After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1151

Did Shang Qian leave alone?

Su Nan immediately took out her mobile phone, but there was a note under it:

"Your good night dream is to wish me a pleasant journey. Good night, baby!"

Su Nan was stunned for a long time, and all kinds of sweet and sour tastes were in her heart.

She picked up her mobile phone and clicked on wechat. Shang Qian\'s name jumped out. It was a message he sent at 5:00 in the morning:

"I have got off the plane safely. Good morning."

Su Nan\'s mouth curved.

She immediately replied:

"Good morning, Mr. Shang!"


Shang Qian went back and forth, but Su Nan was very happy. She was happy all day and didn\'t go to the company. She carried her carefully selected gifts to the car for Qin Yu and Ning Zhi.

It\'s good to be her best friend!

Ning knows that on the set, Su Nan thinks about it and takes those ugly big brand bags and clothes to the car.

I really don\'t understand why Shang Qian\'s aesthetics have been good and bad for a while?


Ning knew that when he looked at those big brand bags being piled up at random, it was like dealing with cheap goods, and he immediately felt a tight heart.

I wish I could buy a big house and supply them!

"What are you doing? Showing off your wealth?"

Su Nan gave her a white look:

"Are you kidding? I\'m so rich that the whole world knows. I still need to show off my wealth?"

It\'s a disgrace to her character!

Su Nan pointed to the one on the copilot: "that\'s for you. Didn\'t I hear you mention this one before?"

Ning Zhi glanced at her and looked at her in shock.

Su Nan didn\'t have time to say more and pointed to the back:

"I can\'t fit these cloakrooms. I thought you might need them for filming here. I\'ll just leave them to you. Whatever you do..."

Ning knew: "your cloakroom is too big to hold?"

It was clear that she didn\'t want to see it in it.

I don\'t even want to see it.

Su Nan smiled, "please help me solve it..."

Ning knew that he was speechless, smiled, and called the prop group directly.

It is the first time for the props group to see so many brands piled up in the car.

Ning Zhi spoke aside:

"Please take all these back and use them as props. I remember that there were several scenes in the play where the female owner attended with a famous bag?

Basically, all the bags here can be used. Take them back. "

The teacher on the set shook his head in shock and looked at Ning Zhi:

"Mr. Ning, where did you buy the A-goods? How can it look more real than real? Can you give me the seller\'s contact information and we will choose him if necessary!"

Ning was stunned.

Su Nan came out from behind the car with a smile and shook her head.

"You have to buy these from the counters in Europe, because they are true."

The props group teacher was stunned when she saw Su Nan.

"Su... Miss Su!"

Su Nan smiled and nodded.

"These are all brought by Su Nan. Do you think it\'s necessary for Su Nan to buy fake goods? You still think it\'s a big brand with six or seven figures?"

Ning Zhi looked at him in silence.

The teacher of the props group felt his head.

"I\'m really sorry, but I haven\'t used real goods in the play, and no one uses real goods as props, so..."

Su Nan: "it doesn\'t matter. Move in quickly."

The teacher of the props group nodded quickly and carefully moved a pile of valuable things, just like holding a golden mountain and a silver mountain.