clean..."

Ji Wan paused: "I understand, I will make it difficult for her to stay in Tianhai City."

Lin Ruoyun did not attend Loken\'s press conference. Instead of pursuing the responsibility for the breach of contract, the brand made several phone calls to express condolences, which made her a little at a loss.

In fact, she didn\'t know that Loken has a special counter in the department store under Runhai. Loken has always wanted to occupy a good location in the mall. The second lady is blowing the wind beside the pillow.

Lin Ruoyun felt very sorry, and after obtaining the approval of the company, she decided to shoot a set of print advertisements for Loken.

The nanny car stopped at the entrance of the studio. Miss Guan Er, who had never appeared in public, actually came to the studio with great fanfare, which really shocked everyone\'s pupils.

"Ahhh, it turns out that Toffee is Miss Guan Er from Runhai Group. God, it\'s my fault that I didn\'t grasp the opportunity."

"Yeah, Second Miss Guan\'s temperament is completely different from Toffee\'s. She is so sassy and beautiful. When she enters the door, it feels like the whole room is glowing."

"She and Sister Ruoyun are a good match, and I will be their CP fan from now on."

Guan Yinghan took Ruoyun into the door, and Ji Wan followed behind, holding Loken\'s handbag in her hand, and distributed a copy to each of the studio employees.

"Everyone is sister Ruoyun\'s colleague. This is a sympathy from our second lady. Thank you for taking care of her."

The Omegas in the studio have been fascinated by Loken\'s skin care products for a long time, but were dissuaded by her lowest five-figure price, so when they received the gifts, they all stared and gasped.

Damn, it\'s just a five-figure gift for a casual meeting, and it\'s just an ordinary colleague relationship.

Second Miss Guan spoils her Omega too much.

Lin Ruoyun bit her lips silently: Toffee, you prodigal son!

Her mouth was coquettish, but her heart was as sweet as honey, Lin Ruoyun squeezed her hand, and said softly: "I\'m going into the studio, it may take a long time, if you have something to do, go back first."

Guan Yinghan helped her close the coat around her shoulders, her long eyelashes drooping: "I\'ll wait for you, let\'s go home together."

Lin Ruoyun\'s almond eyes sparkled, "Okay!"

Lin Ruoyun entered the studio, Guan Yinghan buried herself in the corner of the lounge, Jiang Hui came over with coffee, and couldn\'t help teasing: "I said Guan Er, your tutor is really good, when Ruoyun is not around , there are several Omegas who secretly winked at you, but you didn\'t even give them a glimpse..."

Guan Yinghan lowered her head and fiddled with her phone without listening to a word.

Jiang Hui approached curiously: "What are you looking at?"

Guan Yinghan flicked on the screen for a long time, and raised her eyes in distress: "Ah Hui, how do I get this Weibo?"

Jiang Hui looked at her as if looking at an alien: "You can\'t even play Weibo?"

"How can I have time to play with these?"

The omnipotent Guan Er wanted something from her, but Jiang Hui was inflated. She swaggered and sat next to Guan Yinghan, and said, "Hey, that\'s it, just click here after registering..."

Guan Yinghan knew how to learn it once. She turned on her phone and saw more and more taunts and curses on Ruoyun\'s Weibo, and her knuckles turned white.

She switched to the Weibo that she had just registered, and on a completely blank page, she posted her first Weibo in the name of Guan Yinghan.

Add a photo of Lin Ruoyun and Lin Ruoyun clasping their fingers together, and an emoticon of a cheap and cute kid hugging his thigh and begging for support, and then edit it seriously——

"Mrs. Guan, please advise me for the rest of my life!"

The following is simple and rude @林如韵.

Five minutes later, Runhai Group\'s official Weibo went online, reposted Guan Yinghan\'s Weibo, and accompanied it with an emoji of a cute little brat begging for a kiss: "Miss Lin, she is our genuine president\'s wife."

At this moment, Lin Ruoyun was just finishing taking a group of photos, and before she had time to change into a new set of clothes, she heard the groundhogs of the prop maker and lighting engineer screaming.

"Ahhh, Second Miss Guan came off the stage to speak out in person, so the rumors about Sister Ruoyun\'s substitute will be self-defeating."

"Sister Ruoyun, you made me believe in love again, woo woo woo."

Lin Ruoyun was confused: "What are you talking about?"

The lighting engineer clutched his chest, with a look of crushing on me: "Sister Ruoyun, check Weibo."

Lin Ruoyun clicked on her phone, logged on to Weibo, which she hadn\'t dared to read for a long time, and received a reminder to pay special attention to Weibo.

She slid down the notification bar, and saw Guan Yinghan\'s fiery air confession amidst a bunch of bad comments.

The lighting engineer screamed again: "My God, the official Weibo of Runhai Group has also reposted it. Sister Ruoyun, you are so popular!"

Lin Ruoyun\'s restrained emotions could no longer be suppressed, and warmth filled her heart.

She gripped the phone tightly, pressed it to her heart, and whispered to herself: "Guan Yinghan, I will try my best to get my memory back, I... will definitely think of you."