After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1208

Shang Qian was speechless and roast about his son:

"And he plans to go to school tomorrow. This matter has not affected his mind at all. Instead, it has greatly increased his popularity in the school!"

What are the aesthetic values of children today?

Su Nan smiled with relief.

Then she can rest assured.

Mike is naughty, but he should know how to do it. Otherwise, how could he call everyone out in advance?

Su Nan said a few words to change the subject, and asked him not to stare at little Mike anymore. Such carefree growth is not a bad thing.

Shang Qian suddenly remembered something:

"I met a partner today. I heard that Fu YeChuan also went to country M. you wouldn\'t happen to meet him?"

He is extremely vigilant.

Although Su Nan is now biased towards himself, fuyechuan has been eyeing covetously. He must be doubly vigilant.

Su Nan paused. "I\'ve already met..."

Then she casually said about getting on the wrong bus today.

Shang Qian was silent for a few seconds.

He should have gone with us!

It\'s all the fault of little Mike, who is always making trouble!

"And then?" He asked.

"No, then I waited for Ogilvy and sunhaoyang to have dinner together, and then I came back to call..."

Su Nan blinked.

Shang Qian knew that she would not lie, but he wondered whether Fu YeChuan had any more stories to tell?

This is not like fuyechuan\'s style and means at all!

"Maybe he knows he\'s dead. Mr. Fu is still Mr. Fu..."

Su Nan frowned and stopped talking about him now.

"By the way..."

She was about to say how Ogilvy and Mei treated sunhaoyang when she heard someone knocking at the door.

She thought it was Yu Lou who was delivering things, so she went to open the door while talking on the phone.

As soon as she opened the door, her voice became cold.

"Is that you?"

She looked at the people outside the door with cold eyes.

Shang Qian seemed to feel something wrong on the phone, and his voice sank instantly, even with some nervousness:

"Su Nan, who is it?"

Su Nan didn\'t say anything, but a man took her cell phone with a smile in his voice, but it was cold:

"It\'s me, Shang Yi."

With that, he returned the phone to Su Nan again.

Smiling at her, she doesn\'t care if the other party knows his identity.

On his territory, he can do whatever he wants.

Su Nan was holding a mobile phone, and the corners of her mouth tilted slightly, but her eyes were already wary.

"Mr. Shang, what can I do for you?"

If I knew it was him, I shouldn\'t have opened the door.

However, according to the influence of the business in M country, when she gets off the plane, I\'m afraid the business will also know her whereabouts.

She was too careless.

Shang Yi smiled sadly and looked at Su Nan, leaning against the door frame, idle and casual:

"Miss Su, how can we say that we are also old friends? Why don\'t you tell me when you come to m country? I can also pick you up?"

As soon as he approached, Su Nan smelled the smell of wine on him. He should have drunk before coming.

Su Nan felt sick under pressure.

She looked up perfunctorily. "That\'s not necessary. I\'m here on business, not to catch up with my friends."

Shang also chuckled:

"Business trip? Well, there is no other time. There is always time to have a drink with me, right?

Now, I\'ve found some friends. They all want to meet the legendary Miss Su... To see who has lost Shang Qian\'s son of a bitch. "

When talking about the name "Shang Qian", Shang Yi\'s eyes clearly crossed the rich anger.