After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1307

Chen Jian has complete admiration and guilt for Su Nan, so he sincerely respects the little president su.

But he was afraid of Su Jin.

I don\'t know why. Looking at Su Jin, I know that his requirements for this position are not his own standard.

When he occupies this position, the dove occupies the magpie\'s nest.

So, in the final analysis, it is fear that comes from a guilty heart.

Su Nan: "manager Chen, the trouble in s city has been solved smoothly. Thanks to manager Chen, when the press conference is over, I will ask my father to invite manager Chen to come home."

Chen Jian looked flattered:

"No, Mr. Su, it\'s all what I should do.

Besides, I didn\'t help much. You suffered all the hardships and made all the ideas. How can I do anything? "

Su Nan\'s voice is gentle, which makes people feel like a spring breeze without any airs:

"How could it be? You are in charge of the overall situation before and after the incident. This mess has not collapsed. The company knows it."

Chen Jian\'s nervous mood gradually slowed down, and he looked relaxed.

He smiled. "I know. Thank you for your support. I will live up to your expectations."

Su Nan answered, "if you have any difficulties, just tell me. Manager Chen, today\'s press conference is very important. You represent the image of the company. Don\'t let anyone talk about you!

From the side, we are the just party. Even if we are out of manuscript, we should speak with confidence and don\'t lose momentum! "

Chen Jian straightened up in an instant:

"Yes, Mr. Su is right. People fight for breath and trees live on a piece of skin!"

Hearing his tone of voice, Su Nan knew that her goal had almost been achieved.

She looked at the time. "OK, I won\'t disturb you. Look at the live broadcast. I want to watch the live broadcast, too."

"OK, Mr. Su, take good care of yourself."

Chen Jian doesn\'t think of her as a spoiled little girl at all.

She\'s more like a commander behind the scenes.

After hanging up, Chen Jian tidied up his suit and collar. His nervousness had gradually disappeared, and his confidence had doubled.

Su Jin took a casual look at his direction and observed his emotional changes.

Just like just now, it seems like two people.

What did Su Nan tell him?

A little curious.

But before he could ask, he directly sent a wechat message to Su Nan, with a thumbs up expression.

Su Nan was puzzled. Then she looked at the change of Chen Jian in front of the camera and smiled knowingly.

The press conference officially began.

Su Nan sat there looking at the computer screen.

The number of live broadcasts was only tens of thousands at the beginning.

As soon as the reporter came here, he asked a very controversial topic:

"Excuse me, will the quality inspection of Su\'s group continue after the reporter who reported the problem of building materials and the suspect behind the scenes are arrested?"

It makes sense to stop halfway.

But it always leaves some shadow in people\'s hearts.

Even if it is a commercial malicious competition, it can not rule out the possibility of fraud by the Su group?

This problem is so deep from the beginning, which really surprises everyone.

The camera sweeps Chen Jian on the stage. He is mature, steady and unsmiling. After listening, he just nods without blinking his eyes:

"Of course, the building materials in the warehouse of sushi group will be tested.

Unfortunately, a fire burned out the building materials a few days ago, but we have sent the salvaged building materials to the relevant departments for quality inspection.

In the same sentence, we accept the supervision of all people. We are willing to be responsible for the owner\'s health. We are more eager than anyone to get a fair treatment! "