After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1154

When Hai Ye sees Su Nan, he is as excited as fans when they see an idol.

forget oneself.

Su Nan didn\'t know where her enthusiasm came from?

"It\'s a coincidence. I have an appointment, so I won\'t talk to you. See you later."

Sunan was about to leave when HaiYe stopped her.

"Is it your friend? It\'s not convenient for Fang to sit together. My friends like you. They all want to see you!"

Su Nan\'s mouth was slightly solidified.

Oh, no, she doesn\'t want to see a group of minors watching her while drinking.

The scene was frightening to think about.

Just about to refuse, Hai Ye looks behind her and greets her friend:

"Hey! I saw sister Su Nan, so I said we were good friends, and she invited us to her box..."

Su Nan raised her eyebrows. When did she invite her?

How could she not remember!

Fiveorsix children the same size as her came running over. They dressed in the same style as Hai Ye!

Sure enough, this is the most popular style in this age group!

Su Nan twitched and could only push the door to invite them in.

Everyone was very excited.

Immediately, Qin Yu is singing loudly. Ning Zhihe and Cheng Yi shield themselves from Qin Yu\'s singing and become transparent people.

But suddenly the music stopped.

They looked up and looked at the door.

A group of children with red, yellow and blue hair appeared at the door and ran in in chirping.

They were all stunned.

However, seeing Su Nan coming in behind him, he was stunned.

"Su... Su Nan, are you going to start an education?"

In their career chart, they haven\'t reached the level of public welfare, have they?

Su Nan pursed her lips, smiled and pointed to the sea leaf beside her:

"This is Hai Ye, the daughter of the boss of Xinhai group. We used to know each other. These people are her friends."

The three nodded dully.

Cheng Yi stood up. "I\'ll go out and answer the phone first."

He ran away like a runaway.

He came to "have fun", not to teach children.

Qin Yu and Ning Zhi looked at him admiringly

Su Nan gave him a blank look and said nothing.

"Sit down and order whatever you want. It\'s my sisters\' treat!"

Qin Yu greeted everyone with a smile.

Su Nan sat on their side. As soon as she sat down, Qin Yu pinched the soft meat around her waist.

"What\'s the matter? When did you get so familiar with the daughter of Xinhai group?"

Su Nan looked at her helplessly:

"Yun Yun, who was unhappy with me before, almost became her stepmother. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Do you understand?"

Qin Yu gave a thumbs up and said nothing.

that \'s great!

Ning Zhi handed her a glass of fruit juice. "Well, we should set an example for minors. Don\'t touch wine tonight..."

Su Nan nodded.

The side of the body suddenly sank, and Hai Ye sat beside her excitedly.

"Are you a regular here? We have never been to this box. It seems that it is not open to the public. Is it your exclusive box?"

Su Nan smiled. "Did your father know that you came here?"

Hai Ye cut, and his face sank immediately.

Very good. It was a great success to change the topic.

"He, his marriage is ruined. Now he\'s starting to think about me. It\'s better to let the fox spirit come in and clean him up..."

Su Nan winked, "you?"

She looked at it. From top to bottom, she could see that there was no way to get married!