After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 18: The thorny road to chasing a wife

The crew of "Meng Yuan" temporarily changed the heroine, and all the scenes shot by Zhan Qing had to be reshot and replaced, so the shooting schedule was very urgent, and the filming continued until the evening.

During the intermission, Guan Yinghan rushed to Lin Ruoyun\'s side with a milk box lunch: "Sister, I got the box lunch from the field manager."

Lin Ruoyun rubbed her head, and praised without hesitation: "Toffee is so capable."

Guan Yinghan showed a cute smile, and wrapped the warm blanket in her arms around Lin Ruoyun\'s half-exposed shoulders.

Jiang Hui happened to walk by with a box of lunch and had a panoramic view of the scene.

Her eyes lingered between the two, and her smile gradually became meaningful: "Oh, Ruoyun, when did you hide such a big baby by your side?"

Lin Ruoyun and Jiang Hui have been playing against each other all day, and the cooperation between the two has become more and more tacit, and the relationship has become more and more harmonious.

Lin Ruoyun\'s face turned tomato-colored: "Senior Jiang, she...she is assistant."

Guan Yinghan\'s peach blossom eyes narrowed dangerously, and at an angle that Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t see, she shot a cold warning light at Jiang Hui.

Jiang Hui deliberately teased, ignored Guan Yinghan\'s eyes, and slapped Lin Ruoyun with her elbow: "I said that your little assistant looks stupid, but I didn\'t expect you to be very careful. The milk has been warmed for you."

"Senior Jiang, Toffee is not stupid." Lin Ruoyun corrected solemnly: "She is just relatively simple."

Jiang Hui almost spit out a mouthful of rice.


Miss Guan Er has the word "simple" in her dictionary?

Jiang Hui was about to tease her when she suddenly heard several Omegas talking about her name from a distance away.

"Oh my god, I haven\'t eaten such a rich box lunch in the film crew for a long time. There are even fried lamb chops and silver cod."

"It\'s not because of the blessing of Jiang Yinghou. I heard that the second lady was afraid that she would not be used to the boxed lunches outside, so she specially asked the cook of the Guan family to make it. We are following the light."

"Wow, this is too spoiled. Xiao Huizi, what are these green leafy vegetables? Ah bah, the taste is so bitter..."

"I haven\'t seen it either. It\'s probably the Jiang Yinghou\'s favorite food."

Lin Ruoyun\'s curiosity was aroused by Omega\'s words on the opposite wall, she lowered her head and opened the lunch box, her pupils trembled slightly.

Ground rice?

For this kind of wild vegetable, Omega from big cities may not even have heard of it, let alone seen it.

Ke Ruoyun grew up in Dawan Village, where rice and vegetables are everywhere, and she likes to eat this dish the most.

It\'s just that Tianhai City is far away from Dawan Village, and ground rice and vegetables are not suitable for storage. In addition, it has a slightly bitter taste, so vegetable vendors have no profit to make, so naturally they won\'t sell it.

It is no exaggeration, Lin Ruoyun dreamed of eating this dish in her dreams, her eyes lit up when she saw it, and she couldn\'t wait to stuff it into her mouth.

"It\'s really delicious." Lin Ruoyun squinted and smiled contentedly, completely oblivious to Toffee\'s hand reaching out to help her wipe the corner of her mouth.

The corner of Lin Ruoyun\'s mouth was touched, and she instinctively hid back.

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyelashes, and hugged her forcefully from her side: "Sister...haven\'t wiped it off yet."

Lin Ruoyun froze, and reflexively broke free.

However, Guan Yinghan stuck to her ear and hugged her more stubbornly: "Toffy is an assistant, she has to take care of my sister."

Lin Ruoyun turned her head in a daze, and met Guan Yinghan\'s gaze. She didn\'t know if it was an illusion, but she found that Toffee\'s eyes were not as silly as before, but instead had a wild and domineering look that she had never seen before, asking her to be obedient.

How can the little toffee...

become so aggressive.

Is this the natural attribute of Alpha?

Lin Ruoyun silently reminded herself in her heart that she must teach Toffee an AO physiology and hygiene class when she returns home.

However, when she raised her eyes again in the next second, Toffee\'s eyes became pure and obedient again, as if it was really just her own illusion just now.

"Sister, is this green vegetable delicious?"

Lin Ruoyun smiled, she really thought too much. Toffee is still the little toffee who doesn\'t understand anything. As long as it is a green leafy vegetable, it is called green vegetables.

Lin Ruoyun put a piece of ground rice and vegetables in her mouth: "Yes, it\'s very delicious."

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes burst out with joy, and he pulled the ground rice and vegetables in his lunch box to Lin Ruoyun: "Sister, I\'ll give you all you like to eat."

Jiang Hui silently ate her food, even though she had persuaded herself to let go of Guan Yinghan, she still couldn\'t help but feel a little sour when she saw her booing and inquiring about Lin Ruoyun.

In Jiang Hui\'s impression, Guan Yinghan didn\'t like to laugh very much, and was cold and abstinent.

She always thought that Guan Yinghan was the same to everyone: you can\'t afford to be too high.

But, only that one person was an exception.

Guan Er must not know how exciting she is looking at Lin Ruoyun at this time.

Lin Ruoyun noticed the sight from her side and looked up. Jiang Hui looked at her, quickly changed her expression, and her eyes were filled with a small smile: "Ruoyun, your little assistant is too considerate to you, tell me quickly, Where did you pick it up, I will pick one up too."

Lin Ruoyun\'s ears blushed quietly. She wanted to protect Toffee selfishly, and she didn\'t want to talk too much in front of outsiders, so she brought the topic to Jiang Hui.

"Senior, the people around you are also very considerate." Lin Ruoyun picked up a piece of ground rice, shook it playfully, and stuffed it into her mouth: "The ground delicious."

Jiang Hui was surprised for a few seconds, and then realized it.

Lin Ruoyun probably heard the conversation of the Omega outside the wall, and mistakenly thought that the ground rice and vegetables were prepared by Guan Er for herself.

But how did she know that the entire drama, the entire film and television company, and even Guan Yinghan herself, all existed for her, Lin Ruoyun.

Jiang Hui turned her head and looked at Guan Yihan quietly with a smirk in her eyes.

Shut up you **** it!

Back then when you were fighting with the eldest wife, I did a lot of covering for you, but now you keep everything from me, even why you pretend to be crazy around Lin Ruoyun.

snort! In this case, don\'t blame me for adding another stumbling block on your thorny and thorny road to chasing your wife, Second Miss Guan.

Jiang Hui tilted her head and blinked at Lin Ruoyun: "Do you also believe the rumors outside?"

Lin Ruoyun has never liked to gossip about other people\'s affairs, let alone the person involved is still in front of her eyes.

She could only throw the question back: "I...I don\'t know very well...Senior Jiang, do you like Second Miss Guan?"

Before Jiang Hui answered the question, she cast a meaningful glance at Guan Yinghan.

At this moment, Second Miss Guan\'s expression could no longer be described as terrifying.

However, Jiang Hui has already cultivated to be invulnerable to swords and guns. She nodded without thinking too much about it, and then sighed again: "I have known her for five years, but she...she fell in love with someone else."

Of course, Lin Ruoyun didn\'t know that the other person Jiang Hui was talking about was herself. She widened her eyes in surprise, and then imagined a 500-episode 8 o\'clock dog-blood love drama.

A cauldron fell from the sky, hitting Guan Yinghan\'s chest tightness and shortness of breath. Her long eyebrows were raised high, and the coldness in her eyes pressed against Jiang Hui.

Jiang Hui caught her gaze but didn\'t panic at all. She glanced at Guan Yinghan provocatively. When she turned back, she bit the tip of her tongue, her eyes filled with steam: "Ruoyun, do you think she\'s a scumbag?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s shock at the beginning faded away, thinking that Miss Guan Er is also her own big boss, so she can\'t chew the boss\'s tongue behind her back.

What\'s more, she has never even met Miss Guan Er.

But Jiang Hui took good care of herself both in and out of the play, and Lin Ruoyun\'s balance in her heart was unsurprisingly tilted towards Jiang Hui.

She comforted Jiang Hui in a low voice: "That...Second Miss Guan seems...seems to be a bit of a scumbag."

Jiang Hui:!

Guan Yinghan:? ?

Guan Yinghan was absolutely stunned. During the five blank years, she was labeled as a scumbag for no reason. If Ruoyun regained her memory in the future, even if she had ten mouths, she still wouldn\'t be able to explain it clearly.

She lowered her eyes and instantly hid her anger, and when she approached Lin Ruoyun, she had returned to her usual gentleness and harmlessness.

"Sister, just now Toffee was watching the performance of the crew next door. The bad guy was about to beat the good guy, but she kept talking, talking endlessly. In the end, the good guy was rescued, but she was beaten to death."

Lin Ruoyun\'s forehead twitched.

What kind of weird plot is this? Could it be that the legendary screenwriter refused to let him die?

Lin Ruoyun only thought of her child\'s sudden curiosity, but Jiang Hui could hear Guan Yinghan\'s implication:

Know how the villain died?

Just talk a lot!

Jiang Hui\'s back felt cold, and under the watchful eyes of Guan Er\'s death, she secretly slit her mouth.