After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1153

I heard what Wu Tutu said.

Lu Qi paused and smiled.

He lowered his coffee cup heavily.

"Do you think fuyechuan\'s methods will leave evidence frankly?

When the uncooked rice is cooked, Shang Qian will naturally have to go away. Whose heart doesn\'t respond?

It depends on whether the old Fu will be soft hearted! "

Fuyechuan\'s eyebrows twisted, and his face was unknowingly ugly.

Wu Tutu glanced at his face and lowered his voice:

"Miss Su is not a submissive person. Otherwise, she would not have divorced. Miss Leng has a good temper and her family background is not as good as the Lu family. Of course, she has many concerns.

Even if I promise to be with you now, I don\'t have to be sincere... "

The voice fell.

There was a strange silence in the air.

Wu Tutu poured a basin of cold water, and Lu Qi\'s face became not very good-looking.

He certainly knows why Leng Lin promised to come back to him.

Definitely not because of love

Because he helped Leng Fu\'s career back up. Because Leng Lin\'s grandmother was sick and couldn\'t live without his help

Leng Lin\'s pregnancy is just an introduction to the public.

According to her character, her determination will not be changed by a child.

It\'s just that time, place and people are in harmony. There\'s no reason why he can\'t be fulfilled!

However, when Wu Tutu suddenly opened the window paper, Lu Qi still thought it sounded too ugly.

Not from the heart?

He scratched his lips and gave a sneer.

"As long as people are here, it doesn\'t matter what they really are. Anyway, her heart will come back to me sooner or later."

Now, Wu Tutu has nothing to say.

Lu Qi\'s skin is thicker than the city wall, and his means are more annoying than hooligans!

Unfortunately, he dare not say.

I hope Mr. Fu can not be so unhappy!

Fortunately, Fu YeChuan\'s face had no reaction at all.

"Old fu..."

Lu Qi still wants to continue brainwashing him. Fuyechuan turns off the computer impatiently and stands up.

"I still have a liquor store. Shall we go together?"

Lu Qi: "with whom?"


"No, that man always introduces his daughter to me. His daughter is still under age. Thanks to his ability to say it!"

Lu Qi walked away impatiently.

Fuyechuan\'s face was cold with a sound, and then he took his clothes and went out.

Only Lu Qi and Wu Tutu were left in the office.

The two men looked at each other.

Lu Qi stood up speechless and took his clothes:

"I\'m gone, too. Come back."

Wu Tutu breathed a sigh of relief: "Mr. Lu, take your time..."

He is a conscientious matchmaker and will never put the woman in a weak position.


"Hear" bar.

Su Nan played all day. In the evening, Qin Yu called her over to drink.

Just before entering the box, a man sprang out of nowhere and held her wrist:

"Sister Su Nan, you are here too!"

Su Nan was startled. She was familiar with the sound. Looking back, she was HaiYe, the daughter of the boss of Xinhai group.

She paused, relieved.

"Is that you?"

She was so heavily made up that she almost didn\'t recognize her thick eye makeup.

Wearing exaggerated clothes with large reflective sequins, and bags of different shapes, they are also valuable.

It\'s just that she looks so pompous in this dress.

Does Sunan really doubt that children nowadays have no aesthetic ability?

But in order to protect the child\'s self-esteem, she won\'t say it.

"What a coincidence! I came to the party with some friends and saw you?"