After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1279

Shang Qian squinted at him without immediately answering.

His mind was full of doubts, and he always felt something was wrong.

What bad feeling is spreading in the bottom of my heart.

"It\'s not up to you to decide whether you want it or not. It doesn\'t have much to do with you. I hope you don\'t worry about me."

With that, Shang Qian turned to leave here. He wanted to see Su Nan.

I don\'t know if he is missing. Is she worried?

But as soon as he took two steps, Fu Qiu hurriedly shouted to him:

"Mr. Shang, your health is not good yet. Would you like to eat something first?"

Shang Qian paused and looked back at her.

His eyes are cold.

"What benefits have business groups given you? Are you courting here?"

Fu Qiu was stunned and stood there with an ugly face.

She looked at Shang Qun with a guilty heart, trying to make him say something nice.

The business group also spoke in due course:

"Shang Qian, Miss Fu is Shang Yi\'s younger sister and a friend of our family. I invite her to join Shang\'s group as a department manager. When you go back, you two can come together!"

Fu Qiu\'s eyes lit up and he looked at Shang Qian with a happy look.

Shang Qian really sneered unexpectedly.

"Department Manager? It seems that some shady deal has been reached?"

This sentence undoubtedly punctured the window paper they wanted to hide.

How direct!

Fu Qiu\'s face changed:

"Mr. Shang, how can you say that? Even though I had an unpleasant quarrel with Miss Su before, I didn\'t offend you. Why are you targeting me everywhere?"

Shang Qian glanced at her coolly and indifferently, and then hooked up his lips with an undisguised sneer:

"Don\'t you just offend me by making trouble with her?"

Fu Qiu\'s face became even worse.

Shang Qian didn\'t want to say a word to her, but looked at Shang Qun coldly:

"In addition, the Shang Group has nothing to do with me. It belongs to Shang Yi. You forced me to remember this fact for many years. I dare not forget that I don\'t even want to touch your things!"

With that, he turned and left without hesitation.

Shang Qun\'s face was cold and his tone was heavy and he shouted:

"Shang Qian, you don\'t want to touch it. Don\'t you want Mike to go back to the store?"

Shang Qian\'s step was a pause, and the green veins on his face were slightly raised.

He was trying to control his emotions.

"Shang didn\'t say anything. Won\'t he let Mike go back to the merchant before he dies?

Why, he\'s dying? "

When Shang Qian finished, he gave a chuckle, even with the rhythm of watching a funny play.

Stimulated by the word "death", Shang Qun suddenly turned pale.

"Shang Qian, don\'t pretend to be stupid. Today, I didn\'t settle with you because you are my own son.

That woman did that to Shang. How dare you curse him as if nothing had happened?

Shang is also a relative of yours. How can you turn your elbow out? "

Shang Qian looked at him coldly.

For a while, the atmosphere stagnated.

Shang Qun glared angrily, as if he had endured for a long time and suddenly burst out.

"Are you glad that Shang is doing the same now? Do you think I want you back?

If it were not for my blood flowing on you, if it were not for your surname Shang, you would never be able to return to the merchant in your life!

I tell you, it is because I know that things can\'t be undone, and Shang is always paralyzed in bed and can\'t stand up. Shang\'s group needs a sustainable successor, otherwise, you won\'t have this opportunity in your life! "

He finished in one breath.

The chill in the air was cold, as if it had solidified in an instant.