After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1083

The next day.

Soxhlet group.

9 o\'clock.

Su Nan returned to the office after the meeting.

Yu Lou followed him and stopped talking.

Su Nan smiled and said, "if you have anything to say."

Yu Lou: "the business director came to Z, and there was a lot of noise. It seems that he used a lot of contacts to find Shang Yi. Many people came to see me and asked me if I knew Shang Yi\'s whereabouts..."

Su Nan was silent for a few seconds and smiled.

"It seems that the business group has a great face to enable the celebrities in city a to mobilize their own network resources."

"Fu\'s group is also quietly looking for people."

Yu Lou looked at her, thought for a moment, and said:

"If Fu and the merchants unite, we have to guard against it."

Su Nan\'s eyes sank.

Maybe it\'s just because the enemy of the enemy is a friend?

Although Fourier group has been involved in a wide range of fields in recent years, its key investments are all in the new technology industry chain.

However, although the businesses have a huge root system, they started with virtual assets. In country m, they are people who play with money. The foam economy is broken when they are poked.

Two different ways.

How can fuyechuan cooperate with businessmen?

She took the pen in her hand and gently knocked it on the table twice, making a clear sound.

"The arrival of the business group will certainly lead to some relationships among the merchants. Go and ask carefully what role the business group plays in the merchants?

I want the most detailed information. "

Although she had generally known it, she always felt that the truth in front of her was covered with fog.

She was almost able to see.

Yu Lou frowned, but nodded.

Su Nan\'s defense is not the joint efforts of Fu\'s group and merchants.

She should be wary of the merchants mixing up the water in the circle.

Many people are looking for Shang Yi\'s whereabouts, and even the police have been called out.

But the result of the search was nothing.

As time goes by, it seems to be torturing some people\'s suffering psychology.

Shang Qian worked as usual, made appointments, picked her up from work, ate and watched movies together.

He never revealed anything about Shang Yi.

Su Nan didn\'t want to ask.

that day.

Qin Yu asked her to go shopping. When they walked around the mall, they could feel that someone was following her.

Besides, there are more than two people.

Qin Yu was about to stop talking. Su Nan smiled and pretended not to know anything.

She happened to be standing at the door of a beauty salon. Su Nan was tired and pulled her in.

"Do a spa and go back?"

Qin Yu was surprised. "Are you still in the mood?"

Su Nan: "I make money just to enjoy it?"

Qin Yu: that makes sense

Having had a bad experience when yunyun said bad things about her last time, Su Nan was very aggressive and let people clean up. The people upstairs and downstairs left in less than ten minutes.

The people in the shop only serve the two of them.

The light outside could not shake through the thick curtains.

The fragrance inside is quiet and serene, making people completely relax.

Su Nan is too tired these days. Su Jin is busy on her honeymoon. Most of the company\'s affairs are inclined to her.

No way, before he got married, she had to bite her teeth and carry it.

After all, Su Jin got married this time, and the whole family had to give in.

The masseuse came in with two bottles of essential oil, without any brand mark, but it was expensive at first sight.

"Miss Su, Miss Qin, this is a new product from the headquarters. It is only available to our private VVIP. Our store only has these two bottles. Do you want to try it?"