After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1092

Su Nan told him directly without beating around the bush.

After all, such a big endorsement of Su\'s group will not take the risk to hold up a tainted artist who may implicate them.

Their best efforts depend on sun Haoyang\'s own luck.

SUN Hao nodded, as if to be expected.

Su Nan\'s wechat sounded. When he opened it, it was Shang Qian:

"I ordered lunch for you and sent it to the company. Remember to taste it..."

Su Nan: "...."

She then sent: "I have a friend out to eat."

Then she sent a picture of the restaurant.

Shang Qian: "men and women?"

By the way, he made an angry expression.

Sunan: "of course it\'s a man."

Shang Qian made a tearful expression.

A naive man.

Su Nan could not help bending her lips.

At this moment, I suddenly heard an annoying voice coming from the door.

"Ouch, isn\'t this Miss Su? It was fate that made us meet..."

Su Nan smiled and looked coldly along the voice.

Shang Yi came over with his hands in his pockets, and followed by an old acquaintance, Yun Yun, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Su Nan raised her eyebrows. "Mr. Shang? I haven\'t had time to congratulate you on regaining your freedom!"

Shang Yi\'s face turned a little ugly.

His being locked up is a lifelong disgrace.

I feel sick when I think of it.

He looked at her coldly and hissed coldly.

"Thank you very much. My great nephew has been chasing you for so long. I didn\'t expect Miss Su to still have dinner with other men here. I don\'t know how he would feel if he knew about it."

Su Nan glanced and smiled calmly.

"It\'s my freedom who I eat with."

Yun Yun, who has been holding back her silence, could not help but say:

"Miss Su is rich and powerful. She is so rich that she might want to have dinner with the president of M country.

It\'s just that I can\'t take off the green hat on Mr. Shang Qian\'s head...... "

She sneered, not satisfied.

Suddenly, a glass of cold water splashed on her face.

Her sarcastic voice stopped abruptly.

One side of the business also quickly backed away.

Not a drop of water touched him.

Yun Yun stood there in shock, pale.

Suddenly there was a creepy feeling growing up in my chest.

Su Nan sat there, smiling coldly:

"You haven\'t learned a lesson from the last incident. It seems that your father didn\'t teach you a lesson?"

Yun Yun\'s lips turned white and trembled.

It suddenly occurred to me how I spent that time.

The old man, who was finally recovered, certainly loved his daughter.

But after she provoked Su Nan, the old man\'s attitude towards her was much worse than before.

During this period of time, she stayed at home honestly, learned cooking and did housework, and then slowly coaxed him back to his heart.

Dare not think, if one time, will she be kicked out directly?

It was only in this scene that Su Nan, who was bright and lofty, obviously stimulated her, and she would make sarcastic remarks.

Look at yourself. The water drops are still coming down from your head. Your chest is wet.

This dress is still new. It costs more than a hundred thousand yuan, but it can\'t compare with the millions of bags Su Nan has.

Her heart was full of resentment and unspeakable jealousy, but she looked at Su Nan\'s aura.

She also knows that she is qualified to fight against her?

Su Nan can make her life miserable again by moving her fingers.