After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 16: Sister, I want a reward

Guan Yinghan pointed to the right: "Sister, let\'s go over there, there are seats available."

Lin Ruoyun held the lunch box, her red lips curled up: "Okay."

The two were sitting in the corner, just as Lin Ruoyun opened the lunch box, an Omega dressed as a maid came over with the box.

"Hello, my name is Ji Wan."

A strong lemon smell came from the tip of their noses. Lin Ruoyun and Guan Yinghan raised their heads at the same time, with friendly, warm and friendly eyes. There was ice in one eye, and the cold glow overflowed.

Ji Wan met Guan Yinghan\'s eyes, shivered like a conditioned reflex, and quietly approached Lin Ruoyun: "I... I\'m playing the role of Sang Rou\'s maid. Sister, which one are you playing?"

Lin Ruoyun smiled lightly: "Hi, I\'m Lin Ruoyun, playing your young lady—Sang Rou."

Ji Wan secretly marveled, Second Miss\'s Omega looks really good-looking.

Forgive her for seeing so little in the world and reading so little that she couldn\'t find any words to describe Lin Ruoyun\'s beauty.

After being dazed for a long while, Ji Wan finally said, "Wow! What a coincidence, so it turns out that you are..."

Before he finished speaking, he let out a low cough.

Ji Wan\'s heart trembled.

It\'s over, it\'s over, how dare she strike up a conversation in front of Second Miss, and call Lin Ruoyun her sister.

Ji Wan woke up in an instant, grabbed the rice to cover her mouth, and peeked at Guan Yinghan through the lunch box.

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t pay attention to their interaction, but felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird, so she turned to look at Guan Yinghan.

Guan Yinghan\'s nerves tensed, and she switched to the innocent and pure mode in seconds. Her peach blossom eyes were bent, and her thick and curly eyelashes fluttered. She was as soft and cute as she wanted.

Lin Ruoyun unconsciously put her hand on the top of her hair, and touched it lightly twice.

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyelashes docilely, and even tilted her head enjoying herself. Cooperating with Lin Ruoyun\'s movements, she was like a kitten only being stroked by her master, and almost rolled on the floor.

Ji Wan:!

Second Miss, the contrast is too great!

Lin Ruoyun gave Guan Yinghan the big chicken leg in her lunch box, and looked back to see Ji Wan peeking at Toffee.

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes and thought for a while, before introducing Guan Yinghan: "Her name is Toffee, and she is my assistant."

Ji Wan was stunned for a moment.

She knew that some Omegas in the crew were jealous of Lin Ruoyun, and secretly laughed at her for raising a fool.

But Lin Ruoyun has never disliked Miss Second, whether in private or in public, she has never said anything related to being stupid or mentally ill.

Lin Ruoyun treated the second young lady kindly, gave her warmth, care, and...


Thinking of this, Ji Wan looked at Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes with a little more gratitude.

Guan Yinghan was wearing disposable gloves to peel the prawns, she scraped Ji Wan\'s face from the corner of her eye without any trace, full of warning.

She doesn\'t like when Ruoyun\'s eyes fall on others when she is by her side.

Guan Yinghan tried to pull Ruoyun\'s gaze back: "Sister, eat shrimp."

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes, and saw that the white rice was covered with shelled shrimps, the shells of the shrimps had been picked clean, and the white and tender shrimp meat was covered with a layer of sauce, making people salivate.

Lin Ruoyun subconsciously went to pick up the lunch box, but Guan Yinghan moved faster than her, scooped one up with a spoon and handed it to her mouth.

Lin Ruoyun hesitated for two seconds, opened her mouth to hold it: "Thank you."

Guan Yinghan carefully fed Lin Ruoyun, the pampering in her eyes was fleeting: "Sister, is it delicious?"

Lin Ruoyun chewed the shrimp and smiled softly: "It\'s delicious."

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were bright, her long eyelashes blinked, and she put on an innocent expression: "Sister, I want a reward."

Lin Ruoyun was instantly enraged.

You little boy is used to haggling.

It\'s all my own fault. I have to make some kind of reward plan.

Lin Ruoyun drew up a set of arguments in her heart, prepared her emotions to refuse, and raised her eyes to look at Guan Yinghan, all the words were blocked in her throat in an instant.

The little boy was staring at her, his eyes were clear and pure, glowing with anticipation, dazzling like colored glaze.


The lethality of the little boy\'s beauty is too strong.

Lin Ruoyun\'s paper-like barrier gradually softened, she glanced at Ji Wan beside her, and nodded slightly: "Uh, good! I\'ll reward you when I go home tonight..."

Before she finished speaking, Lin Ruoyun felt that it was too ambiguous, and it was easy for people to think about it. Looking at Ji Wan with a melon-eating expression, she smiled awkwardly: "My sister has a scene to shoot in the afternoon, so you obediently follow the stage manager, and behave Good ones are rewarded."

The corner of Guan Yinghan\'s mouth curled up secretly: "Understood, sister."

In the afternoon, there are mainly female and male supporting roles. Although Lin Ruoyun is the first female lead, she has many years of experience in playing tricks. The director knows everything, and she cooperates with other actors quite tacitly. After a scene, there is almost no NG .

After the first set of scenes was filmed, the director seemed to be inspired by new ideas. He called Lin Ruoyun and the male supporting role over to discuss: "You two acted well, you feel very good. I want to add a little kiss scene in the next scene to increase the sadness. atmosphere, are you two alright?"

The male supporting role is a young O of the new generation. He has been in the industry for some years. Kissing scenes are very common for him, so he nodded in agreement immediately.

However, Lin Ruoyun was unwilling.

The male supporting role enlightened her with a good temper: "Do you have any concerns? It\'s okay, I can\'t let go of the kiss scene in front of the camera for the first time. How about this? I\'ll go tell the director and just touch it. The audience likes to knock on CP, and it will definitely be sprinkled with sugar properly;

To increase the ratings, you also hope that our drama will be popular all the way, right? "

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyes, and bit her lower lip hard: "Then... Can I borrow a seat?"

The supporting actor was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Of course, the effect is similar."

Seeing that the two had reached a consensus, the director beckoned to the scene manager to set up the kissing scene.

Guan Yinghan followed the field manager, and when she heard the busy staff whispering in her ear, she burst out two words—

kiss scene...

She stared fixedly at the makeshift studio, her heart felt like being stabbed by a blunt instrument, she couldn\'t tell whether it was pain or soreness, she felt as uncomfortable as falling into the deep sea, surrounded by turbulent sea water, she was about to suffocate.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t know how long she stared at Lin Ruoyun\'s back, her eyes were filled with moisture, and her vision gradually became blurred.

Until, a joking voice came from my ear.

"Why, your Omega can\'t bear the intimate scenes with other people?"

Guan Yinghan turned her head and met Jiang Hui\'s eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Jiang Hui originally wanted to make fun of Guan Yinghan, but unexpectedly saw a blush in her eyes, and she smiled self-deprecatingly: "Now I finally know why I didn\'t even have a chance. Because... Lin Ruoyun just stood there, what I don’t even need to do it, I’ve already lost a complete defeat.”

Guan Yinghan frowned, she seemed very unwilling to discuss this topic with Jiang Hui: "Ah Hui, I told you from the beginning that I have an Omega."

"I know." Jiang Hui sat side by side with her, skillfully shook out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it and took a deep puff: "It has been rumored outside these years that the second miss of the Guan family is the financial backer behind me. You can quell rumors with just one sentence, but you didn\'t do that."

Jiang Hui paused, and slowly exhaled smoke rings: "Guan Er, you created an illusion for me, making me think that you like me."

Guan Yinghan was not used to the smell of MAILB smoke, it had a strong astringent taste.

She turned slightly to the side and coughed twice in a low voice.

Jiang Hui lowered her eyes and put out her cigarette on the stone steps.

Guan Yinghan\'s gaze fell on the faint fire, and he did not speak again until it was extinguished: "If Uncle Jiang hadn\'t blocked that knife for me, I would have died long ago. Ah Hui, I caused you to lose your father."

Jiang Hui used a shadow to hide the sadness on her face: "It\'s Dad\'s job to protect you. It\'s the eldest wife who is cruel, not your fault."

Having said that, Guan Yinghan always felt indebted to Jiang Hui.

She turned her head, and the cold shattered light on her side face fluctuated constantly: "Ahui, I only hope that the identity of the Second Miss Guan can make your career in the entertainment industry go more smoothly. This is the only thing I can do for you."

"Yes, with the support of you, Second Miss Guan, I can go smoothly in the entertainment industry. I can choose resources at will, win prizes and get soft hands."

Jiang Hui suddenly showed an envious expression: "Only a fool like Lin Ruoyun would not give up and hit the wall, thinking that as long as he worked hard, he could gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. If you weren\'t helping her behind the scenes, she wouldn\'t know where she is now." Singing in a small bar."

"If Yun likes acting, I will give her the best." Guan Yinghan raised her eyes to Jiang Hui, with a pleading look in her eyes: "Ah Hui, I will entrust my most important person to you. ..."

"Don\'t worry." Jiang Hui knew what she was going to say, and agreed without hesitation: "I will do my best to help your Omega."

"Thank you, Ah Hui." Guan Yinghan showed the most sincere smile.