After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 15: Protect wife behind

Jiang Hui seemed to see that Lin Ruoyun was very disturbed, so she walked over and patted her on the shoulder: "Miss Lin, you haven\'t signed with an agency yet, have you? Can I be your agent? Zhang Quntou said that you haven\'t studied acting before." , so I will take you first in the drama "Meng Yuan", and when you gain some popularity, I will retreat behind the scenes and only be responsible for helping you receive resources."

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t believe her ears.

Everyone in the circle knew that Jiang Hui never signed someone easily. Other actresses tried their best to stick to her body, but she chose to sign a contract with this unknown newcomer, and even came back to teach her to act.

It was like a dream.

Lin Ruoyun tightened her fingers: "Senior Jiang, you...are you kidding me?"

Jiang Hui suddenly raised his face: "I look like I\'m joking?"

Lin Ruoyun hastily apologized: "I\'m sorry, senior, I just feel..."

"You don\'t have to worry, no matter what, I\'m also a kid in this circle, and I\'ll help you control the resources, so there won\'t be any tricks."

Jiang Hui suddenly bent her red lips, took out two blank contracts from her bag and handed them to Lin Ruoyun: "You can read the contract for the specific terms, and we will sign it if you want. As for your private life, you can rest assured that I will not Too much interference."

Lin Ruoyun clutched the contract and did not speak for a long time.

"Does Miss Lin have any concerns?"

Lin Ruoyun admits that she is very excited, but if she plays the second female role, she will definitely have more roles, her work and rest time will be interrupted, and she has to cooperate with the crew to go to other places for filming from time to time.

So what about toffee?

She couldn\'t leave toffee alone at home.

"Senior, there is a child in my family, she..."

"Oh, you said it was toffee, right?" Jiang Hui smiled: "Zhang Quntou told me about your situation, and I discussed it with the director, and agreed that you would bring her into the group."

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes widened in surprise: "Can you bring Toffee into the group?"

Jiang Hui nodded, her face was as usual, but she secretly cursed in her heart.

Now that the entire film and television company has been bought by Miss Guan Er, if she wants to stay on the set, that\'s not up to her.

But what puzzled Jiang Hui was why the second lady pretended to be a demented Alpha and stayed with Lin Ruoyun under the pseudonym Toffee.

However, since Second Miss Guan arranged for her to show up to sign a contract with Lin Ruoyun, as long as she completes the task, she is inconvenient to ask about the rest.

Seeing her hesitation, Jiang Hui quickly grabbed the pen on the table and handed it to her in fear of unexpected accidents: "Miss Lin, if there is no problem, let\'s sign the contract."

When Lin Ruoyun signed the contract, Guan Yinghan, the new boss of the film and television company, was secretly lying on the window and watching.

The conference room is very close to the props room, and the staff are busy moving the equipment. The sound of noisy conversations and metal collisions are mixed together, covering up the sound of approaching footsteps.

Guan Yinghan\'s whole heart was tied inside the house, and she didn\'t pay attention to the approaching figure until a familiar voice came from behind.

"Second miss!"

Guan Yinghan turned her head stiffly, her face turned pale and pale: "Ji Wan, why are you here? Didn\'t you tell you not to follow me anymore?"

Ji Wanse lowered her head, bared her teeth and smiled obsequiously: "I didn\'t... I didn\'t follow you, I came to be a group performer."

Guan Yinghan held back her breath, grabbed her wrist, and dragged Ji Wan all the way to the end of the corridor.

"You come to be an actor? Are you kidding me, do you know that you are an Alpha?"

As we all know, Omegas are relatively scarce in this society, but they have special physiques, and they will enter estrus every once in a while. The higher the level, the more frequent estrus.

And Omega\'s estrus will inevitably lead to Alpha\'s estrus. Once AO is in estrus, the situation will be out of control.

Therefore, the actors selected by the crew are basically female and male.

Ji Wan rubbed her sore wrist, and replied in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "Then Miss Second, aren\'t you an Alpha too?"

Guan Ying gave her a cold look: "I\'m different. I\'m a fool with a lack of mind now. I don\'t know anything. It\'s safe for Omega."

Ji Wan rolled her eyes silently in her heart.

My second young lady, don\'t be too good at it, okay?

Are you safe and have no points in your heart?

Ordinary people have the impression that bodyguards are cold and reticent, but Ji Wan is just the opposite. She has a lively personality, and loves to play tricks. She doesn\'t dare to be too presumptuous in front of Guan Yinghan, and she is a **** in private.

"Second Miss, don\'t worry, I am safe for Omega now."

While talking, Ji Wan lifted the black hair on the back of her neck, exposing her glands, and slowly approached Guan Yinghan.

A strong lemon-flavored pheromone belonging to Omega is released.

Guan Yinghan frowned slightly: "You..."

Ji Wan raised her eyes triumphantly, and muttered in a low voice, not afraid of death: "I learned this from you, you can pretend to be stupid, then I can also pretend to be O, Second Miss, let me stay by your side."

Guan Yinghan frowned in disgust.

In this world, except for Ruoyun\'s watery amber fragrance, other Omega pheromones have an unpleasant smell.

Guan Yinghan raised her hand and fanned her nose to dispel the pungent lemon smell, her tone was extremely depressing and concise: "I don\'t need you here."

Ji Wan organized her words and was about to convince the second lady again, when Lin Ruoyun\'s hurried and flustered voice came from the corridor.

"Toffee...Toffee...where are you?"

Guan Yinghan\'s long eyelashes trembled, and she lowered her voice and quickly gave an order: "Ji Wan, from now on, your task is to protect Ruoyun, understand?"

Rounding things up, following Lin Ruoyun was the same as staying with Second Miss.

Ji Wan suddenly became happy, and her eyes became crescents with a smile: "Yes, Second Miss!"

Guan Yinghan stopped talking to her, walked out from the corner of the corridor, and strode up to meet her: "Sister, I\'m here."

Lin Ruoyun turned around, the worry in her eyes was obvious: "Didn\'t you stay in the lounge, why are you running around?"

Guan Yinghan hooked her hand, and kept his aggressive aura to the outside world, only revealing the innocent and silly appearance unique to Toffee.

"Sister, I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time... worried about you..."

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t know where the panic came from, but she didn\'t settle down until she saw Toffee.

Subconsciously, she inserted her fingers into Guan Yinghan\'s, and clasped her tightly: "Toffee, don\'t worry, you don\'t have to wait outside in the future, you can stay by my sister\'s side."

As expected.

Guan Yinghan tried her best to express her excitement: "That\'s great."

After signing the contract, it was almost noon. Lin Ruoyun took Guan Yinghan to the set to familiarize herself with the environment. It happened that the small set manager was distributing boxed lunches.

In the crew, although the leading actor looks good, the treatment is actually similar to that of the extras, and he also eats box lunch at noon.

On the small square table in the rest area of ​​the set, the extras chatted together while eating boxed lunches.

When the Omegas get together, they are simply a gossip group.

Lin Ruoyun stepped into the melon field with a box of lunch, and heard the big melons from her new manager, Jiang Hui.

Actor A: "Hey, have you heard? Wuyang Film and Television, to which our film crew belongs, was acquired by Runhai Group. The current heroine, Jiang Hui, was hand-picked by the second lady of the Guan family. I heard that Zhan Qing went to her There was a lot of crying in front of the benefactor, but he didn\'t dare to stand up for her."

Group performer B: "Zhan Qing is a fart. Jiang Yinghou relies on the Runhai Group. If the name of Miss Guan Er is publicized, who would dare not buy it?"

Ensemble A: "Isn\'t that right, the second lady behind Jiang Hui is supporting her, and in our circle, it\'s not like she just walks sideways."

Group performer C: "If you want to talk about the second Miss Guan, she is really mysterious. She has never appeared in public. It is rumored that she was left outside by the Guan family since she was a child. If it wasn\'t for the first heir of the Guan family to die in a car accident , and would never think of taking her back to the Guan family.

Who would have thought that in just five years, Miss Guan Er would control the entire Runhai Group, and even force the eldest wife of the Guan family to leave the country. "

The following topics were more sensitive. Several Omega extras tried their best to keep their voices down, but they were still heard clearly by the big melon—the second lady of the Guan family, Guan Yinghan.

Damn, people are really sitting on the set, and melons come from the sky.

She is the financial backer behind Jiang Hui? It is even said that there are noses and eyes.

I don\'t know if Ruoyun listened to it?

Guan Yinghan glanced at Lin Ruoyun cautiously, seeing that she was carrying the boxed lunch expressionlessly, and she didn\'t seem to care about what the Omegas were talking about, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.