After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1685

Shang Qian also had no appetite. He put down the tableware, wiped his mouth slowly, and cleaned up when she went to open the presents.

Su Nan obviously enjoys the process of opening gifts.

When she put the things up, Shang Qian knew that most of them would be put on the shelf.

But she came out of the cloakroom happily, and the smile on her face had not faded.

Shang Qian walked over and hugged her. The hint in his eyes was obvious:

"Go take a bath?"

Su Nan was stunned and blushed slightly.

Of course she knew what was going to happen next, and she had a vague expectation in her heart.

She nodded and ran to the bathroom. When she was about to close the door, one hand stopped her.

He was shocked. He looked at Shang Qian coming in through the crack of the door. His dark eyes flickered with an unknown light. He looked at her and wanted to look at the prey.

"It\'s too late. Let\'s go together?"

The reason he sought was so high sounding that people could not refuse.

Su Nan looked at him dimly, his eyes flashing, "no way..."


Shang Qian didn\'t give her the chance to refuse. He bowed his head and put his arms around her waist. He kissed her and took her inside. By the way, he opened the water flow. The two became wet in an instant.


The two men didn\'t know how long they had been hanging around. Su Nan didn\'t even have the strength to raise her fingers. She was as limp as a pool of water on the bed and didn\'t move.

Behind him, Shang Qian gently covered her with a quilt and kissed her on the forehead.

Su Nan thought he would come again, but he was a little flustered and pushed his arm:

"No, no......"

The voice is soft and charming. I can\'t wait to pinch out the water.

Although Shang Qian still had the strength to do it again, he was so distressed to see her tossed like this.

He answered in a low voice, softly soothing:

"OK, go to sleep."

He put his arms around her waist from behind. After a few days of fatigue, his heart gradually calmed down.

Su Nan felt relieved and went to sleep as soon as her head sank.

She felt that after Shang Qian returned from m country, he seemed to have changed.

Although it was still as thoughtful as before, when I looked at her, I didn\'t hide my emotions so deliberately. When I looked at her, those undisguised emotions in my black eyes could devour her like the sea.

The next day.

Before dawn, Su Nan was woken up by a sudden ringing of the telephone.

She doesn\'t even want to answer the phone.

Shang Qian on one side looked at the caller ID, glanced at Su Nan, pushed her, but she didn\'t move.

After thinking about it, I picked it up by myself.

"Third brother?"

The caller is Su Qi.

Su Qi was stunned for a second. He couldn\'t care so much:

"Let Xiao Si go to the hospital quickly. My father has a heart attack. His condition is not very good."

It is rare to hear such a serious voice from Su Qi.

Shang Qian was sleepless. "OK, let\'s go right away."

He immediately hung up the phone and half picked Su Nan up:

"Baby, wake up, dad is in the hospital..."

He looked at her trapped like that and regretted it in his heart, but he could not afford to delay a minute.

Hearing this, Su Nan suddenly woke up and looked at him blankly:


Shang Qian\'s tone was dignified: "I answered the phone call from my third brother. My father had a heart attack. He said that the situation was not very good."

Su Nan\'s heart beat like a drum for no reason. It jumped too fast.

She reacted, and without any consideration, immediately turned down, and simply cleaned up and was about to go out.

Shang Qian\'s reaction was much faster than her, and he had ordered the car to wait below.

Su Nan was very worried, her face was pale and bloodless, and her whole body was cold, as if she were ill