After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1086

"These two days, I accidentally turned to the previous photos.

Shang Yi\'s mother was 30 years younger than her grandfather. Shortly after she married her grandfather, she passed away after giving birth to Shang. I should have never seen her before, and I wouldn\'t have any impression. "

Su Nan asked, "do you suspect that Shang Yi\'s mother gave birth to Shang Yi, not your grandfather\'s child?"

Shang Qian nodded, and a thin shadow fell between his eyebrows and eyes.

"My mother..." he paused and continued:

"I left a lot of photos in my life. I seem to have seen the photos of my father when he was young in her photos, in which there are photos of him and others.

Shang Yi\'s mother seems to be among them. "

As soon as Shang Qian\'s voice fell, Su Nan\'s heart formed a shocked guess.

Her face changed slightly.

"Do you mean that your father may have something to do with Shang Yi\'s mother, your nominal grandmother?"

very long.

Shang Qian nodded.

His face was dignified and not good-looking.

Although he had never seen Shang Yi\'s mother, the picture of the woman was always placed in the shop. It was pure and beautiful, which impressed people at first sight.

At that time, Shang Qian did not care much about the woman\'s appearance, nor did he connect with the women in the photos collected by his mother.

Just now, turning over the old photos, he looked at the strange woman, and suddenly a shocked idea came out.

And it seems that there are traces to follow.

Su Nan took a deep breath.

What kind of dog blood script is this?

In terms of time, Shang Yi\'s mother was several years younger than Shang Qian\'s father.

She is more than enough to marry a business group, but why would she marry an old man 30 years older than her?

If Shang is also the biological son of Shang Qun, the news seems not surprising.

Su Nan thought and could not help saying his own thoughts:

"No wonder Shang Qun is so obsessed with Shang. If it is his own son and the son of himself and his first lover, then it all makes sense."

Shang Qun\'s preference and unconditional trust in Shang Yi may be based on the fact that he knows that Shang is also his son.

Therefore, the indifference of business groups to business groups may be the answer.

How can a bastard who is not what he wants get the same treatment as the son of his first love?

However, she did not say anything about the speculation behind it.

But Shang Qian had already guessed.

Shang Qun was always on guard against him.

But he is also enthusiastic and patient about business.

A eldest brother, even if he loves his younger brother, shouldn\'t he surpass his son?

Unless that person is his own son.

Su Nan looked at him with burning eyes. "Shang Qian, do you have any plans?"

Silence for a few seconds.

Shang Qian said slowly, "there is no evidence. Everything is speculation. I will investigate it and make arrangements at that time."

He must be 100% sure.

Su Nan\'s eyebrow picking is really his style.

"But even if it\'s true, it\'s just a scandal. Shouldn\'t there be any loss to the business?

Although the inheritance right of the business is in the hands of the business group, the power is in the hands of the business group. I don\'t quite understand. What exactly is the result you want? "

Only when she has a goal in general can she know what Shang Qian wants to do next.

Shang Qian looked up at her, and the corners of his lips bent slightly.

"So concerned about me?"

Su Nan glanced at him and muttered, "if you don\'t want to say it, it\'s ok..."