After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1278

Su Nan coughed uncontrollably. The warehouse was full of flammable building materials. Once the window was opened, the fire spread rapidly, and she would soon be cooked.

She leaned against the wall on the other side to breathe and keep herself away from the hot place.

But no matter how persistent, it is still getting hotter and hotter

It seems that the whole head is beginning to feel dizzy, and the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, just like a steamer.


When Shang Qian woke up, he rubbed his aching head and found himself lying in a strange place.

There seems to be a hotel around, not far from the hotel where he and Su Nan live.

Why is he here?

As soon as I turned my head, I suddenly thought of him looking at the furtive man, but as soon as I saw the man, another man sprang up and attacked him.

The speed is extremely fast. I have received professional training at first sight.

Shang Qian didn\'t even have a chance to react.

Then he went unconscious.

He woke up, got out of bed, went out, and saw unexpected people.

Fu Qiu got up from his seat, walked over happily, and made no secret of his concern:

"Mr. Shang, are you awake? Are you hungry? I asked them to prepare something. Would you like to take care of your stomach first?"

Shang Qian looked at the majestic man sitting there, Shang Qun.

How did the business group that should have been in country m get here?

And he hasn\'t even heard of it?

He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart!

He pushed away Fu Qiu, who came up, and his tone was cold:

"Did you do it?"

Looking at Fu Qiu and the business group, it is not difficult to imagine who is behind the project in s city?

He was really careless.

I forgot the most dangerous person.

Su Nan is still in danger. She is still hidden from the drum.

Shang Qun was dignified and deep between his eyebrows and eyes, and his gloomy face made no secret of it.

He sat there and looked up at him:

"Who are you talking to? If you can live now, you should be grateful that you are my son, otherwise..."

He didn\'t say it.

Otherwise, I would have been burned in the fire with that woman!

Shang Qian stared at the cold old man with dangerous and sharp eyes.

"Grateful? I have doubted for many times since I was young that I had done something wrong in my last life, so that I could be reborn into your son."

His mouth was filled with a sneer, which was totally different from the gentle humility when he faced Su Nan.

Shang Qun\'s face was dark and cold, and he gave him a sideways look. "Anyway, you have to learn to accept your fate, don\'t you?"

Shang Qun didn\'t speak.

Fu Qiu in the back hurried over with a gentle voice:

"Don\'t quarrel with your father and son. Mr. Shang, Mr. Shang, Mr. Dong and mayor have come to pick you up to m country."

Shang Qian raised his eyebrows:

"Back to country m?"

Fu Qiu smiled with uncontrollable excitement in his voice:

"Yes, mayor Shang Dong said that you have been outside for a long time. You can go home and take over the business of Shang\'s company. Mr. Shang, congratulations..."

Shang Qian\'s eyes darkened and he looked up at Shang Qun:


The merchant group snorted coldly, "it\'s almost over. Do you really want to stay here all your life? You don\'t want everything you worked hard for in country m?"

Even if he can move his career here, his contacts and resources in country m will gradually dissipate over time.

the loss outweighs the gain!

He did not believe that Shang Qian, such a refined egoist, would do this for a woman?

Over the years, he has really wronged him. If he wants a step, give him a step.