After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1093

Yun Yun\'s eyelashes trembled slightly, and she was a little flustered.


Su Nan smiled and didn\'t give her a chance to explain. Her eyes moved to Shang Yi.

Tone frivolous: "or say, with a new backer, you have no scruples?"

Yun Yun\'s face turned pale. Before she could speak, Shang also immediately opened his mouth to clear his relationship:

"Oh... I misunderstood. I didn\'t know Miss Yun well. I had dinner only because of business contacts."

Shang Yiyi put aside his relationship, which made Yun Yun, the female companion, feel very embarrassed.

Su Nan hooked her lips, and Shang also looked at Su Nan with a smile:

"Miss Su, whenever you get tired of playing with my big nephew, come to me at any time. I\'d like to go out with you."

Su Nan smiled slightly.

I rolled my eyes in my heart.

"Mr. Shang is joking. You can\'t line up."

Shang also raised his eyebrows, said nothing, and then turned sideways to the position in the corridor.

Yun Yun stood there awkwardly and rigidly. It wasn\'t going forward or backward.

She looked at sun Haoyang opposite Su Nan. If it weren\'t for her, would sun Haoyang have good luck to climb the Su group?

But what about her?

How did you become a rat that everyone shouted to beat?

She tried to show her weakness, but she couldn\'t.

Su Nan turned away without looking at her, and looked calmly at sun Haoyang opposite:

"Order some food. People who don\'t like it don\'t have any appetite. Just eat as you like."

SUN Hao Yang nodded and waved to the waiter.

If the pestle is there, Yun Yun is too blind.

She can\'t tell. Is Su Nan sarcastic about herself?

She turned with an ugly face and went in the direction of Shang Yi.

Su Nan looked at their backs and thought deeply.

She took out her mobile phone and found the wechat of HaiYe, the daughter of Xinhai group, who rejected yunyun as a stepmother and sent her the video.

She was impressed.

"Yun Yun\'s engagement with your father has been dissolved?"

She asked directly.

Hai Ye replied: "no, the fox spirit stinks in the street. My father is still a baby, and he is so confused."

Su Nan moved her eyes and sent her a position:

"Your future stepmother has a good show. Come quickly."

Hai Ye jumped up excitedly and pulled the boss of Xinhai group out of the door.

"It\'s just a meal. Are you pushing and blocking? Are you not going to eat with me in your life except that fox spirit?"

The boss of Xinhai group, who was just about to refuse, followed his daughter out of the door speechless.


Seeing the food on the table, Su Nan\'s face smiled with the naked eye.

Sunhao and Yang were not sure, "Miss Su, is the food OK?"

Su Nan glanced at the simple dishes, but they were exquisite and looked good.

"Not bad. Eat."

SUN Hao Yang nodded and began to eat.

After the meal, the waiter came up to clean up and served dessert and fruit.

Sunhaoyang didn\'t know that Su Nan\'s time was so precious that he would waste it with him.

But if she doesn\'t go, he won\'t be able to leave.

Just chatting with each other.

From this position, you can easily see the semi concealed box immediately.

The waiter took a bag and ran in twice


At the door came two angry people.

Su Nan is completely refreshed.

The daughter of Xinhai group came running with an old man.

"Where\'s the fox spirit, Yun Yun?"

She grabbed a waiter and asked.

The waiter was stunned and pointed to the semi hidden box inside