After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1142

Wen Yan.

Su Nan paused and remained silent.

She looked at the ground and sat there in silence.

Su Jin pursed his lips. "If you don\'t tell me, I\'ll ask Yu Lou. Where did you go today and who you met? You can always know who bullied you?"

Su Nan bit her lower lip and took a deep breath. Her voice was hoarse.

"Brother, I saw Leng Lin today."

Su Jin frowned.

Su Nan sniffed:

"It was Lu Qi\'s ex-wife. She had a good relationship with Fu Yanni, but she turned around and was with Lu Qi again. She was pregnant with Lu Qi\'s children and gave up her career."

Su Jin frowned and said nothing.

Su Nan paused and hesitated:

"That son of a bitch fuyechuan tried to insult me after drinking too much. I was scolded. I was in a bad mood."

Su Jin\'s eyes suddenly sank cold.

"Does he want to belittle you?"

Su Nan gritted her teeth, "but it\'s not too much. He doesn\'t dare to treat me. I\'m not Lenglin who is being manipulated. If you dare to touch my finger, I can\'t kill him!"

Su Jin\'s face was slightly cold. "Why didn\'t you say earlier that Fu YeChuan is really crazy.

You and Shang Qian have been together for so long. It is unexpected that he can endure it until now. "

Su Nan sniffed, "dog man, I just want to beat him!"

Su Jin looked at her with a cold voice:

"How do you want to take revenge? Tell me, brother. My sister is not Lu Qi\'s wimpy ex-wife. Even if she is caught dead, she will never make him feel better."

His tone was cold. His sister was angry. It would be strange for him to be indifferent!

Although no one dares to provoke Fu YeChuan, he is not afraid of the Su family.

Hearing Su Jin\'s words, Su Nan suddenly felt more relaxed.

She sighed with relief. "That\'s what I said."

He is worthy of being a brother and sister, and his words are exactly the same.

Su Jin hooked her lips. Seeing that she was relieved, she also relaxed.

"Just say no, we have to give him some color to see."

Su Nan looked at him and pursed her lips:

"Well, this time it will be a lesson. If people don\'t offend me, I won\'t offend them. Let\'s treat them as if they have a draught."

Su Jin saw that she was not in the mood to quarrel with fuyechuan, so she didn\'t speak.

The friendship between the two families is not deep, but it is generally tolerable. The divorce between him and Su Nan has already frozen the relationship. If we do it again, I\'m afraid some people will take advantage of the opportunity.

Su Nan took a deep breath and stood up.

"I\'m much better after roast. I\'m going back to bed, brother. I won\'t go to work tomorrow. I\'m going to take a vacation..."

Su Jin twitched the corners of his mouth and nodded happily.

"Here is a card for you. Do you want to prepare a private plane for you to go abroad to relax? Or go to see Shang Qian?"

He thought it would be best if someone comforted her.

Su Nan paused, glanced at him and left silently.

When she reached the door, she returned, stood in front of Su Jin and held out her hand.

"Forget the rest. Give me the card."

Anyway, no matter how much money she has, she can\'t afford it.

She has become a stepping stone on Shoufu road!

Su Jin took out a card from the drawer beside her in silence. Su Nan\'s face turned cloudy to sunny and suddenly smiled.

She smiled and said, "thank you, brother!"

With that, she simply left the study.

It seems that the mood is particularly sparse.

Su Jin: was she really upset just now?

Don\'t understand