After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1127

Su Nan hesitated for half a second, then looked at Yu Lou and said:

"Order more copies for everyone and send them to the crew. Everyone has a share!"

Everyone cheered with joy.

Michelin restaurant dessert, they can even eat?

Ning Zhi sighed aside. What a fool!

Until she left the crew, Su Nan didn\'t see the actresses in front of her. She thought she was deliberately avoiding them.

But it doesn\'t matter.

Anyway, Ning knew that she already had an idea in her heart, and left the rest to her.


Su Nan returned to her apartment at night, feeling a little tired.

She took a bath, put on her clothes and came out.

I just heard Shang Qian calling.

Su Nan paused and then picked up:

"Now your time difference is supposed to be two o\'clock in the morning. Haven\'t you taken a rest?"

Shang Qian smiled in a low voice, and his tone was also full of exhaustion:

"I\'ve just taken time out. I haven\'t heard your voice all day. I\'m afraid I can\'t rest well."

Su Nan blushed, and Shang Qian\'s frankness was overwhelming.

After a pause, she sat down on the sofa and spoke slowly:

"Mr. Shang, you have changed. You are different from Shang Qian I used to know!"

Shang Qian said softly, "do you like it? I will only become like this in front of the people I like. Can you adapt?"

Across the phone, she could feel that Shang Qian\'s eyes must be gently looking into the distance.

His heart still contained himself.

The feeling of being carried in my heart is really strange and indescribable.

Su Nan took a deep breath.

"Can adapt."

What she wants to say is that this kind of Shang Qian is more human than the Shang Qian she had known before.

This feeling is very good and warm.

Of course she can adapt.

Shang Qian was silent for a few seconds, and Su Nan\'s heart jumped wildly.

"Did everything go well there?"

"Well, it went well."

Shang Qian paused, his tone lighter:

"Su Nan, when this project is completed, I want to move the cause of country m to country Z. what do you think?"

Su Nan\'s heart jumped, and she accelerated involuntarily.

Not that she didn\'t understand what Shang Qian meant, but subconsciously, she asked:


The development of country m has always been far ahead. Although the development speed of country Z is not to be outdone, for the securities investment industry, such industries in country m have always stood at the top of the pyramid.

Everyone wants to get into Wall Street, but Shang Qian wants to get out?

"Because the prospect of country Z is very good, because I have found a lot of business opportunities..."

Shang Qian paused, and his voice suddenly sank, like a coax in a low and hoarse voice:

"Because you are here."

Su Nan\'s heart seemed to have missed a beat, and the whole person was slightly stiff.

She pursed her lips and suddenly did not know what to say.

Shang Qian didn\'t let the two of them go cold.

He continued to speak in a mute voice:

"When I return home, can I meet your family?"

After only a few days\' separation, Shang Qian thought he was very comfortable with himself.

But it was only a few days since I saw her. Every cell in his bones was crying about her.

Missing is like a crazy vine, winding around every inch of his skin.

It is as painful as scratching the heart and liver.

He knew he was trapped. He was worried that Su Nan was not trapped.

Waiting for the answer every minute and every second, he felt nervous and his blood seemed to coagulate.

The palms are sweating