After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1161

Su Nan and Shang Qian went to dinner. As soon as they sat down, the waiter came over.

"Miss Su, Mr. Su is in his box and invites the two to have dinner together."

Su Nan blinked. "Who?"

Which Mr. Su?

Shang Qian on the other side was also slightly stiff, and he was rarely nervous between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Su Jin, Mr. Su."

Su Nan took a silent look at Shang Qian.


That\'s what happened!

Su Jin\'s box is the one with the best angle here. You can see the situation outside at a glance, but the outside can\'t spy on the angle inside.

When Su Nan and Shang Qian came in hand in hand, he immediately asked people to invite them.

Wen Xiang beside him smiled helplessly. "Why? Su Nan just had dinner with her friends..."

Su Jin\'s face was pale and his tone was cold.

"Now that we have met each other, we can eat together. Anyway, we haven\'t started eating."

"But you are obviously jealous of someone robbing your sister?

She finally started a new relationship. Don\'t scare people away! "

Wen Xiang\'s subtle reminder.

Su Jin\'s eyebrows jumped and he hissed coldly.

"That means he can\'t be trusted. It\'s better to run away!"

Wen Xiang: "...."

In my heart, I made a sweat for Su Nan and Shang Qian.

The next second, someone knocked at the door.

Su Nan pushed the door in without waiting for anyone to speak.

"Brother, you and sister-in-law are in a world of two here, and you even let us come here to be light bulbs?"

Shang Qian followed in with a smile and said hello gently.

Wen Xiang smiled. "Xiao Wu, I haven\'t seen you for a long time. I told your brother that I really missed you. He happened to see you. Unexpectedly, he called you directly and interrupted your dinner with your friends. I\'m really sorry."

Su Nan smiled at Wen Xiang. "It doesn\'t matter. My sister-in-law wants to see me. I\'ll show it to you anytime!"

Su Jin sniffed at her and gave her a speechless look.

What two hypocritical women!

Wen Xiang and Su Nan stared at him involuntarily.

Shang Qian opened his mouth at one side and said, "I\'ll disturb you."

"Please sit down."

Wen Xiang smiled and greeted Shang Qian with intellectual elegance.

Su Nan was sitting opposite Wen Xiang and Shang Qian was sitting opposite Su Jin. For a time, the atmosphere was awkward and subtle.

Fortunately, Su Jin didn\'t stay cold for long.

"President Shang has just returned from abroad?"

Shang Qian nodded, "yes, it wasn\'t long before he got off the plane."

There was no tit for tat between the two men. Although Su Jin had a cold personality, he would also scruple the most basic etiquette and decency.

Shang Qian is gentle and gentle. He can always pull a thousand pounds in four or two.

"Just now, I talked about the development of the president after his return to China. After all, this project is invested by the president, and it is also the first cooperation with our Su group.

However, the results of the project belong to the shared share. At present, many people are staring at this fat meat. They will certainly make an article on the background of the general manager of Commerce, and the general manager of commerce should prepare in advance. "

Su Jin reminded me quietly.

Shang Qian paused. "Su Nan has already reminded me of this problem. The project results are in country Z, of course, there is no need to move to country m, and my career will soon shift its focus."

Wen Yan.

Su Jin was slightly surprised and raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Shang doesn\'t plan to return to country m?"

Shang Qian smiled: "yes, that\'s the initial plan."

"Why? The general manager of commerce is developing smoothly in country m, and there are many more opportunities on Wall Street than here.

If you move here and don\'t adapt at the moment, your previous efforts may be wasted...... "