After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1085

Su Nan looked up. Shang Qian had come over with a warm smile on his face. When he looked at her, he was warm and nostalgic.

Qin Yu started to talk. Unexpectedly, he came so unexpectedly?

"Private, Mr. Shang!"

Shang Qian nodded, took out his card and handed it to the massage store manager.

"Yes, you should always call me for such things in the future."

Qin Yu\'s smile froze.

Su Nan\'s smile deepened and did not stop him:

"Then you have to work hard, Mr. Shang!"

Shang Qian nodded solemnly, and Qingjun\'s face was full of joy:

"Don\'t worry. I\'ll take care of the settlement later."

This is something he can\'t wait for.

After swiping the card, the store manager took it back to Shang Qian. "A total of 2.47 million yuan was spent. Dear guests, welcome to visit next time."

Su Nan nodded. After all, she used two bottles of sky high price essential oil. This number was expected.

Qin Yu was stunned.

It\'s not that I can\'t afford it, but the amount is really surprising.

Shang Qian was more calm, as if he hadn\'t spent his money. He casually took it and stuffed it into Su Nan\'s bag:

"What would you like to eat?"

Su Nan didn\'t see his little move, so she bowed her head and replied to Yu Lou\'s message:

"There\'s a new Singapore store downstairs. Let\'s go and have a look?"

Qin Yu had no comment. Now she suddenly felt hungry.

Shang Qian went to take her bag, then took her arm and walked forward without delaying her reply.

The thoughtfulness can be seen from the details.

On the table.

Qin Yu sat inside and Su Nan sat outside, facing Shang Qian.

During the meal, the two people exchanged eyes from time to time, looked at each other, and then smiled.

Qin Yu, a man who has experienced many battles in the love field, was a little helpless.

Are these two fresh graduates?

She sat there with a huge electric bulb and began to feel restless.

When he returned, Qin Yu waved and hurried away.

It would be too painful to leave with them again.

On the car.

Shang Qian looked out of the window with deep eyes.

"A lot of people today?"

Su Nan smiled. "Yes, a group of fools. Do you think I will know the whereabouts of Shang Yi?"

Shang Qian reached out and held her hand:

"Don\'t worry, my men are protecting you."

Su Nan raised her eyebrows. Of course, she knew that she followed several people and divided them into several groups.

But for her, she was not worried.

"When are you going to have a showdown?"

Shang Qian\'s eyes flashed, and the smile on his lips was slightly restrained.

"I just wanted to shut it up for a few days, but..."

His eyes sank slightly: "I seem to know a secret, just want to see if it is true?"

Su Nan was surprised: "what\'s the secret?"

Shang Qian looked at her and pondered for a few seconds. Without any concealment, he said:

"I suspect that Shang is not my uncle at all, let alone my father\'s brother."

In a word, the shock on Su Nan\'s face was beyond description.

"Don\'t businessmen know their own blood..."

She couldn\'t help but be shocked. The rich and powerful families attached great importance to the purity of blood.

If there is a problem with the origin of the business, how can it become the darling of the whole business and the rightful successor?

Even Shang Qian, who was born out of wedlock, was not really recognized by the family.

Shang Qian pursed his lips, his eyes faltered, looking at the light and shadow passing by, and a trace of gloom flashed between his eyebrows and eyes.