After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1227

Su Nan walked over and unconsciously took his arm, but the next second, Shang Qian suddenly hid.

She threw herself into the air.

Su Nan: "...."

Her eyes widened and she looked at him in shock.

This is the first time he refused her offer

Shang Qian coughed twice, looked at the man in front of him and smiled.

"Mr. Su, please first..."

He held out his hand and made a gesture.

Su Nan subconsciously looks up, and Su Yifeng\'s eyes are staring at her.

This worthless daughter, you don\'t want your male troupe\'s harem?

Su Nan withdrew her hand and turned to take his arm.

She smiled: "Dad, please take your seat..."

Su Yi snorted coldly, turned around and left, and didn\'t intend to pay attention to her!

The Chamberlain watched with a smile. It\'s rare for the family to be so lively. If only Su Qi were here

A meal was lively. I made a video with Su Qi halfway through the meal. Su Qi was still in the evening. It should have just been rehearsed. The whole person was listless.

Seeing that they were eating his favorite food, his eyes immediately straightened.

After a few words, Su Jin suddenly thought of something and took his cell phone with a serious look.

"Saner, be careful there, especially pay attention to safety."

Su Qi was puzzled: "ah?"

Su Jin simply told the story, and Su Qi\'s face changed a few times.

"So, I\'m in danger now. Do you want to send some bodyguards to protect me? Do you want to buy me a bulletproof villa and build a rehearsal ground for me in the villa..."

Su Yifeng couldn\'t listen any more and put down his chopsticks.

"Hang up and let him live and die. Anyway, I have said everything I need to say."

Su Jin nodded and hung up.

"Dad... My father..."

Su Qi shouted, but it was already late.

Su Jin hung up the phone decisively.

Su Nan tilted forward and backward with a smile.

Shang Qian hesitated. "If you are so careful, is brother Su also in danger?"

There was a moment of silence in the restaurant.

Su Jin\'s opening:

"Don\'t worry about him. His secret research institute is in a special force. Even if the businessmen transfer the troops of state m, they may not be able to find him."

Shang Qian nodded, and Su Nan gave a low smile:

"I don\'t know if the merchant is dead?"

Just guessing, the phone in Su Yifeng\'s upstairs study rang.

He paused for a few seconds, wiped his hands, and went up to answer the phone himself.

After a while, he walked down slowly.

"I have news. Shang is still alive. I still have one breath, but my lower body is paralyzed and my cerebellum is damaged. I can\'t live without a wheelchair in my life..."

Su Yifeng has had his own information channels even in country m for so many years.

Such a secret affair should be hidden deeply by the merchants. It is estimated that Su Yifeng knew it before it was exposed.

Shang Qian immediately admired Su Yifeng more.

It deserves to be the Su family.

Su Yifeng paused and sat in his original position, frowning slightly.

"It\'s strange, however, that the merchants haven\'t found out who did it. Now they are offering a reward of $100 million to look for clues.

It is said that many people have offered suggestions in the past, but these clues come from all over the world, and there is no accurate direction at all.

Su Nan seems to have been deliberately wiped away... "

Su Yi paused and looked dignified.

Although this is a good thing for Su Nan, the Su family can\'t stretch their hands that long