After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1224

Su Jin\'s face flashed with embarrassment.

"That\'s work..."

Su Nan sniffed lightly, "you even disdain to go to the building for such a small matter as docking with the company below. Do you run over here to find your sister-in-law or something?"

Wen Xiang stood up slowly. His eyes were already red.

Su Jin hurried over to block everyone\'s view and gently held her in his arms and patted her.

"I\'m just on my way. It\'s my fault that five people have nothing to hide..."

Wen Xiang\'s voice was choking:

"But you said that you have never been there once, and you never thought of going to see me. You said that every time you met that place, you would walk around..."

Su Jin looked at her in a complicated way. She felt distressed and some of her hands were helpless to wipe her tears.

"It doesn\'t matter what to cry about, whether to go or not. At that time, for us, all the decisions were in your hands..."

Wen Xiang was stunned. He bowed his head and cried even harder.

He didn\'t care about anything at all. He pushed Su Jin away and ran out.

When Sujin was about to chase him out, Shang Qian smiled and said:

"Mr. Su, I think it\'s better to let Su Nan go and have a look."

Su Nan nodded immediately.

When Wen Xiang cried just now, she realized that she had said the wrong thing.

Su Nan doesn\'t really know what happened between them.

I just know a little.

She said that just to impress Su Jin.

Who knows, it backfired?

At present, she stands there obediently and wants to be a transparent person.

However, Shang Qian pushed her out.

She agreed without saying a word, but when she thought about it carefully, she didn\'t know much about Wen Xiang. If she went to coax her, wouldn\'t Su Jin go?

She stared at Shang Qian, who smiled, "go..."

Su Nan hesitated.

Su Jin looked at her coolly:

"What are you waiting for? Go quickly. Don\'t come back if you can\'t coax me!"

Su Nan: "...."

When Su Qi was away, how did her family status decline rapidly?

It was a bit unexpected.

At Su Jin\'s urging, Su Nan went out bravely.

Wen Xiang was sitting by the small fountain pool at the door, looking at the direction of the garden. He was silent and sad.

Su Nan walked over and sat down.

"I\'m sorry, madam."

She apologized obediently.

But for her, Wen Xiang would not cry.

Wen Xiang smiled and went over to take her hand and make room.

"You didn\'t do anything wrong. You don\'t need to apologize."

"I don\'t know. Those words will make you cry. I thought you knew..."

Wen Xiang pulled at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of pantothenic acid.

"I don\'t want to cry, but I can\'t help it. I don\'t blame you."

Su Nan hesitated for a while. "It must be very difficult for you and my eldest brother to get together again."

Warm liquid seemed to gush from the eyes.

Wen Xiang didn\'t know how he suddenly lost control of his emotions.

"Yes, I thought I had planned it for a long time."

She bent down and smiled.

"It was hard to get around on Wall Street at the beginning. You can\'t get a firm foothold by your skills and abilities. There are talents and scum everywhere.

Later, I gave up working for others. I started my business with my own money and a little property left by my family

When I left your brother, he said never to meet again.

But I regretted it as soon as I went to country m, but I was really embarrassed...... "