After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1160

Su Nan said that, as if she had laid down her burden, she was relieved a lot.

Anyway, they can be very happy together.

Never fall in love for a lifetime.

Even if it\'s marriage

Su Nan felt that although she had previously rejected marriage, if the object was Shang Qian, it didn\'t seem so bad.

Just at that moment, looking at her hesitation, Shang Qian was really nervous.

But hearing her answer, it seemed as if the sun had pierced the thick clouds and shone on him alone.

The original feelings of being recognized, favored, and liked in two directions are bright and pure.

It is the feeling at this moment, which will never be forgotten.

Su Nan smiled, picked up her mobile phone and looked at him hesitantly:

"Do you want to go now? I called my father to catch some good fish..."

Shang Qian was stunned, and his face became obviously nervous.

It doesn\'t have to be so fast

"I\'m in a hurry. I haven\'t had time to prepare..."

Su Nan immediately smiled, "well, I\'m not kidding you. Since I promised you before, I won\'t go back temporarily.

It\'s not too late until you\'ve handled the business. "

It was just a joke.

Shang Qian looked at her helplessly.

Just now I really thought she was going to call home.

It\'s not that he retreated. It\'s just that the three sons of the Su family, the dragon and the Phoenix, protect Su Nan as well as Du Zi.

He would have nothing to say if they hadn\'t made all the preparations and picked a fault at random.

Su Nan picked up the bag next to her. "I\'m hungry. Shall we go to dinner?"

Shang Qian nodded, "OK, listen to you."

When they left, they naturally went out holding hands.

This scene, of course, was captured by people all over the company.


Su and Shang Qian held hands. This shocking secret is the biggest gossip of the year!

This is more shocking than the news in the entertainment industry!

One by one, they watched the two men leave and began to talk about information.

The news reached Yu Lou here.

Someone came to inquire:

"Yu Zhu, did you just read it correctly outside? The person standing next to Mr. Su is Mr. Shang? Is it really Mr. Shang?"

Yu Lou looked very strange and speechless.

As Su Nan\'s personal assistant, he has almost mastered all her secrets.

But he couldn\'t say a word

"Really? I didn\'t notice..."

"What didn\'t you notice? They went out hand in hand. Are they together?"

"Are they seeing each other?"

"Is Mr. Su serious this time? What about Mr. Fu? I think Mr. Fu is so pathetic. I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to catch up with his crematorium..."

"Really, I\'m so excited. They are a good match. The moment president Su and President Shang smiled, it was really sweet!"


Yu Lou frowned and coughed, interrupting their excited gossip.

"You are so interested in things outside of work, why don\'t you just be a reporter for gossip magazine?"

Everyone: "...."

In less than a minute, everyone was completely dispersed.

Although assistant Yu is very popular at ordinary times, he has one characteristic: his mouth is tight.

They don\'t want to get any private information about Su Nan and Su Jin from Yu Lou.

It is estimated that this is the reason why I can stay in this position for so long.

Su Nan didn\'t know that her natural action had already caused an uproar in the company!
