After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1295

Fu Qiu has been under the shadow of Su Nan\'s counterattack against her all the time recently.

Afraid when Su Nan thought of her?

But she said "yes" and then watched him leave.

As soon as Shang Qun arrived at the airport, several people in plain clothes surrounded him.

He watched them warily and kept silent.

Soon, the sound of high heels was clear and loud.

Su Nan was wearing a light colored windbreaker, which made her crisp, with a beautiful figure and bright facial features.

As she stood there, Shang Qun suddenly felt nervous.

I don\'t know why. I\'m nervous anyway.

This woman\'s aura is very strong. He can\'t read it wrong for so many years. Although she smiles gently and quietly, there is no trace of warm color in her almond eyes.

The two people behind Shang Qun reacted after they knew it.

They stepped forward to protect the business group.

But the people around Su Nan had already controlled the two people one step ahead of time.

But Fu Qiu, who always wanted to kneel and lick the business group, hurried to deliver the plane. Watching this scene, he suddenly felt like he was trying to kill himself.

Su Nan glanced at her and scratched her lips.

I had already forgotten her existence. At this point, oh, she was careless!

She smiled. "It seems that Miss Fu is going to go back to country m with the president of Commerce for development?"

Fu Qiu was pale and looked nervously at Shang Qun.

She can\'t wait to leave with Shang Qun now!

Otherwise, you can only stay and wait for Su Nan to settle accounts after autumn.

However, Shang Qun doesn\'t care about her situation at all. If a person who has used it up wants to throw it away, Fu Qiu doesn\'t have much value.

The business group was silent, and Fu Qiu could only explain dryly:

"No, I just came to see people off..."

Su Nan started to talk. She didn\'t intend to waste time on her.

Her eyes turned to Shang Qun, and Su Nan\'s eyes flashed, with a cold tone:

"If I can\'t welcome Mr. Shang to Z, I have to see him off. Otherwise, it seems that my host is so stingy."

Shang Qun\'s face was dignified and cold, and his eyes were cold, staring at her:

"Do you think that this is over, and I will let you go?"

Su Nan smiled and a little joke crossed her eyes:

"What the business director should worry about now is whether I will let you go!"

She raised her eyebrows. This is the VIP waiting room. Even if some people are curious, they can see at a glance that the people here are not simple.

Rich people don\'t mind their own business. They only care whether they are far away from right and wrong.

Su Nan laughed. "That fire didn\'t burn me to death. Fortunately, Mr. Shang, your son Shang is paralyzed. If you want him to die, you can let him come here!"

As soon as her voice fell, she heard Shang Qun\'s angry voice change, and her voice became higher:

"How dare you?"

"Do you think I dare?"

Su Nan smiled with a kind of evil spirit and cold eyes.

No one questioned her courage.

Anyway, she didn\'t mind sending him on his way.

She regretted that she had been soft hearted.

Shang Qun was calm and stared at her.

She could sense his itinerary and stopped him at the airport, which was unexpected.

This shows that she has been staring at him and knows everything about him like the back of her hand.

This woman is not as simple as it seems.

Su Nan smiled coldly.

She stepped forward in a cold tone:

"By the way, I also prepared a generous gift as a reward. I heard that the business director was also a famous person in the business at the beginning. It\'s my honor to fight with you. Don\'t let me down."