After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1150

Although Su Nan also feels a little uncomfortable, the producer of this film is Huaying entertainment. The box office is directly related to her income

Therefore, this little flaw that is not easy to detect should be ignored

Money matters!

Shang Qian glanced at her and nodded: "well, the subject matter is pretty good."

Force to hold the respect.

Su Nan agreed and nodded awkwardly.

It\'s already four o\'clock in the afternoon after watching the film.

Both of them were absentmindedly watching with each other.

In fact, I didn\'t see much of it.

Su Nan looked at her watch. "Are you really going to stay here for a few days?"

Shang Qian smiled. "Are you looking forward to my leaving? Or are you not willing to let me go?"

Su Nan: "...."

Do you have to be flirtatious all the time?

Shang Qian sighed:

"I can\'t help it if I don\'t want to. I have seven hours to go to m country first."

Hearing this, Su Nan felt refreshed.

"Go find Shang Yi?"

Shang Qian stroked his forehead and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, go and see how proud he is now."

As he said this, a message came from the intelligent housekeeper:

"Mr. Shang, there is a 1.81-meter male assistant outside the door with three strangers waiting for you to meet."

Su Nan looked at him and Shang Qian stood up.

"Just a moment. I\'ll be right there."

Su Nan nodded and watched him go and open the door himself.

Then, I heard the messy footsteps coming in.

"Mr. Shang, where do you put your things?"

Shang Qian: "put it at the door first."

Su Nan stood up and walked over to have a look.

The location of the door is full of beautiful things piled up by the packaging of major brands, and there is no place to go.

Su Nan stood there shocked and dumbfounded.

Everything was there, and the assistant said respectfully:

"When everything is ready, I\'ll send someone back first."

Shang Qian nodded, very satisfied.

He stretched out his hand and asked Su Nan to look over.

"Do you like it? These are the things on your list. Don\'t you really want them?"

Su Nan glanced.

Some of them look familiar. They are indeed the items on the list that I sent him at the beginning. However, what happened to the others?

She pointed to one of the dark green bags, her favorite Hermes. When did she produce such an ugly and indescribable bag?

"I didn\'t want this, did I?"

So he bought it wrong?

Shang Qian paused with a slight tick at the corner of his mouth:

"I want all the styles and colors you like, as well as the jewelry, diamonds, antique calligraphy and paintings I bought at the auction before..."

Su Nan frowned, "antique calligraphy and painting?"

Shang Qian nodded. "If you don\'t like it, give it to Su Dong. He must like it."

Su Nan: "...."

She understood that where did little Mike learn the habit of throwing money at gifts?

It\'s exactly like Shang Qian!

Shang Qian looked at her entanglement and smiled:

"If you really can\'t accept it, just choose what you like. I\'ll send it to you, and the others will be sent back..."

In any case, it is impossible to return goods in their capacity, especially those specially customized from Europe.

Su Nan nodded, "that\'s all we can do."

Originally, Su Nan intended to see Shang Qian on the plane in person, but Shang Qian\'s plane woke up Su Nan who was sleepy when the time came.

The next day.

Su Nan stretched and was sleepy.

Suddenly realize that the surrounding environment is strange and empty.

If she hadn\'t slept in Shang Qian\'s guest room, she would even think that Shang Qian\'s return was a dream for her!