After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1296

Su Nan said, bending the corners of her mouth, took a step back, and gently stretched out her hand:


Shang Qun twitched his mouth, and the veins on his forehead jumped.

He wanted to kill the woman, but he had no power at all.

On the contrary, it was her who wanted to kill the business group who came here secretly. It was easy.

"Miss Su, I underestimated you.

But don\'t forget that you have a man with a surname of Shang. "

He clenched his teeth as a reminder.

Even if he was responding to her, he didn\'t want Shang Qian to catch up with Su Nan.

Together, they are like a tiger with wings.

For him, there are many evils but no benefits.

Wen Yan.

Su Nan raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Mr. Shang, do you know why I didn\'t kill you while you were here?"

Her voice is very nice, soft and waxy, but her words are particularly fierce and threatening.

Shang Qun\'s face changed.

"Because I don\'t want Shang Qian to have any antipathy to the land of Z.

You should be grateful that he is your son, otherwise... "

Su Nan didn\'t say the next words.

But everyone knows, even Fu Qiu knows.

She stood there, shivering all over.

Looking at such a Sunan, it was like a changed person. All the jealousy and unwillingness in her heart were swept away.

That is not the height she can reach by studying hard, nor everything she can get by working hard.

She doesn\'t even imitate.

Shang Qun stared at Su Nan in front of him:

"How long do you think he can be infatuated with you? The huge wealth of Shang Group is readily available to him, and everything of Shang Yi will belong to him. Will he still choose you at that time?"

His voice was deep and hoarse, with an inexplicable pleasure.

Want to look at the woman in front of crazy!

The two men looked at each other silently. In less than two seconds, a familiar, gentle voice came from behind, with some coldness:

"Yes, I will always choose her."

Footsteps came nearer and nearer.

One side head.

Su Nan was surprised to see Shang Qian standing in front of him. He was a little dusty, but his shirt was not disordered, and his face was still bright and clear.

Shang Qian looked at the business group in front of him with a cold look and a firm expression.

"I have said countless times that I will not ask for any money from your family. I have already found a lawyer and signed a declaration of abandonment of property, which will be sent to your mailbox soon.

So don\'t take my mind. "

Shang Qun\'s pupils suddenly shrunk and stared at him, his face trembling slightly.

"Shang Qian -"

Shang Qian said, "it\'s no use getting angry here. It\'s better to save energy and go back to m country to deal with the mess.

After all, the CSRC has called you for the second time. If you don\'t explain, Shang will face the risk of delisting. "

Shang Qun\'s face turned red with anger.

He looked at Shang Qian and Su Nan and sneered:

"OK... OK, the white eyed wolf I raised is cruel to you!"

He gnawed his teeth and was so cruel.

His own eyeliner in country m told him that this stock market turmoil is not a natural risk to the economy.

Most likely, it was man-made.

Not many people on Wall Street have the ability to manipulate the stock market and set up such a big Bureau.

Shang Qian is one.

The vigorous stock market was in trouble.

On the surface, although businesses have made a lot of money, their assets have been frozen.

It can be said that we are facing great risks. Every day changes are like a tornado.

He never dreamed that he could fold himself on his own son!