After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1215

Yu Shanshan stood there:

"Well... I haven\'t dealt with such a thing before. I can\'t hide it. It\'s also for your good..."

Su Nan choked, gave him a blank look, took his mobile phone and left.

She doesn\'t worry about anything else. Su Jin is sure to teach her a lesson first.

Yu Lou breathed a sigh of relief and hurried up.


Early in the morning, merchants.

The merchant group stood in the luxurious living room with a dignified face.

He didn\'t sleep all night. His face was ugly with the naked eye.

Finally, the doctor came out of the room.

"Chairman and mayor."

"How\'s it going?"

The doctor paused. "The situation is very bad. Shang always shows signs of suffocation. Suffocation will affect the brain. At present, no sequelae has been determined. His mind is not awake yet..."

The doctor talked endlessly, and Shang Qun\'s face sank a little.

"Get to the point!"

The doctor shuddered and coughed:

"It may cause paralysis of the lower body in bed. You should be prepared."

Shang Qun seemed to be unsteady. He shook and almost fell down.

The people in the back came in time to help.

"Mr. Shang... You must hold on!"

"Who is it? Dare to do this to my... Brother!"

When the word "son" came to his mouth, he saw these people in front of him, choked back and replaced it with "brother".

The people around didn\'t notice anything. On weekdays, the business group indulged and loved them very much.

The housekeeper ran out: "I don\'t know who it is. I\'m contacting all the people I met before the accident.

The monitoring happened to be out of use last night, so who sent it? It\'s really... "

know nothing about!

At that time, Shang was also topless, his neck was bruised, and there were traces of suffocation on his face. His face was covered with ashes, and there were other bruises on his body. The blood mark on his face was the most shocking.

How can this be a business that is usually fooling around?

There was only one breath left. With this breath, the whole night was turned upside down in the business.

Doctors have prepared them for countless times

Merchants have a very high status in country M.

Both political and business circles have human resources.

Shang Yi is always high-profile and very publicized. Although we can\'t see it, we have never had any disputes.

Who gave him the surname Shang?

Everyone knows that Shang Yi, the successor of the business, was let out by the business group.

Otherwise, Shang Qun has sons and grandchildren, and he will get one of his younger brothers in turn?


Shang Qun\'s face changed a few times.

The old eyes twitched and stared at the doctor:

"Whatever the cost, I must save Shang Yi\'s life first. If I know who did it, I will kill him!"

The crowd stood there trembling, not daring to say a word more.

When the merchant wakes up, everything will be clear.


Early in the morning.

A luxurious Rolls Royce stopped at the gate of the Washington building.

Chen Mian looked at the time and said to the people behind him:

"It\'s still early. Miss Su may sleep late. Do you want to eat something to cushion your stomach?"

Fuyechuan found out Su Nan\'s itinerary, pushed it for a day, and planned to follow her.

Even if she is angry, she is not happy.

But just follow her.

Just the two of them.

Fuyechuan had a circle of light dark color under his eyelashes. He was busy until midnight last night, so he could basically deal with today\'s affairs.
