After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1226

Wen Xiang frowned suspiciously, "really? Does he like children?"

As long as he stood there and didn\'t talk, he could make the child cry.

Will he like it?

Su Nan nodded.

"Although he looks cold, he is very patient with children. Otherwise, how could my second brother become a learning bully? My third brother has always been among the best."

Wen Xiang looked thoughtfully at the distance.

Su Nan paused and continued:

"I think you love each other enough, but there are some misunderstandings between you. Just solve them. It\'s no big deal. It\'s still important to look forward. The important thing is that you are already together now."

After all, Su Jin didn\'t give her much sense of security.

Perhaps he was also carefully testing her emotions.

She said she didn\'t want to get married. She was just engaged.

She said she didn\'t want to have children, so she didn\'t say anything.

Su Jin never imposed his ideas on her.

For Wen Xiang, it has become a kind of self-protection umbrella.

Let her think that he doesn\'t want it, which is a consensus.


After a long time, Wen Xiangcai said, "maybe. It\'s the end anyway."

For feelings, she will no longer have the strength and mind to miss others like Su Jin.

So, only so.

Su Nan smiled and said, "is it the best person in the first place?"

She just said it casually.

After all, between Wen Xiang and Su Jin, there was only one other.

Wen Xiang smiled and looked at her:

"No, the last best."

Su Nan was stunned.

Wen Xiang\'s smile was extremely gentle, and his eyebrows and eyes moved gently:

"Your eldest brother must be the last, so he is the best."

Su Nan felt as if she had been hit by something.

If it were her, the original person was fuyechuan, but now she has left her life.

Is Shang Qian the last one?

For now, at least.

But she suddenly felt that she had never thought about the future with Shang Qian.

I wonder if he thought about it?

I should have thought about it, or I won\'t ask to come and see my parents.

Su Nan pursed her lips and pressed down her thoughts. The housekeeper uncle came to deliver a message:

"Miss, the chairman asked you and your grandmother to hurry over to dinner..."

Su Nan answered and pulled Wen Xiang up.

"Sister in law, if you are still angry, you can find an excuse to have another baby when you go back. Now if I can\'t coax you well, my brother must eat me!"

Wen Xiang gently rubbed his eyes. When his eyes were moving, he could not see the red blood just now.

"Your eldest brother loves you the most. How can he really be angry with you?"

"That depends on what..."

Su Nan muttered. Seeing that Su Yifeng was about to come and call people in person, she hurriedly took her skirt and ran over with small steps.

"If you don\'t eat actively, you have problems in your mind!"

Su Yifeng touched her forehead and opened her mouth.

Su Nan: "...."

Su Jin stood there quietly behind him, with a cold breath all over him.

When I looked out the door, my eyes were worried.

When Wen Xiang\'s figure appeared in front of him, he felt relieved and relaxed.

Su Nan glanced at him with disgust.

She was carrying the pot for him.

If Su Jin had made everything clear to Wen Xiang, how could Wen Xiang have run away sad just now?

Shang Qian still stood in the living room somewhat restrained and kept a decent smile