After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1126

Ning knew that her eyelashes trembled slightly. After a while, she began to speak again. Her tone was slightly cool.

"Little five, don\'t tell the third brother about other things. He can\'t be distracted now."

"Then I saw you being bullied? Do you think it was an accident? If such things happen frequently in the future, do you have to endure them again and again?"

Su Nan is very angry.

Ning Zhi suddenly pulled her arm.

Look at her seriously.

"Xiao Wu, seriously, I won\'t let you do this because I have my own way."

Su Nan paused and stared blankly.

"What can you do?"

From the very beginning, her reaction was surprisingly calm, as if she had been bullied by others.

Because of this, Su Nan was even more worried.

Don\'t mention Su Qi\'s instructions. Even if she didn\'t, no one dared to bully her friend!

Ning Zhi smiled, with an imperceptible coldness in the corners of her mouth.

"After all, I have been in the market for so many years. How could I be bullied by oneortwo actors? There are many ways to retaliate, each of which is much better than your impulse.

For example, being rejected by the director when filming, such as the sudden exposure of one\'s own black material, is a good way to end the disaster.

You just block them. Their fans will feel aggrieved for them and even involve you. Why bother yourself? "

Su Nan\'s face softened slightly, but she gave her a reproachful look.

"Why didn\'t you say it earlier? If you had said it earlier, I wouldn\'t be so impulsive. I really thought you wanted to let them off because you couldn\'t bear the investment in the play."

Ning Zhi smiled and said: "you didn\'t give me a chance to explain. It\'s a block. Your domineering and decisive method comes down in one continuous line with the third brother!"

It is the most effective and direct means of capital to block people when they are not used to them.

How many bigwigs have used it.

But those big men who have no confidence have no face to say so!

Ning Zhi has been in this circle for a long time. Naturally, he knows that the capital team behind these actresses is not so simple. If they are blocked rashly, it will cause the dissatisfaction of those capital parties.

Although Su\'s group is not afraid, it knows that it can\'t hold Su\'s group on its back all the time.

She has her own way to solve the problem.

Slow but thorough.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief. As long as she knew better than to be so stupid and bullied.

"What\'s wrong with being domineering and decisive? Just work!"

She smiled and walked on, her mood suddenly brightened.

Ning Zhi followed her and took her arm. "Let\'s go and take you to dinner!"

"Have a big meal?"

Su Nan smiled. "Since Shang Qian went abroad, no one has invited me to a big meal!"

Ning knew it and gave her a glance. "It\'s a beautiful idea. The crew\'s one-day tour. Of course, the crew\'s boxed lunch can\'t be missed!"

Su Nan: "...."

absolutely unexpected.

Ning Zhi really brought her to eat the boxed lunch of the crew.

Fortunately, someone came to the scene with a box of lunch and directly delivered it to him.

One chicken leg, two vegetables, and rice.

What simple ingredients

Su Nan doesn\'t think the food is bad, but she really has no appetite.

After two mouthfuls of vegetarian food, Yu Lou just came to meet her.

Seeing this scene, he was a bit speechless.

Yu Lou points with his mobile phone and walks over:

"President Su, we have ordered dessert for you in Michelin restaurant..."

Su Nan picks her eyebrows. Just in time, she wants dessert!

It\'s just that there are so many people here. They don\'t like eating alone, do they?