After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1189

Shang Qian\'s words penetrated her ears like ants, but she immediately listened.


Just because she obeys the rules doesn\'t mean that others also obey the rules.

Su Nan twisted her eyebrows and looked at her. She wanted to talk but stopped.

Shang Qian: "what\'s the matter?"

"Why didn\'t you say it earlier?"

Su Nan murmured, but Shang Qian listened clearly.

He gave a low smile and quickly held back:

"Who knows that Miss Su is so upright?"

Although he doesn\'t know much about the entertainment industry in Z country, he has been playing around in the market for a long time, and he also knows that some things that can\'t be tolerated in the eyes of others are actually harmless.

Although he disdains it, he will do it if it is beneficial to the interests of other parties.

That\'s why he was surprised that Su Nan didn\'t do anything.

But on second thought, that\'s right. If Su Qi was there, the third brother should have done all these things for her.

Su Nan should have ignored it for a while.

Su Nan\'s face was covered with sadness. Shang Qian reached out and pinched her hand, smiling:

"It doesn\'t matter. The few minutes you just walked with him on the red carpet were enough for him to become the focus of the audience today. He has won."

Su Nan looked at her and smiled.

"That\'s right. Anyway, let it be."

Seeing her mood getting better, Shang Qian was secretly relieved.

But his grip on her hand never let go.

From the side view, the two people are sitting together talking and laughing. They are really a couple in love.

Su Nan is bright and beautiful, and Shang Qian is gentle and elegant. How do you think it is appropriate!

Everyone sighed in secret. If fuyechuan saw this scene, it would be another bloodbath!

Looking at the position above the throne, even if no one came, no one dared to sit there.

Recently, President Fu has attended fewer and fewer public occasions

It\'s because Miss Su\'s underground love affair is too high-profile.

Although she did not admit it in public, she never denied it.

It can be seen that Shang Qian really grasped her heart?

In the guess, Shang Qian didn\'t know what he said. Su Nan smiled sideways. The smile was bright and warm, making people a little stunned.

Before they could react, they listened to the host on the stage reciting the host\'s words, and finally turned their attention to the following occasions.

"We specially invited the top 20 artists with the highest popularity on the Internet to present a different stage effect for everyone. Please enjoy..."

Su Nan raised her eyebrows and immediately looked down.

The lights in the whole field suddenly went dark.

all sounds are still.

Three seconds later.

Suddenly, around the shape around the stage, from the beginning, two rows of white smoke lights light up.

At the moment of lighting, along with the flicker of lights, a person also appeared on the stage, almost walking with the lighting, as if he were in the vast universe. In the dark, only the people on the stage could be seen.

It\'s Yufei.

As a representative of the popularity of newcomers, his external image has always been positive and positive. Because of his humble attitude, he has been liked by many predecessors and audience fans.

As the opening model, he suddenly ignited the heat of the audience.

He wears the latest fashionable suit and walks in the forefront. His youth is brimming with a sense of sunshine.

As he walked towards him, he seemed to look up and saw Su Nan