After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1684

Su Nan put her arm around his neck and hung it on him. She nestled in his arms like a koala.

Shang Qian was steady as a mountain, and looked down at her with a smile.

"Think so of me?"

He touched her head with one hand, moving with indecent softness.

Su Nan rubbed her chin, nodded, and her eyes were slightly sour.

Although it is only two days, it seems that many days have passed.

When he was away, there was no one at home to talk to or ask for help. It was a bad feeling.

There is a feeling of loneliness.

Unconsciously, she seems to have been inseparable from him. This silent sense of dependence makes her feel very wonderful, but she does not resist it.

Shang Qian\'s kiss fell on her lips, and the two people burned like flames.

But when he was about to lose control, Shang Qian loosened his hand and just gently held her waist to prevent her from falling to the ground.

She was dissatisfied and muttered, "don\'t you want to?"

Seeing her charming and angry appearance, Shang Qian immediately remembered her hooking appearance last night and wished he could swallow her up.

He suppressed the agitation in his heart, kissed the tip of her nose with a smile, and coaxed her in a low voice:

"Be good. I\'ll give it to you later. Will you have something to eat first?"

She frowned and gently beat him. How could it sound like her own desire and dissatisfaction?

I don\'t know who teased her around just now?

Su Nan pushed him away angrily and sat down on the table. Looking at the exquisite French meal, her heart immediately disappeared.

I\'m afraid it took a long time to prepare such a delicate table of dishes and even desserts.

She looked up in shock. "Are you coming back this afternoon?"

Shang Qian smiled and put things away for her.

"Of course, I\'ve been waiting for you all day. The surprise is almost cold..."

Su Nan turned up her mouth and couldn\'t hide her happiness.

"You should tell me that I won\'t go to work today."

If she knew he would come back, she wouldn\'t go even if she pretended to be ill.

Shang Qian raised his eyebrows. "Do you still call it surprise?"

He sat aside and lit candles. The atmosphere was filled, and the whole room was filled with warmth.

Su Nan glanced around, not only did she become tidy, but even the lilies she was too lazy to change turned into charming stars.

She could not help sighing: "I finally understand how important it is to have a good wife to help."

Shang Qian said, "don\'t talk nonsense. We haven\'t got there yet."

I feel happy to use her original attitude to antagonize her.

Su Nan ate shriveled, dropped her eyes, and then smiled again.

"Has the problem been solved in country m?"

"No hurry. Take your time. As long as you follow my plan, there will be no problem."

Shang Qian smiled, cut her a steak and handed it to her.

Su Nan glanced, frowned and sighed:

"Although I also want to eat, but this time, eating is a crime!"

"Have you had dinner at the company?"

"That\'s not true."

Knowing her habits, Shang Qian smiled:

"Then try one bite of each dish? It\'s not much anyway. The meaning is good."

In order not to waste Shang Qian\'s kindness, Su Nan had to taste every dish.

But there were so many dishes on the table that she regretted it at the end.

She is full.

This feeling is both contented and fearful.

Shang Qian wiped the corners of her mouth and reminded her with a smile:

"Your present is in the cloakroom. It hasn\'t been opened yet. Do you want to have a look?"

Su Nan was stunned, smiled, and immediately ran down to the cloakroom.

Only gifts can make her forget calories for a while.