After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1082

Fuyechuan was wheeled out by doctors of various disciplines. His face was covered with a thick layer of medicine, his forehead was wrapped with gauze, and even his arm was bandaged

Come in well. Do you want to go out in a wheelchair?

Lu Qi was startled.

Fuyechuan, is it too much?

Let him have an examination, but he didn\'t find a terminal disease!

Before he opened his mouth, the little nurse nearby whispered:

"Isn\'t this Miss Su who just came here? Is that her boyfriend next to her?"

"Yes, they seem to love each other. Her boyfriend was hurt a little. Miss Su was so distressed that she almost cried outside..."

"Two people are a good match. Her boyfriend is so handsome. I really envy him!"


Lu Qi\'s face changed. It was too late to stop him.

The rest of fuyechuan\'s face, which had not been painted with medicine, became livid and ugly.

He stood up abruptly and tore off the bandage on his hand and the gauze on his forehead.

Then he walked out with great strides.

He was too lazy to pretend to be poor.

What a joke!

The doctor behind him: "...."

Just now I had to ask them to deal with him seriously!

The muscles and bones are slightly worn. Bandage them!

Head bruises, wrapped in gauze!


Lu Qi hurriedly struggled out of the massage chair and got up to chase him out:

"Old fu..."

Before leaving, he looked back to see the doctor.

The doctor speaks immediately:

"Fu always suffers from skin injury. This is ointment. It works three times a day."

Lu Qi nodded gratefully and chased out with the ointment.

"Old fu..."

He doesn\'t dare to let fuyechuan drive. He hasn\'t lived enough!

He was dragged down from the driver\'s seat and climbed up by himself.

"The future is long. Shang Qian is still proud. We have plenty of methods. Why should we be angry?"

Lu Qi started the car steadily and exhaled.

Fuyechuan, sitting in the back, looked at the scenery passing through the window in silence.

long time.

He said, "have you ever thought of giving up?"

Lu Qi\'s voice was dry and hoarse, and his expression was complicated for a moment.

He doesn\'t know how to answer?

"No, old Fu, I understand your mood, but... I am responsible for finding the person I lost."

His face was solemn.

Indeed, when he learned that Lenglin and fuyanni were together, his whole world collapsed.

He was unwilling but helpless.

It seems that everything you do is wrong.

It seems that the most wronged person in the world is himself.

But think about it, why?

It was he who challenged the bottom line of marriage time and time again, forcing her to a dead end.

Leng Lin, who was so gentle and kind, also grew up under the care of her family, but he watched her family go to a dead end.

That was the last straw that crushed the camel.

It\'s irretrievable.

He forgot that their marriage was based on the interests of both parties. Since they could not supply each other and lost the balance of interests, there was no possibility of further involvement.

Of course, he did not leave anything in his marriage that was worth her nostalgia.

It is naturally a very difficult thing to recover.

Fuyechuan closed his eyes and wondered whether he was really asleep or not.

There was a slight weariness in the eyebrows.

After Lu Qi answered, the car fell into silence again.

The blue veins on fuyechuan\'s forehead bulge, trying to suppress his emotional leakage.

The person he lost seems to be... Lost.