After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1216

Fuyechuan\'s voice is deep and hoarse.

He rubbed his eyebrows to sober himself up.

Chen Mian did not speak again.

Fuyechuan has been wrong since he met Su Nan here.

In an hour.

Someone suddenly knocked on the door outside.

Fuyechuan, who is squinting and dozing off, wakes up and looks at Chen Mian.

Chen Mian: "he is the son of Xie Qiong, a Chinese investor. Mr. Xiao Xie and Xie Ning have met at the reception several times before."

People who don\'t know their names will not be able to remember who they are even after seeing them several times.

Many people want to know fuyechuan. At every cocktail party, someone will come up and introduce himself. He just laughs and goes.

He nodded. Recently, he was talking about cooperation with this Chinese investor. His son, too, had patience to deal with it.

Chen Mian got out of the car and greeted young master Xie Ning with a smile:

"Mr. Xie, what a coincidence. Why are you here?"

Xie Ning is a rich second generation, flirtatious and flamboyant.

"There was a party here yesterday. I slept here after drinking too much. I didn\'t expect to see President Fu\'s car. I thought I was wrong..."

Chen Mian politely opened the back door for him.

"It\'s a coincidence that Mr. Fu is waiting here."

Fuyechuan nodded faintly.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Xie."

"It\'s really a coincidence. Who is Mr. Fu waiting for here? Maybe I know him..."

He was very enthusiastic. After all, Xie Qiong asked Fu YeChuan to be well entertained because of his strong strength.

Fuyechuan\'s tone was very light: "a friend."

"Boyfriend or girlfriend?"

Xiao Xie always smiles meaningfully.

Seeing that fuyechuan\'s face was going to sink, Chen Mian hurriedly said:

"An old acquaintance in China. She is not from M. thank you for your kindness."

"From country Z?"

Xie Ning hesitated for a moment and suddenly smiled, "indeed, I may not be able to help."

After thinking for a while, he suddenly looked up at fuyechuan and said:

"However, an interesting thing happened last night. She is also from country Z. I heard that she is a very beautiful girl. She even used hundreds of people to clear the upper and lower floors..."

Fu YeChuan\'s face suddenly looked cold, and his eyes suddenly fell black.


Chen Mian pursed his lips. He faintly felt that Miss Su Nan Su was the most likely beautiful girl Xiao Xie always said.

Otherwise, who else has the ability to clear the site with hundreds of people?

But she has never been such a high-profile person. Why?

What happened last night?

As soon as Xie Ning saw that fuyechuan was interested in this, he immediately said what he knew:

"I can\'t find out the details. I just talked to their subordinates when the scene was cleared.

It\'s said that the businessman always takes a fancy to this girl and wants to be a bully here. "

Chen Mian instantly stood up and looked at Fu YeChuan.

Fuyechuan\'s face was so dark that he could not see any emotion at all. The more it was, the more dangerous it was.

He stared at Xie Ning in front of him with a chill in his voice:

"Shang Yi?"

"Yes, yes, yes, that\'s the one. What kind of woman does he want?

The woman he can see must be very beautiful. I didn\'t expect that the woman he met was a hard nut. People can call so many people with a wave... "

Chen Mian asked anxiously:

"Then what? Mr. Xie, the merchant\'s one didn\'t succeed, did he? How about the woman?"