After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1308

Chen Jian calmed down, his tone was sonorous and firm, which was the best attitude in the face of doubt.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief. At last, Chen Jian didn\'t fall off the chain.

That\'s good.

None of the following questions is nonsense. The number of viewers in the live broadcast has increased from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and it has reached 200000 in less than ten minutes.

In the end, there were more than three million people watching.

It can be seen how many people are paying attention to the press conference.

At the end, according to the process arrangement, a netizen will be randomly selected to answer temporary questions.

For this problem, the original arrangement has risks, because I don\'t know who will be drawn.

It also has great ability to examine Chen Jian\'s adaptability.

So we prepared countless questions and answers in advance, waiting for the last one with trepidation.

Originally, Su Jin didn\'t want to arrange this, but Su Nan thought it was very interesting.

It can let netizens have a sense of participation.

Finally, to the last link.

The reporter in front suddenly stopped during the phone call.

When I saw a number, the tail number was 8888, it looked like a trench gas.

When the phone called, the other party rang a few times, and a low, warm voice came: "hello?"

Host: "Hello, sir, you have been selected as the lucky audience of this press conference. Only those who participate in the live broadcast can be selected. Are you the owner of Su\'s group?"

The purpose of the host\'s guidance is to guide the project and try to avoid some other embarrassing problems.

The other side: "soon."

The host asked excitedly, "so you have great confidence in the project of Su\'s group?"

The voice of the other party was decisive: "of course, I have never questioned the existence of this scam. Su\'s group is a very excellent enterprise, and Su Nan is a very excellent leader. I admire it very much!"

For a moment, the silence on the Internet suddenly became noisy.

"My God, you have spoken my heart clearly, but is this little brother too straightforward?"

"Hahaha, it feels like confession!"

"My little brother\'s voice is really beautiful. I\'m going to be pregnant after hearing his voice control!"

"The questioner must be very handsome. His voice is really amazing!"


The host smiled and asked, "do you have any questions? Our staff will answer them for you on site.

Alive, you can say anything you want. "

The other party hesitated for a moment and said in a soft voice, "I wish Sunan a happy day!"


"Is this the loyal powder of Goddess Su Nan?"

"Hahaha, wish Sunan happy? The spokesman\'s face became speechless!"

"It really speaks our hearts. I hope the goddess will be happy forever!"

"I wish our goddess more and more money!"


The host was stunned and immediately restored the order on the scene:

"Thank you for your kind future owner. I\'m sure president Su will hear your blessing."


After the end.

Su Jin did not take an immediate stand.

He frowned and asked the host to come over.

"Let me have a look at the number you just dialed?"

The host quickly found out the number.

The number with 8888 digits is rare.

The host thought Su Jin would have something important to contact.

As a result, Su Jin casually entered the first few numbers in his mobile phone address book.

Finally, a name came out: Shang Qian.