After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 990

Su Nan, waiting for the eggs to be cooked, went to the balcony to call fuyechuan.

When fuyechuan picked it up, he was obviously surprised:

"Su Nan? I have something to tell you. We really have a heart to heart......"

"Fuyechuan, it feels good to hit people, doesn\'t it? Why didn\'t you hit yourself twice?"

Su Nan gnashed her teeth and lowered her voice.

This Fu dog really owes scolding!

Fuyechuan was silent for a few seconds. His voice was slightly cold. "Did he complain to you?"

With disdain.

Su Nan took a deep breath. "Do you still need to look for it? Anyone with eyes can see it!"

Fu YeChuan hissed coldly.

You really didn\'t get a punch without a fight?

"I tell you, if you dare to attack the people around me again, be careful I\'m not polite to you!"

Su Nan threatened him, thinking that he would hit people?

proud as lucifer!

Before fuyechuan explained, she hung up the phone.

Chen Mian, standing next to Fu YeChuan, listened to the dialogue clearly.

Sure enough, the general manager of Commerce came here, and it was a bitter meat trick.

How could president Fu be an opponent?

Someone is ringing the doorbell outside.

When Su Nan saw that it was the family doctor of the Su family, she quickly opened the door to let them in.

A man and a woman are acquaintances.

"Miss Su, where is the patient?"

Su Nan pointed to the bedroom, and the two walked in one after the other.

Go back to the kitchen and continue to look at the eggs. Keep the fire low. It will be almost ten minutes.

When she cooled the eggs, the doctors came out.

"How\'s it going?"

Male doctor: "I just gave him antipyretic. I should see the effect in an hour. As for the injury on his face..."

The woman doctor hesitated. "I have a ointment here. I\'m afraid it will take twoorthree days for the traces to disappear completely."

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

She took the ointment, sent the doctor away and took the egg in.

Shang Qian had already sat there. It seemed that he was not so powerless.

Su Nan peeled the egg and handed it to him.

Shang Qian didn\'t raise his hand. He looked at her with deep eyes. His chin was slightly raised, indicating that he didn\'t want to do it himself.

She understood the meaning at once.

For his sake, Su Nan didn\'t refuse.

She sat next to him, and the warm and light fragrance of the man came over, which made him in a trance for a moment.

She gently placed the egg on his face and massaged the inflamed part.

Look focused.

Did not notice that the man\'s eyes have been falling on his face.

Until her hands were sore and she wanted to change hands.

Seeing his black eyes, they were deep and dark. It seemed that there was a huge vortex in them, which had a fatal attraction.

His shallow eyes seemed to hide an unfathomable storm.

In the storm, there was love for her.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment and couldn\'t move her eyes any more.

It was as if a force wanted to pull itself into his eyes.

Every emotion in my eyes was greedy but restrained:

I want to eat you!

Looking at each other, he seemed to be getting closer and closer, and his handsome face was in front of him.

Su Nan unconsciously relaxed her breathing, and her body became stiff.

Before she realized what he was going to do, he didn\'t give her a chance to think. There was a cool touch on her lips.

Suddenly, her whole body trembled, like an electric shock, and the tip of her heart trembled.

The eggs in my hand rolled on the ground, but I couldn\'t care.

A pair of big hands around her waist, one arm can circle around, did not give her a chance to escape.

The man\'s breathing became heavier and heavier. His body was hot, and it also burned to Su Nan\'s heart.