After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 991

Shang Qian\'s kiss was a bit of a stop. When she was relieved after she was nervous, she suddenly kissed again.

He endured hard. Once he tasted the sweetness, he got out of control and didn\'t want to let go.

She didn\'t refuse. His mind clamored for the idea of devouring her, making every pore of him excited and excited.

But he enjoyed a hard won feast.

Then bit by bit she was swallowed into the stomach.

Su Nan was hooked up and down by his kissing skills. If his strong arm hadn\'t stopped her waist, she would have fallen down.

Isn\'t it just a kiss?

She was ashamed of her unpromising reaction, and her face was even hotter than Shang Qian\'s.

It must be that there is no fresh meat around her for a long time, so her hormones are out of balance!

She just doesn\'t understand how a gentle gentleman who has always been gentle and graceful can kiss like a devil with high intelligence?

People followed him to sink unconsciously.

When Su Nan felt that she was about to suffocate, the man finally reluctantly let her go.

His loving eyes were tinged with a smile:


His voice is hoarse and deadly.

Su Nan woke up instantly, and her breathing was smooth as expected, but her embarrassed appearance had fallen into the man\'s eyes.

The heartbeat is not normal!

She stood up abruptly, but her legs became weak and weak. She became unstable and fell down again.

But the man had already pulled her into his arms, listened to him groan, and laughed hoarsely:

"Like me so much, can\'t bear to part with me?"

Men are born bad.

Su Nan bit her lower lip. Her face was almost red. She struggled to get up and dodged his dark eyes.

"If it weren\'t for your illness..."

She murmured, making excuses for herself.

She would not admit that she was confused by him.

"Don\'t move."

The man\'s voice sank a little, with a little warning in it.

Su Nan suddenly understood something. It seemed that she had bumped into something just now.

She sat on his lap and dared not move.

It\'s so embarrassing that I can\'t wait to dig a hole in the floor with my toes!

Shang Qian gradually calmed down his breathing, and the red blood in his eyes gradually faded away, and he recovered his paleness and softness.

He released his hand and smiled at her:

"Can you still stand up?"

Su Nan took a deep breath and immediately jumped up.

Stay away from him.

Shang Qian tidied up his shirt. He was so gentle and handsome.

Then he looked at her solemnly:

"I\'m sorry. I lost my temper just now. I may lose my self-control when I have a fever."

It was like two people with the man who kissed her just now.

Su Nan\'s face turned red and her brain was short circuited.

"Oh... It\'s nothing, just a kiss? I\'ll take it as a mosquito bite!"

She really said what she wanted, and she didn\'t know what she said.

Shang Qian pursed his lips and stared at her.

The expression is very complicated.

He touched his feverish forehead and bit his back teeth:

"Do you enjoy it when you are bitten by mosquitoes?"

I was so angry

Su Nan was confused by his bluntness.

Her face was as red as a crab, and was instantly connoted!

The beautiful big eyes widened, pointed at him and said incoherently:

"You... Hooligan!"