After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1209

Business is not good, Su Nan knew from the beginning.

What is his identity? He is also a legitimate successor in the business. Although his identity is somewhat secret, it is much more aboveboard and bright than Shang Qian.

I grew up with a golden spoon in my hands. Do you want anything?

However, after a trip to Z country, Su Nan, the woman she liked, didn\'t like him, but took a fancy to Shang Qian.

Shang Qian\'s illegitimate son, who had never seen light in his life, dared to imprison him and play with him. He hated his teeth and wanted to kill him from the bottom of his heart!

When he returned to country m, he teamed up with several friends to set a trap for Shang Qian. Originally, he thought he had secured his assets and swallowed his fortune.

But in a twinkling of an eye, Shang Qian actually made a trap for them. He walked out of the trap himself. All the money he and his friends had evaporated overnight.

Although it is nothing to the business, many shareholders of the business are still one. This matter has also produced great dissatisfaction and mistrust to the business.

Can\'t even see this business trap?

A few friends suffered heavy losses. Two others directly declared bankruptcy. They went to the business to clean up the mess. The business had to bear the pain and took out their own money to rescue the emergency.

During that time, Shang was worrying about money almost every minute!

Incomparable suffering and embarrassment!

When he heard that Su Nan was coming, his dark mind could no longer be suppressed.

I had a drink with my friend and came over while the wine was strong.

Su Nan stood there and looked at him coolly.

His eyes were full of disdain, which completely hurt Shang Yi\'s self-esteem.

He straightened up and tried to push the door in. When the wine came up, he didn\'t care about anything.

"Maybe Miss Su wants me to pick you up alone? In your room, too?"

He doesn\'t mind anyway.

This woman, he has long wanted to taste it.

But Su Nan blocked the door he had kicked open before anyone went in.

She wears very casual clothes with a bit of lazy atmosphere.

But at this time, her whole body did not have a little random bearing.

Even the eyes are a little cold.

"Inconvenient, get out!"

She knew he was looking for trouble, and she was not in the mood to be polite to him.

It\'s not necessary.

Shang also suddenly widened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"You want me to go away? Su Nan, make it clear that Shang Qian is not here. This is my territory!"

Su Nan still had a mobile phone in his hand, and Shang Qian heard it clearly on the phone.

Across the phone, his whole body\'s blood flowed back, he wanted to kill!

He repressed his inner confusion and went to get a spare mobile phone to call people while calming Su Nan\'s mood.

Whether she can hear it or not.

"Su Nan, don\'t be afraid and don\'t provoke him. He can do anything..."

This sentence was clearly heard.

Su Nan\'s face was expressionless, but Shang also smiled.

Laugh with impunity.

"It seems that this bastard knows me best. When he comes to my place, he still wants to put on the airs of a young lady with me?

Su Nan, wake up... "

Su Nan looked at him coldly:

"Shang Yi, I can pretend that nothing has happened now. If I want to get out later, I can\'t get out."

Shang Yi, who was drinking, suddenly smiled.

"I came to fetch you the wind. How could I leave without doing anything?

Since Shang Qian likes listening to the phone so much, don\'t hang up. Let him listen and listen to what we have done! "