After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1181

Su Nan was relieved to see the man leave.

I feel really happy.

She picked up her cell phone and called Cheng Yi.

"The person you are looking for is good and reliable. I gave him the money and found him a job. Do you need to do anything else?"

Cheng Yi hesitated, "then don\'t use it..."

Su Nan frowned, "Cheng Er, where did you find it?"

It was urgent. She just had an idea and sent it to the group. Cheng Yi recommended someone to come over.

Because she was recommended by Cheng Yi, she had no doubt and used it directly.

It didn\'t disappoint her.

Things are done cleanly and beautifully.

If it weren\'t for fear that someone would find out about it, she would want to stay with her.

Cheng Yi hesitates for a long time before he decides to speak:

"It was the man fuyechuan was looking for. I was in the bar at that time. When I heard you say this, I talked about it. Unexpectedly, he just heard it. He asked me to give this man to you."

Su Nan paused and felt a slight movement in her heart.

I don\'t know what it feels like, but there are some different complex emotions in my indifference.

Sour and astringent, uncomfortable.

Cheng Yi knows that they are impossible. Su Nan\'s relationship with Shang Qian is getting better and better. There is no intention to separate them at all.

However, he still let fuyechuan interfere in this matter. It\'s all his fault.

"You can scold if you want. Weren\'t you worried at that time? I didn\'t think much about it. If he dares to interfere, I will be the first to let him go..."

Su Nan was silent, and her heart seemed to be pressed by a huge stone.

I don\'t want to owe anyone a favor.

But why can\'t you hide?

"All right, hang up."

Su Nan was not in the mood to listen to him and hung up.

Just think that the young man just said "Cheng Ershao". Maybe fuyechuan asked him not to expose him?

In that case, why don\'t she just pretend she doesn\'t know?

But on second thought, she did know.

Struggling, she found fuyechuan\'s wechat page.

Input: "thank you for your people."

Fu YeChuan replied: "you\'re welcome. I wish I could help you."

A gentleman is decent.

Not only helped, but also helped a lot!

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Lou knocked on the door and came in, interrupting her thoughts:

"Mr. Su, I have left. What are we going to do next?"

Su Nan immediately recovered her mood and devoted herself to the next thing.

"If I remember correctly, the day after tomorrow will be the award ceremony of the Huaying award?"

Yu Lou nodded, "yes, the TV series starring sunhaoyang has also been nominated for the best actor, but there is also an actor with outstanding acting skills who has been nominated with him. His performance data are very beautiful.

So the industry thinks that SUN Hao and Yang may be running with him this time... "

Although sun Haoyang\'s play data are commendable, his acting skills are also widely recognized.

But compared with that veteran actor, it is still a little inferior.

Su Nan paused and frowned slightly.

Yu Lou hurriedly said, "if sun Haoyang can win the best actor this time, he will really be in the limelight, but the actor of the acting school has always had a good reputation. In fact, the competition between the two men is equal.

If you can, you can say hello to the host...... "

Nothing more, that is to say, something good.

Su Nan frowned and lifted her eyelids, looking at Yu Lou:

"Don\'t go. It\'s complicated as soon as we get involved. It doesn\'t matter if we don\'t get it. Anyway, we have to be accompanied to run. We can\'t lift it lightly."