After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 19: Looking for toffee to act in bed/acting

In the distance, the director\'s loudspeaker sounded, Lin Ruoyun hurriedly put down the lunch box, hurriedly explained a few words to Guan Yinghan, and pulled Jiang Hui to the studio.

In the evening, there was a scene where the female supporting role was blackened. Lin Ruoyun wanted to seduce the charming male No. 4 according to the script, and use his power to take revenge on the female lead.

Lin Tuoyun wore the water-blue cheongsam provided by the crew, which outlined the graceful curves and also wrapped the slender neck, making the chin even smaller and more delicate.

Following the director\'s action, Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes lit up, her bare feet twisted her slender waist, and she walked lazily.

As she walked towards the male number four, she unbuttoned the slanted collar of the cheongsam shawl.

Male No. 4 raised his eyes, and with a slight movement, Lin Ruoyun fell on his lap.

Lin Ruoyun had never filmed an intimate scene before, when the fourth male\'s hand pressed against her, she trembled as if in stress.

Male No. 4 felt the struggle in his arms, and was slightly taken aback. In order not to affect the shooting, his palms were a little heavier to confine Lin Ruoyun.

Lin Ruoyun\'s expression instantly became rigid and unnatural, and she even stumbled and mispronounced her lines.

The fourth male\'s hand was slowly stroking her back, Lin Ruoyun\'s face turned pale, and she violently shook him off like a conditioned reflex.

The director seemed very dissatisfied, and when he called cut, his tone was a bit reproachful.

Lin Ruoyun bowed and apologized, adjusted her mentality, and tried to reshoot the scene, but her stiff performance still did not satisfy the director.

Once, twice, three times...

Because of her relationship, this scene has been stuck for a long time, and the entire crew is constantly scheduling for her.

In fact, Lin Ruoyun didn\'t need to say anything, Lin Ruoyun could feel the great pressure from the eyes of the staff.

Although her acting skills can\'t be called explosive, it\'s passable, even when she plays with the actress Jiang Hui, she is not inferior in the slightest, but she can\'t let go of all kinds of intimate scenes, even if there is only a little physical contact. no.

The director and Jiang Hui looked at each other, swallowed all the accusations, and sighed slightly: "Forget it, Ruoyun\'s condition is not good today, let\'s call it a day, and continue shooting tomorrow."

Although the director didn\'t say anything to blame, Lin Ruoyun was so annoyed that she felt disgusted with herself for a while.

She bit her lower lip tightly, lowered her eyelashes, covering her red eyes.

Guan Yinghan looked at her from a distance through a door. Even from such a distance, she could feel Lin Ruoyun\'s depression, and her heart twitched uncontrollably.

Jiang Hui used to disdain such things as assists, but she really couldn\'t see Guan Er\'s appearance, so she decided to help her.

Jiang Hui walked over, patted Lin Ruoyun on the shoulder, and comforted her in a low voice: "Ruoyun, the most stupid and most useful way to get into the show is to cast aside all shackles and devote yourself to it, if it\'s not possible...

Jiang Hui paused, her eyes flicked outside the door and landed on Guan Yinghan, and then she turned back: "If it really doesn\'t work, you can change to someone you are familiar with and you can rest assured to play against. Emotions have to be dealt with."

Lin Ruoyun was in a bad mood, so she just responded lightly: "En."

Today\'s shooting was delayed for a long time, and it was almost ten o\'clock when I got home.

Lin Ruoyun is a more rational person and will not bring negative emotions from work into her life.

She walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and smiled softly at Guan Ying who was watching TV on the sofa: "Toffy, go to bed early after taking a shower, okay?"

Guan Yinghan suppressed the worries in her heart and nodded obediently.

She came out wrapped in pajamas, and saw Lin Ruoyun half-sitting on the cushion on the balcony, leaning against the glass and concentrating on reading the script, frowning tightly.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t dare to disturb her, she went back to the sofa and turned on the TV silently, turned the volume to the lowest, her eyes seemed to be fixed on the screen, but she was secretly looking at Lin Ruoyun from the corner of her eye.

Lin Ruoyun was still struggling with the script when Jiang Hui\'s words suddenly flashed in her ears.

[Find someone you are familiar with and feel at ease to play against. First overcome the obstacles in your heart, maybe you can better handle your emotions. 】

Familiar and reassuring person?

Lin Ruoyun slowly sat up straight, her eyes fell on Guan Yinghan.

Toffee\'s lack of memory leads to lack of mind, and he is still a child at heart, isn\'t he the most reassuring candidate?

Although Lin Ruoyun hasn\'t played for a long time, once she enters the role, all the cells in her body are mobilized.

She raised her head slightly, and a bewitching voice came from the window.


In fact, Guan Yinghan\'s peripheral vision has never left Ruoyun, but when she heard her call her name, she still pretended to look up from the screen casually.

"Sister, did you call me?"

Lin Ruoyun tore off the rubber bands of her hair, and shook her head charmingly and alluringly. The loose pajamas slid to the side with the movement and hung on her arms.

The only incandescent lamp on the balcony shone with hazy light, coating her with an alluring jade color.

Guan Yinghan forgot to look away and just stared blankly at her walking over.

She even felt dizzy for a moment, and couldn\'t see clearly what was in front of her eyes. When she realized it, her chest was full of soft and greasy touch.

"Toffee." Lin Ruoyun sat on her lap, hooked her neck with one hand, and looked at her with bright eyes: "You can help my sister to play against each other, okay?"

Guan Yinghan was startled, and slowly raised his eyelids.

Under the warm light of the living room, Lin Ruoyun became more and more charming. Her face was small and delicate. When she looked at people with the end of her eyes, she looked like a hook, which made people\'s hearts itch.

Guan Yinghan swallowed with difficulty.

Soon, she adjusted her expression and looked at Lin Ruoyun innocently and intently: "Sister, how can I help?"

Lin Ruoyun rolled her eyes, and said with a smile like a flower, "Did you watch your sister act during the day?"

Guan Yinghan understood what she wanted to do almost instantly, the corners of her lips hidden in the dark curled up, and she quickly calmed down again.

Guan Yinghan blinked her eyes very slowly on purpose, revealing the child\'s curiosity when seeing new things. Her feigned ignorance made Lin Ruoyun\'s emotions gradually relax.

"Toffee, you...can you play the uncle with the gun?"

Uncle with a gun?

Isn\'t it the male number four who plays an intimate rivalry with Ruoyun?

"Okay, okay." Guan Yinghan\'s tone jumped easily, as if he was playing some fun game.

Lin Ruoyun laughed, and hugged her neck with two thin arms: "Then let\'s start."

Guan Yinghan was still staring at her intently, and their heads were very close.

Lin Ruoyun could clearly see her silhouette reflected in Toffee\'s eyes.

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were extremely dark, and she was extremely focused when she locked her gaze, with a sense of purity that she deliberately pretended to be ignorant of worldly affairs.

Lin Ruoyun suddenly felt uncomfortable.

It\'s so useless!

If you can\'t even face a soft and harmless kid like Toffee, how can you play against other people?

Lin Ruoyun bit the soft flesh inside her lower lip, forcing herself to enter the scene again.

According to the setting of the script, the female supporting role became a dancer after being blackened, and she met the male No. 4 at a church meeting. After knowing that the male No. 4 was the warlord, she tried her best to seduce him and let him get rid of the female lead for herself. .

Lin Ruoyun closed her eyes, leaned forward on Guan Yinghan\'s shoulder, pressed her nose against her shoulder, and breathed her hot breath on her fragile glands.

Guan Yinghan\'s glands twitched uncontrollably, and responded to Lin Ruoyun honestly and enthusiastically.

She subconsciously reached out to caress the back of her neck.


The Strong Barrier also adheres firmly to the gland.

Guan Yinghan was still in the panic of not being able to suppress the pheromone, so Lin Ruoyun\'s waist and abdomen came up against the trend, rubbing against her very slowly, and her palms were caressing her back.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t dare to move, and after a while, something soft and greasy pressed against her ear.

"Overseer..." Lin Ruoyun\'s voice was trembling, light and fluttering, and the ending hooked upwards tremblingly. As the stroking motion of her right hand became lighter and lighter, it became more and more attractive.

Guan Yinghan used all her strength to hold her breath, and kept staring at Lin Ruoyun pretending to be ignorant.

The beauty of toffee, which is zoomed in at close range, is too lethal.

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t take it anymore, she supported her shoulders and stepped back a little, her breath gradually became chaotic.

"Overlord..." Lin Ruoyun bit the bullet and continued, but her voice was visibly trembling.

She bit her lip and leaned her head on Guan Yinghan\'s chest: "Carry me to the bed."