After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1180

Soxhlet group.

Su Nan was in a good mood early in the morning because she knew that things should be reversed.

After the meeting, Yu Lou looked at her and admired Su Nan\'s patience.

If it were him, he would jump up excitedly.

She had just returned to the office. As soon as she sat down, she looked at her mobile phone and told Yu Lou:

"Go downstairs and bring someone up."

Yu Lou: "... Yes."

Su Nan sat there, feeling the coffee beans and looking at the web page in a good mood.

Sun Haoyang expressed his gratitude to her.

Sincere and brief.

But I can see that it was written by heart.

Su Nan replied, "you\'re welcome. The good play is still to come."

If the public relations teams of major companies are at a loss about sunhaoyang, Su Nan\'s move is a desperate one.

The public relations in the entertainment industry, no matter how set up and dressed, can not get rid of the bottom rebound under the rules.

The rule is the default that the hidden rule is reasonable and will not involve the interests of other artists.

Otherwise, the capital behind other artists will not agree.

But Sunan doesn\'t care.

She didn\'t misjudge people. Sun Haoyang just stood up to others.

Otherwise, if everyone else takes off the film, he will live and die. Doesn\'t that mean anything?

Such great advantages should be known to the people of the whole country!

Sunhaoyang didn\'t come out in time to defend himself, which made those netizens more impressed with sunhaoyang.

This is a fan who can\'t even buy it.

Glancing at the unread information on wechat, Yu Fei also sent a message:

"Sorry, Mr. Su, I have given up cooperation with viola."

Su Nan still didn\'t reply.

Yu Lou knocked at the door. "Mr. Su, I have arrived."

"Please come in."

Su Nan smiled, made coffee, and took it to the rest table in front of the French window.

A tall, thin young man came in, respectful and careful.

"Hello, Miss Su. Nice to meet you."

He looked nervous.

Su Nan smiled and sat on one side, "please sit down."

The young man sat down carefully.

Su Nan pushed the coffee in front of him.

"Thank you for helping me."

"You\'re welcome. Cheng Er Shao was very kind to me. He said I would help.

Besides, if it hadn\'t been for him, I wouldn\'t have entered their circle so easily, and Viola\'s people wouldn\'t have trusted me so quickly. In fact, everything was very coincidental and smooth, and I didn\'t do anything. "

Su Nan raised her eyebrows and was modest.

"Anyway, you helped me a lot. Well, in order to thank you, please accept this."

Su Nan smiled, took out a card and put it on the table.

There are fivemillion in it.

Not much, not much.

The young man waved his hand flustered. "No, I can\'t."

"Please take it. It\'s just a bit of kindness. Don\'t worry. I\'ve erased your online registration information. No one will investigate your true identity, but your current phone number can\'t be used anymore.

I heard that your major is photography. If you like, I will recommend you to work in the Photography Department of the waves. If you don\'t like it, I won\'t force it. "

The young man was stunned for a moment. He immediately responded and stood up and bowed his thanks.

"I will, Miss Su. I will."

Su Nan smiled and glanced at Yu Lou.

Taking advantage of the situation, Yu Lou took the card and stuffed it into the young man\'s pocket.

"Come on, I\'ll show you."