After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1143

early morning.

Su Nan vaguely heard someone knocking at the door and other voices calling for her.

She thought it might be an illusion.

After all, nobody in the Su family would disturb her dream.

It must be an illusion!

As a result, there was a knock on the door. It seemed that there was a claw scratching the crack in the door.

Su Nan sat up and listened carefully. It was really not an illusion!

She walked barefoot on the stall, opened the door and saw suxiaohu fall in.

It is round like a fat piglet.

If the tiger skin were not too dazzling, it would be a piglet in tiger skin.

She wrung her eyebrows and stared at him angrily:

"Su Xiaohu, don\'t think you are cute, I will let you go..."

Suxiaohu rolls on the ground for two times, and Wei, wronged, bites Su Nan\'s nightdress.

"The most beautiful Ma Ma in the world was sent by your brother Su Jin to wake you up!"

Su Nan frowned. As soon as she looked up, she looked at Su Jin coming up with a glass of milk, drinking and looking at her:

"Finally, I got up. I thought you fainted..."

Su Nan stared at him. "I said I was on holiday today. Why did you call me so early?"

Su Jin raised his hand and looked at his watch.

"It\'s already ten o\'clock in the morning. It\'s not too early. Dad has come back from fishing twice..."

Su Nan: "...."

She looked at him and said nothing.

How can a man know what beauty sleep is?

Su Jin pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows. Her delicate eyebrows crossed a trace of helplessness:

"Well, let me show you downstairs. Someone stood at the door all night."

A daze flashed across Su Nan\'s face.

Then there was some stiffness.

She suddenly realized something and ran out with her feet raised.

But after a few steps, Su Jin carried him back.

She was puzzled.

Su Jin frowned at her:

"What are you doing in a hurry? After washing and changing clothes, you have been waiting all night. You don\'t care about this time."

Su Nan had no choice but to turn back and wash.

She was vaguely aware of who it was.

Thinking about what was wrong with her last night, she seemed to vent her negative energy to Shang Qian.

How could he suddenly appear at the door?

My heart was suddenly in a mess.

It is impossible for fuyechuan to stand outside all night, let alone stand there in the early morning after standing all night.

Only Shang Qian Association.

Thinking of this, Su Nan accelerated her washing.

He casually wore a lazy knitted dress and ran out.

In the living room.

Su Jin looked at her running figure, hissed lightly, and then touched Su Xiaohu\'s hair with a casual tone:

"Looks like it\'s serious this time?"

Suxiaohu rubbed his clothes: "but for the most qualified people in the world, fuyechuan is the most suitable."

Su Jin looked down at it:

"What do you know?"

Suxiaohu: "...."


Su Nan walked to the door. The housekeeper uncle was standing not far away, looking very nervous.

Looking at Su Nan, he breathed a sigh of relief and hurried over.

"Miss, President Shang has been standing at the door for a long time. Have you two quarreled?

The chairman asked him to come in. He didn\'t come in either. He said he was waiting for you outside. "

Su Nan pursed her lips and looked at the housekeeper:

"I\'ll go and tell him, uncle, you can do something!"


The housekeeper wiped his sweat and went in.

The closer she gets to that figure, the more she feels guilty